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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Foreword - Marine Conglomerate Reservoirs: Cretaceous of Western Canada and Modern Analogues
T. F. Moslow, John-Paul Zonneveld
CSPG Bulletin
... progradational, retrogradational and stable conditions. The insights derived from this modern analogue provide a much-valued enhancement to the recognition...
Pore-Pressure and Subsurface-Plumbing Patterns in Central Luconia; Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia (Paper P2)
E. Kosa
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... compressed Balingian Province flanking the shores of NW Borneo. Although relatively stable and flat compared with the surrounding areas...
2.2 Basement Involved: 2.2.3 Passive Margins: Comparison of Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Shelf Margins, Northern Campeche Escarpment and Northern Florida Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico
S. D. Locker and R. T. Buffler
AAPG Special Volumes
... (Figure 2), reveal a fairly simple shelf margin in terms of overall structure and stratigraphy. However, two other seismic sec tions from the northern...
Near-surface geology and sediment-failure geohazards of the central Scotian Slope
David C. Mosher, David J. W. Piper, D. Calvin Campbell, Kimberley A. Jenner
AAPG Bulletin
... to be taken into account include local terrain analysis and shallow subbottom stratigraphy. Slope-stability analysis has shown the surface sediment...
Relative Impedance Inversion of Seismic Traces by Means of Complex Trace Attributes (CTA Inversion) 40 Years On!, #42179 (2018).
Kurt Grubbe, Sean McQuaid
Search and Discovery.com
... in the famous AAPG Memoir 26 (Seismic Stratigraphy, 1977). Envelope, instantaneous phase, and frequency commonly served to create alternative displays...
Structural Traps and Hydrocarbon Resources of the Papuan Basin: An Overview; #11325 (2020)
Shadrach K. Noku, Susan Nasinom, Eddie Guru, Elliona Maso
Search and Discovery.com
... and post-sedimentation inversion folding and faulting largely due to the S−SW propagation of the Pacific plate toward the stable Australian craton...
Sangatta Delta Evolution with an Updated Miocene Paleogeography
Purnama A. Suandhi, Prihatin T. Setyobudi, A. Bachtiar, Endi Nurjadi, Andi Mardianza, B. Dody Harisasmita, M. Arifai, Dwi Hendro H.N
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... based on subsurface data around the Sangatta Field. However, information on stratigraphy and sedimentological model only covered the Middle – Lower...
Mississippian Paleocean Chemistry from Biotic and Abiotic Carbonate, Muleshoe Mound, Lake Valley Formation, New Mexico, U.S.A.—Reply
F.J. Hasiuk, K.C. Lohmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Meyers, W.J., and Lohmann, K.C., 1985, Isotope geochemistry of regionally extensive calcite cement zones and marine components in Mississippian...
Complex Tin-Bearing Sulphides of the South Chinese Ore Type
Günter H. Moh
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... that the following stable mineral associations occur at low temperatures, pyrite -f- bismuth -I- bismuthinite, and pyrite + pyrrhotite -I- bismuth, but above...
Conclusions: Chapter 10
Z. R. Beydoun
AAPG Special Volumes
... of which have multiple reservoirs and frequently are of giant or super-giant size, is intimately linked to the margin's long and stable history...
Honduras: Yet Another Final Frontier?
Chris Matchette-Downes
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to biomarker, environment perhaps alternating from brackish to near shallow stable isotope ratio determination and elemental analysis (nickel, marine...
Use of Geophysical Methods for Study of Borehole Sections in Connection with Calculation of Reserves
V. N. Dakhnov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... radiation, isotope, diffused gamma radiation, and acoustic methods must be employed (1-6). Let us turn our attention to some aspects of the application...
Simulation of Integrated Surface-Water/Groundwater Flow for a Freshwater Wetland in Selangor State, Malaysia
Bahaa-eldin E. A. Rahim, Ismail Yusoff, Azmi M. Jafri, Zainudin Othman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... evapotranspiration. Nordic Hydrology, 6, 170–188. Marimuthu S., Reynolds D.A. & Le Gal Salle C., 2005. A field study of hydraulic, geochemical, and stable...
Microfossils and the World of Chalk and Chert
James Etienne
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and expansion of the West Antarctic ice sheet and a positive carbon isotope excursion reflecting rapid global drawdown of carbon. At least some...
Origin and Accumulation of Natural Gas
John D. Haun , George B. Lucas
AAPG Special Volumes
...., 1954, Isotope geology: New York, Permagon Press, 535 p. ZoBell, C. E., 1950, The role of micro-organisms in petroleum formation, in Fundamental...
Submarine Lithification of Jamaican Reefs: NOTES
Lynton S. Land, Thomas F. Goreau
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... as determined by both Debye-Scherrer powder diffraction and by electron micro-probe analysis. Typical carbon and oxygen isotope values of lithified Mg...
Further Comparisons of Grain Size Distributions Determined by Electronic Particle Counting and Pipette Techniques
E. William Behrens
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Stable carbon isotope ratios of organic matter of Gulf of Mexico shelf sediments: Master's thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 48 p. SCHLEE, J...
A Case Study of Gas Hydrates in Offshore NW Sabah, Malaysia: Implications as a Shallow Geohazard for Exploration Drilling and a Potential Future Energy Resource
Goh Hui Sin, John Jong, Steve McGiveron, Jim Fitton
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... (H2S) may also exist in gas hydrates. The water molecules and low molecular weight gas hydrate lattices are stable within a specific range...
Derivation of the Original Isotopic Composition of Permian Marine Cements
R. Kevin Given, Kyger C. Lohmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... 215-222. DEUSER, W. G., AND HUNT, J. M., 1969, Stable isotope ratios of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Atlantic: Deep-Sea Res., v. 16, p. 221...
Kinetic Control of Morphology, Composition, and Mineralogy of Abiotic Sedimentary Carbonates: DISCUSSION
John W. Morse
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that these cements may have stable isotope ratios greatly different from what would be predicted for formation from normal seawater (e.g., Nelson and Lawrence...
Hydromagnesite Stromatolites and Sediments in an Alkaline Lake, Salda Golu, Turkey
C. J. R. Braithwaite , Velsel Zedef
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... BORCH, C.C., 1984, Stable isotope study of carbonate sediments from the Coorong area, South Australia: Sedimentology, v. 31, p. 837-849. CASANOVA, J...
Porosity Enhancement from Chert Dissolution Beneath Neocomian Unconformity: Ivishak Formation, North Slope, Alaska: Discussion (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... petrographic study supplemented by microprobe and stable isotope data. The work done by Shanmugam and Higgins (1988) is too limited to adequately...
The relation between stratigraphic elements, pressure regime, and hydrocarbons in the Alberta deep basin (with emphasis on select Mesozoic units): Discussion
S. Bachu, K. Michael, B. E. Buschkuehle, Peter E. Putnam, Grant S. Ward
AAPG Bulletin
..., H. Baadsgaard, and F. Longstaffe, 1990b, Origin and evolution of formation waters, Alberta basin, Western Canada sedimentary basin: II. isotope...
Radiolarian biochronology and paleoceanography of Pacific Terranes in Central America and the Caribbean
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in foreland fold-and-thrust belts: a case study of the Salt Range-Potwar Basin (N-Pakistan); #90007 (2002)
Lakhdar Benchilla, Rudy Swennen, François Roure, Kursheed. Akhtar Tariq. M. Jaswal
Search and Discovery.com
... description, petrography, stable isotope analysis and microthermometry of fluid inclusions often allows to reconstruct fluid flow through time (Muchez et...