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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,362 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Deep-Burial Brecciation in the Devonian Upper Elk Point Group, Rainbow Basin, Alberta, Western Canada
Jeffrey J. Dravis, Iain D. Muir
Special Publications of SEPM
... inclusions and/or stable isotope geochemistry (Aulstead, et al., 1988; Dravis, 1992). This relationship is consistent with the high geothermal gradient...
Sequence-Stratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene Depositional Facies in the Offshore Louisiana South Additions
Jory A. Pacht , Bruce E. Bowen , John H. Beard , Bernard L. Shaffer
GCAGS Transactions
...Sequence-Stratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene Depositional Facies in the Offshore Louisiana South Additions Jory A. Pacht , Bruce E. Bowen , John H...
Dynamics of a Transgressive Prodeltaic System: Implications for Geography and Climate Within a Pennsylvanian Intracratonic Basin, Colorado, U.S.A.
P. M. Myrow, C. Lukens, M. P. Lamb, K. Houck, J. Strauss
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Late Paleozoic stratigraphy and syndepositional tectonism, northwestern Colorado, in Stone, D.S., ed., New Interpretations of Northwest Colorado...
Gastropod drilling predation in the Upper Jurassic of Kutch, India
Ranita Saha, Shubhabrata Paul, Subhronil Mondal, Subhendu Bardhan, Shiladri. S. Das, Sandip Saha, Debattam Sarkar
...) reconstructed via high-resolution stable isotope analysis of the oyster Actinostreon marshi (J. Sowerby, 1814) from the Kachchh Basin, western India...
The Upper Cretaceous Milk River and Lea Park Formations in Southeastern Alberta
N. C. Meijer Drees, D. W. Mhyr
CSPG Bulletin
... Meeting Houston Geological Society, p. 175-224. Bowen, C.F., 1915, The stratigraphy of the Montana Group, with special reference to the position...
Hyperconcentrated Flows and Gastroliths: Sedimentology of Diamictites and Wackes of the Upper Cloverly Formation, Lower Cretaceous, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Michael J. Zaleha, Shayne A. Wiesemann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., provenance, and stable carbon isotope geochemistry of continental mudrocks of the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in Wyoming [unpublished Ph.D....
Depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir attributes within a fluvial outcrop analog: Upper Triassic Sonsela member of the Chinle Formation, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
Aislyn M. Trendell, Stacy C. Atchley, Lee C. Nordt
AAPG Bulletin
...:10.1306/04180807079.Driese, S. G., and C. I. Mora, 2002, Paleopedology and stable-isotope geochemistry of Late Triassic (CarnianNorian) paleosols, Durham subbasin, North...
Lithostratigraphic Monsters in Modern Oil Exploration
Rudolf D. Brunnschweiler
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... 90 M.Y. This is 10 M.Y. longer than the entire Cambrian, almost twice the Permian, and more than trice the Silurian! What kind of stratigraphy...
Development of Third- and Fourth-Order Depositional Sequences in the Lower Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation and Stratigraphic Equivalents, Idaho and Montana
S. K. Reid, S. L. Dorobek
Pacific Section SEPM
.... Numerous workers have applied sequence stratigraphy to seismic profiles across carbonate shelf-to-basin transitions from tectonically stable, passive...
West Texas (Permian) Super Basin, United States: Tectonics, structural development, sedimentation, petroleum systems, and hydrocarbon reserves
Bill Fairhurst, Tom Ewing, and Bob Lindsay
AAPG Bulletin
..., paleogeography, and sequence stratigraphy, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian strata, north- and west-central Texas: Austin, Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology...
A Sedimentological Synthesis of Placer Gold, Uranium and Pyrite Concentrations in Proterozoic Witwatersrand Sediments
W. E. L. Minter
Dallas Geological Society
... to the stratigraphy and structure of the Rand Goldfield: in S. H. Haughton, ed., The geology of some ore deposits of Southern Africa, v. 1, Geol. Soc. S. Afr., p...
Williston Basin Symposium
.... 3, p. 937-945. Krouse, H.R., 1980, Stable isotope geochemistry of non-hydrocarbon constituents of natural gas...
The Petroleum Potential of the Offshore Canterbury Basin: Insights from Petroleum Systems Modelling
R. O'Leary, W. G. Mogg
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... during the rifting of New Zealand from West Antarctica (Field & Browne 1989; Browne 2003). The published stratigraphy of the basin (Fig. 2) is heavily...
A Sedimentological Synthesis of Placer Gold, Uranium and Pyrite Concentrations in Proterozoic Witwatersrand Sediments
W. E. L. Minter
CSPG Special Publications
... to the stratigraphy and structure of the Rand Goldfield: in S. H. Haughton, ed., The geology of some ore deposits of Southern Africa, v. 1, Geol. Soc. S. Afr., p...
Sedimentological Signature of a Deformable Bed Preserved Beneath an Ice Stream in a Late Pleistocene Glacial Sequence, Ross Sea, Antarctica
Ellen A. Cowan, Poul Christoffersen, Ross D. Powell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Basin, inferred from seismic stratigraphy in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, in Cooper, A.K., and Raymond, C.R., eds., Antarctica: A Keystone...
Precambrian Geology of the Llano Region, Central Texas
James G. Jensen
West Texas Geological Society
...’s thesis, 99 p. Silver, L.T., 1962, U-Pb isotope ages in zircons from some igneous rocks from Llano uplift, central Texas (abst.): Geol. Soc. Amer...
Organic Maturation and Paleoceanographic/Paleogeographic Implications of the Desmoinesian Cyclothemic Excello Black Shale of the Midcontinent, USA
Omer Isik Ece
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... and Paleotemperatures. S.E.P.M. Short Course No:7, p. 133-157. Ece, O.I. (1987a) Stratigraphy, Paleogeography and Depositional Environments of the Upper Middle...
Basin Modelling in the Mahakam Delta Based on the Integrated 2D Model TEMISPACK
Jean Burrus, Etienne Brosse, Ghislain Choppin de Janvry, Yves Grosjean, Jean-Louis Oudin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Maturity related biomarker and stable isotope variations and their application to oil/source rock correlation in the Mahakam delta, Kalimantan...
Neogene Deformation of East Kalimantan: A Regional Perspective
Duncan Witts, Lorin Davies, Robert J. Morley, Lester Anderson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... forming the northern edge of the relatively stable Paternoster Platform (Figure 2a). Interpretations of 2D seismic suggest that the PF has been...
Subaqueous Evaporites of the Buckner Member, Haynesville Formation, Northeastern Mobile County, Alabama
Steven D. Mann
GCAGS Transactions
..., 1968, Upper Jurassic stratigraphy of some adjacent parts of Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas: USGS Professional Paper 594-E, 25 p. Folk, R.L., 1987...
Burial and Temperature History of Gas Generation from Coaly Organic Matter in the Late Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation and Associated Rocks in the Deeper Portions of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming
C. E. Barker, B. L. Crysdale
Wyoming Geological Association
... Petrology. v. 54, p. 635-636. Barker, C.E., and Halley, R.B., (1986) Fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and vitrinite reflectance evidence for the thermal...
Messinian (Late Miocene) Karst on Grand Cayman, British West Indies: An Example of an Erosional Sequence Boundary
Brian Jones, Ian G. Hunter
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... history of Midway Atoll: Geology, v. 15, p. 454-457. LOUTIT, T.S., AND KEIGWIN, L.D., 1982, Stable isotope evidence for latest Miocene sea-level fall...
Sedimentology of Ancient Saline Pans: An Example from the Permian Opeche Shale, Williston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.A.
Kathleen Counter Benison , Robert H. Goldstein
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...------------------------ FRAZIER, W.J., AND SCHWIMMER, D.R., 1987, Regional Stratigraphy of North America: New York, Plenum Press, 719 p. GLENNIE, K.W., 1970, Desert...
Two-Dimensional Paleoslope Modeling: A New Method for Estimating Water Depths of Benthic Foraminiferal Biofacies and Paleoshelf Margins
Stephen F. Pekar , Michelle A. Kominz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., MILLER, K.G., AND BYBELL, L.M., 1997, Upper Eocene sequence stratigraphy and the Absecon Inlet Formation, New Jersey Coastal Plain, in Miller, K.G....
Facies and Burial Diagenesis of a Carbonate Reservoir: Chapman Deep (Atoka) Field, Delaware Basin, Texas
S. J. Mazzullo
AAPG Bulletin
... table: Sedimentology, v. 14, p. 175-185. Lloyd, R. M., 1977, Porosity reduction by chemical compaction--stable-isotope model (abs.): AAPG Bull., v...