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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Sedimentology and Reservoir Architecture of a Synrift Lacustrine Delta, Southeastern Mongolia
Cari L. Johnson, Stephan A. Graham
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Cretaceous and early Tertiary: reconstruction of ancient saline lakes using sedimentological, paleoecological and stable isotope records...
Sedimentary evolution of a Late Triassic salt giant and a synchronous carbonate unit between the Peruvian Andean Cordillera and the Brazilian Amazonian foreland
Emilio Carrillo, Roberto Barragán, Christian Hurtado, Ysabel Calderón, Germán Martín, Elizabeth Mariño, Luis Sarmiento, Ariana Rivera, Yaniel Misael Vázquez-Taset, Lluís Fontboté, and Silvia Rosas
AAPG Bulletin
... poorly understood in terms of sequence stratigraphy, tectonic control, and related natural resources. To improve the knowledge of these systems...
Review of Geological Storage Opportunities for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Victoria
C. M. Gibson-Poole, S. Edwards, R. P. Langford, B. Vakarelov
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... economic feasibility, as the greater the depth to the injection target the larger the associated costs of drilling. The stratigraphy of each area...
Paleomagnetic Evidence for Microplate Tectonic Development of Southern and Baja California: Chapter 13: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
Steve P. Lund, David J. Bottjer
AAPG Special Volumes
..., southwest Oregon: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 285 p. Bourgeois, J., and R. H. Dott, Jr., 1985, Stratigraphy...
Petroleum evolution within the Tarim Basin, northwestern China: Insights from organic geochemistry, fluid inclusions, and rhenium–osmium geochronology of the Halahatang oil field
Xiang Ge, Chuanbo Shen, David Selby, Martin Feely, and Guangyou Zhu
AAPG Bulletin
...:10.1016/0016-7037(80)90173-8. Cooley, M. A., R. A. Price, T. K. Kyser, and J. M. Dixon, 2011, Stable-isotope geochemistry of syntectonic veins...
Global Climate Change Depends on More than Combustion of Fossil Fuels
Douglas Carlson
GCAGS Transactions
..., A. Landais, H. Montoyama, and B. Stenni, 2012, Ranges of moisture-source temperature estimated from Antarctic ice cores stable isotope records over...
Diagenesis of the Upper Permian Jiantianba Reef, West Hubei, China
Huaibo Liu , J. Keith Rigby
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... water. Oxygen and carbon stable isotope compositions (13C = + 1.8 to + 4.19 PDB; 18O = -5.37 to -8.76 PDB) of cements and dolomites of the reef...
Igneous intrusion drives in-reservoir oil thermal cracking: A case from the Subei Basin, eastern China
Ao Su, Honghan Chen, Yue-xing Feng, Jian-xin Zhao, and Qiang Liu
AAPG Bulletin
...). Carbonate Carbon-Oxygen Stable and Clumped Isotope Analyses Approximately 40 mg of powder was extracted from a single fracture sealed by calcites...
Hydrocarbon accumulation processes and mechanisms in Lower Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs in the Kuqa subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwest China: A case study of the Dibei tight gas field
Xiongqi Pang, Junwen Peng, Zhenxue Jiang, Haijun Yang, Pengwei Wang, Fujie Jiang, and Ke Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... fluorescence (TSF). In addition, porosity and permeability measurements for 109 core samples, gas stable carbon isotope ratios and hydrocarbon...
Vertebrate taphonomy, paleontology, sedimentology, and palynology of a fossiliferous Late Devonian fluvial succession, Catskill Formation, northcentral Pennsylvania, USA
David R. Broussard, Cayla J. Treaster, Jeffrey M. Trop, Edward B. Daeschler, Pierre A. Zippi, Matthew B. Vrazo, Michael C. Rygel
... Formation–Lock Haven Formation transition) and companion stable isotope analyses (e.g., Goedert et al. 2018; Carpenter et al. 2015). Integration of Catskill...
Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria
Katrin Heindel, Daniel Birgel, Jörn Peckmann, Henning Kuhnert, Hildegard Westphal
... deviation for element:Ca ratios based on repeated analyses of the NIST610 and NIST612 standards was 3%–5%. Stable Isotope Ratios of Calcium Carbonate...
Volcanic effects on microplankton during the Permian Triassic Transition (Shangsi and Xinmin, South China)
Jun Shen, Yong Lei, Thomas J. Algeo, Qinglai Feng, Thomas Servais, Jianxin Yu, Lian Zhou
... patterns across the southern California Current: Deep-Sea Research I, v. 42, p. 191–231. KORTE, C., and KOZUR, H.W., 2010, Carbon-isotope stratigraphy...
Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Birds Head, West Papua, Indonesia
John Decker, Steven C. Bergman, Philip A. Teas, Peter Baillie, Daniel L. Orange
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with mobile belts, deformed zones, and fault zones, the stratigraphy of the central Bird’s Head is only weekly deformed. Fraser (1993) called this stable...
Laboratory Study of the Effects of Steam-Condensate Flooding in the Clearwater Formation: High Temperature Flow Experiments
John S. Kirk, Gordon W. Bird, Fred J. Longstaffe
CSPG Bulletin
... 1977. Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest. In: Fleischer, M. (Ed.), Data of geochemistry, Washington, United...
Sedimentology, facies architecture, and sequence stratigraphy of a Mississippian black mudstone succession—The upper member of the Bakken Formation, North Dakota, United States
D. Borcovsky, S. Egenhoff, N. Fishman, J. Maletz, A. Boehlke, and H. Lowers
AAPG Bulletin
... and stable isotope geochemistry: Palaios, v. 26, no. 3, p. 180–186, doi:10.2110/palo.2010.p10-059r. Ormiston, A. R., 1993, The association of radiolarians...
Working toward a Stable Stratigraphic Reference Framework for Oligo-Miocene Fluvial Sequences in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Chemostratigraphic Characterization and Correlation of the Hemlock, Starichkof and Tyonek Formations, #50217 (2009)
Ken Ratcliffe, Amelia Wright, Meg Kremer, Michael C. Dix, Simon Hughes, Tim Reed and Tavia Jackson
Search and Discovery.com
...Working toward a Stable Stratigraphic Reference Framework for Oligo-Miocene Fluvial Sequences in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Chemostratigraphic...
Biotic and Abiotic Influence on the Stratigraphic Architecture and Diagenesis of Middle to Upper Paleozoic Carbonates of the Bolshoi Karatau Mountains, Kazakhstan and the Southern Urals, Russia
William G. Zempolich, Harry E. Cook, Viacheslav G. Zhemchuzhnikov, Valentina Zhaimina, Andrey Ye. Zorin, Vasilia M. Buvtyshkin, Elena A. Kotova, Lyudmila Ya. Golub, Antonio Giovannelli, Maurizio Viaggi, Patrick J. Lehmann, Nick Fretwell
Special Publications of SEPM
... at the University of Michigan Stable Isotope Laboratory under the direction of Dr. K.C Lohmann. Isotopic analyses were made using an automated Kiel reaction...
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Interpretation of Upper Miocene - Pliocene Lithofacies and Macrobiota of the Etchegoin Group, Jacalitos Canyon, San Joaquin Valley, California
Karen B. Loomis
Pacific Section SEPM
... transgress ive. Strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses of oyster fragments that I collected from the lower to m i d d l e part of the E t c h e g o i n...
Grain-Size Controls on Planform Morphology and Stratigraphy of River-Dominated Deltas; #50851 (2013)
Alex Burpee, Rudy Slingerland, Doug Edmonds, Jim Best, Dan Parsons, Rebecca Caldwell, Jim Cederberg, Andrew McGuffin, Austin Nijhuis, and Sarah Prozeller
Search and Discovery.com
...Grain-Size Controls on Planform Morphology and Stratigraphy of River-Dominated Deltas; #50851 (2013) Alex Burpee, Rudy Slingerland, Doug Edmonds, Jim...
Isotopic and Petrographic Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis in Nonmarine Sandstones, Green River Basin, Wyoming
Warren W. Dickinson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1521, 54 p. HOEFS, J., 1980, Stable isotope geochemistry (2nd ed.): New York, Springer-Verlag, 208 p. KEITH, M. L., AND WEBER...
Structure and Spreading History of the Northwestern Atlantic Region from the Scotian Shelf to Baffin Bay
J.R.H. McWhae
CSPG Special Publications
... Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 6, 1980, p. 951-973. Mayr, V., 1978. Stratigraphy and correlations of Lower Paleozoic formations, subsurface...
A Reinterpretation of the Jelm and Popo Agie Formations (Triassic, Wyoming) as a Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) and the Role of the Accommodation/Sedimentation Ratio in DFS Deposition
Max E. Deckman, David M. Lovelace, Steven M. Holland
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... by micromorphology and stable isotope composition — a case study of a Quaternary paleosol from Hungary: Geochemistry, v. 66, p. 203–212. Batezelli, A., Ladeira...
High-resolution stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) Eagle Ford Group, Central Texas
Michael D. Fairbanks, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Harry Rowe
AAPG Bulletin
.... Phelps, R. M., 2011, Middle-Hauterivian to Lower-Campanian sequence stratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry of the Comanche platform, South...
ABSTRACT: Origin of Dolomites in a Downslope Biostrome, Jefferson Formation (Frasnian), Central Idaho: Evidence From REE Patterns, Stable Isotopes, and Petrography, by S. L. Dorobek; #91040 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Predicting Reservoir Quality at the Development Scale: Methods for Quantifying Remaining Hydrocarbon Resource in Diagenetically Complex Carbonate Reservoirs
R.P. Major, Mark H. Holtz
AAPG Special Volumes
... stable isotope data reported relative to the PDB standard. End_Page 238------------------------ facies (S.C. Ruppel, 1995, personal communication...