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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
A Conceptual Model of Ice Shelf Sedimentation; #120180 (2015)
M. W. Mayerle, R. D. Powell
Search and Discovery.com
... the formation of a stable floating terminus under certain conditions, called an ice shelf. Introduction Sedimentation beneath polar ice shelves...
Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Apulian Carbonate Platform - Ionian Basin System (Late Cretaceous, Albania); #11120 (2018)
J. Le Goff, T. Cavailhes, A. Slootman, J. Jaballah, J. Reijmer
Search and Discovery.com
...Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Apulian Carbonate Platform - Ionian Basin System (Late Cretaceous, Albania); #11120 (2018) J. Le Goff...
Geomorphology of the Lynndyl Dunes, West-Central Utah
Dorothy Sack
Utah Geological Association
... field, (2) active, semi-active, and stable dune areas, and (3) subareas of active and stable dunes, distinguished on the basis of eolian form. The spatial...
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tertiary Sediments, Offshore Sarawak Deepwater Area, Malaysia
Abdul Manaf Mohammad, Robert H. F. Wong
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tertiary Sediments, Offshore Sarawak Deepwater Area, Malaysia Abdul Manaf Mohammad, Robert H. F. Wong AAPG Ill...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Delineation of the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), Paradox Basin and Aneth Field, Southwestern USA
L. James Weber, J. F. (Rick) Sarg, Frank M. Wright
Special Publications of SEPM
...Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Delineation of the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), Paradox Basin and Aneth Field, Southwestern USA L. James...
Ozona sandstone, Val Verde Basin, Texas: Synorogenic stratigraphy and depositional history in a Permian foredeep basin
H. Scott Hamlin
AAPG Bulletin
...Ozona sandstone, Val Verde Basin, Texas: Synorogenic stratigraphy and depositional history in a Permian foredeep basin H. Scott Hamlin 2009 573 594...
Milking the Goat: Revised Reservoir Characterisation of the Åre Formation, Heidrun Field, Offshore Mid-Norway
Camilla Thrana, Mali Brekken, Arve Næss, Simon Leary, and Stuart Gowland
Search and Discovery.com
... bearing facies can be made. The implementation of the new reservoir zonation was completed in 2007. All the 90 wells with Åre Formation stratigraphy...
Subsurface Structure and Stratigraphy of a Transient, Fault-Controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at MC-118, Gulf of Mexico, #50356 (2010)
James H. Knapp, Camelia C. Knapp, Leonardo Macelloni, Antonello Simonetti, Carol Lutken
Search and Discovery.com
...Subsurface Structure and Stratigraphy of a Transient, Fault-Controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at MC-118, Gulf of Mexico, #50356 (2010) James H...
Speculative Pre-Tertiary Petroleum Systems and Play Types of Myanmar, #30516 (2017).
Lynn Myint
Search and Discovery.com
... used to decipher tectono-stratigraphy, paleogeography, sedimentation processes and petroleum geological evaluation to define petroleum systems...
Sequence Stratigraphy in the Mid-Continent: A Historical Review
Bailey Rascoe Jr.
Tulsa Geological Society
...Sequence Stratigraphy in the Mid-Continent: A Historical Review Bailey Rascoe Jr. 1995 18 30 In 1977 the American Association of Petroleum...
Devonian Regional Statigraphy in North Central Utah
James E. Brooks
Utah Geological Association
.... E. and Andrichuk, J. M., 1953, “Regional Stratigraphy of the Devonian System in Northeastern Utah, South-Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming...
Tectonic History of the Uinta Basin, Utah
John C. Osmond
Utah Geological Association
... stratigraphy of central and northwestern Colorado, in Symposium on lower and middle Paleozoic rocks of Colorado, Twelfth Field Conf., 1961: Rocky Mtn...
Front matter: Organic Geochemistry Atlas of Colombia
ANH, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, RA Geologia E.U., GEMS Ltda.
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...: Crossplots of gas molecular composition and stable carbon isotopes of methane, ethane and propane were made in order to establish the origin...
Michael R. McWilliams
Lafayette Geological Society
...-------------------------- STRATIGRAPHY The oldest sediments encountered to date in the field are Middle to Lower Hackberry age shales (Zone 5). Above these shales...
The Permian Basin: A Brief Overview
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
... of the Guadalupian (Late Permian) time water depths exceeded 500m. Permian Basin stratigraphy has been substantially influenced by sea-level changes...
Biostratigraphy and Correlation: Problems in Marginal Basins
Gregg H. Blake
Pacific Section SEPM
... will be on biotic correlations, however, radiochronology, magnetostratigraphy and stable-isotopic stratigraphy will also be briefly discussed...
Geology and Oil and Gas Prospects of Australia: Abstract
Grover E. Murray
Tulsa Geological Society
... Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. The island continent is one of the most stable cratonic regions of the world. No major orogeny has affected...
Geology of Outstanding Arctic Aerial Photographs: 2. Schei Summit Area, Central Ellesmere Island: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
J. Wm. Kerr
CSPG Bulletin
.... 3-27. Kerr, J. Wm., 1967a, Stratigraphy of central and eastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada -- Pt. 1, Proterozoic and Cambrian: Geol. Surv. Canada...
Abstract: An overview of Meguma gold deposits in the Meguma Terrane of southern Nova Scotia: geology, geochronology, isotopes, fluid inclusions and geofantasy
D. J. Kontak, P. K. Smith
Atlantic Geology
...) and overlying shale-dominant (Halifax Formation) stratigraphy, is host to numerous gold deposits. The Meguma Group was deformed (generally upright, open...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geochemical Modeling of Regional Hydrochemical Evolution in the Wilcox Aquifer of Missouri and Arkansas
Estifanos Haile and Alan E. Fryar
GCAGS Transactions
.... 343-352. Chapelle, F. H., and L. L. Knobel, 1985, Stable carbon isotopes of HCO3- in the Aquia aquifer, Maryland: Evidence for an isotopically heavy...
Patterns of Stratigraphic Cyclicity
John C. Tipper
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND DRISCOLL, N.W., 1995, Sequence stratigraphy: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 23, p. 451-478. CULLING, W.E.H., 1957, Multicyclic streams...
Abstract: The “Buckyball Effect”: Framework Grain Stabilization and Secondary Porosity Preservation in the Cambrian Galesville Sandstone; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Contrasting Upper Devonian Foreslopes of the Canning Basin: Examples From Retrograding Frasnian and Prograding Famennian Platform Flanks; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com