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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,372 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Delineation of Groundwater Flow within a Coastal Wetlands System Using Hydraulic, Geochemical and Stable Isotope Data
Selvarajah Marimuthu
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Delineation of Groundwater Flow within a Coastal Wetlands System Using Hydraulic, Geochemical and Stable Isotope Data Selvarajah Marimuthu Geological...
ABSTRACT: Fundamental Geochemical Research on Long-Term Carbon Sequestration in Subsurface Environments, by Juske Horita, James G Blencoe, and David R. Cole; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: A Molecular Organic Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Record of Depositional Environment and Organic Influx Changes in a Coaly Sequence: Implications for Coal-Derived Oil Correlation; #90061 (2006)
Yongge Sun
Search and Discovery.com
... demonstrated that compound-specific stable carbon isotope analysis can be a tool for correlating coal-sourced oil and interbedded shale-sourced oil in coal...
ABSTRACT: Organic Compounds in Ejected Rocks of Mud Volcanoes as Geological Indicators - A Case Study from Dashgil, Duvanny, and Bulla Island (Azerbaijan); #90109 (2010)
Ulrich Berner, Georg Scheeder, Ulviya Movsumova
Search and Discovery.com
... from the ejected rock samples are compatible with the maturities determined from published stable carbon isotope data of reservoir gases (methane...
Carbon Isotopic Composition of Crude Oils from Ellenburger Group (Lower Ordovician), Permian Basin, West Texas and Eastern New Mexico
Keith A. Kvenvolden , Rodney M. Squires
AAPG Bulletin
... a stable isotope in a fundamental unit of concentration just as one would treat any other identifiable element. Second, these units, representing...
ABSTRACT: Carbon Isotopic Fully Reversal of Tight Sandstone Gas and its Implication in the Shixi Gas Field, Eastern Margin of the Ordos Basin
C. Liu, B. L. Sun, M. Y. Lei
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
..., J.X., Li, J., et al., 2005. Stable carbon isotope compositions and source rock geochemistry of the giant gas accumulations in the Ordos Basin, China...
Abstract: The Use of Isotope and Geochemical Techniques for Geothermal Reservoir Studies, in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia
Fredolin Javino
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: The Use of Isotope and Geochemical Techniques for Geothermal Reservoir Studies, in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia Fredolin Javino PERTEMUAN...
Abstract: Subaerial Exposure of Late Paleozoic Limestones from the Central Basin Platform, West Texas: Controls on Porosity Preservation, by J. A. D. Dickson, A. H. Saller, and S. A. Boyd; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basin-Scale Brine Movement in the Midcontinent during the Late Paleozoic: Evidence from the St. Peter Sandstone in the Illinois Basin, by J. K. Pitman, M. B. Goldhaber, T. H. Shaw, and R. C. Burruss; #90987 (1993).
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"Wheeler Diagrams": A Useful Exploration Tool in the Gulf of Mexico
Ramon H. Trevino, L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, Ursula Hammes
GCAGS Transactions
..., Glacioeustatic fluctuations: The mechanism linking stable isotope events and sequence stratigraphy from the Early Oligocene to Middle Miocene: SEPM...
Age determination of the Lower Watrous red-beds of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada
Gemma S. Butcher, Alan C. Kendall, Adrian J. Boyce, Ian L. Millar, Julian E. Andrews, Paul F. Dennis
CSPG Bulletin
.... 1991. Oxygen isotope fractionation for understanding the sulphur cycle. In: Stable Isotopes in the Assessment of Natural and Anthropogenic Sulphur...
Stable Isotope and Elemental Geochemistry From 1-D Profiles are a Useful Tool for Revealing 3-D Phasing Architecture of Upper Cambrian Microbial Reef Complexes, Wilberns Formation, Mason County, Texas
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Monitor CO2 Storage at the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot Alberta Canada, #90104 (2010)
Johnson Gareth; Mayer Bernhard; Shevalier Maurice; Nightingale Michael; Hutcheon Ian
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Monitor CO2 Storage at the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot Alberta Canada, #90104 (2010...
Abstract: Field-Based Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Carbon Dioxide and Natural Gas Sample Streams without Geochemical Alteration; #91201 (2022)
Douglas B. Decker, Michael Dolan, and Patrick Travers
Search and Discovery.com
... pure CO2 has shown we are able to process CO2 without any statistically significant fractionation or alteration of the δ13C stable carbon isotope...
Stable isotope systematics of Marcellus Formation gases during laboratory degassing and production
Christopher D. Laughrey
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Stable isotope systematics of Marcellus Formation gases during laboratory degassing and production Christopher D. Laughrey Stable Isotope Systematics...
Early Devonian Marine Isotopic Signatures: Brachiopods from the Upper Gaspe Limestones, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, Canada
Denis Lavoie
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., T.E., 1991, Stable-isotope stratigraphy of brachiopods from Pennsylvanian shales in Texas: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 103, p. 953-965...
ABSTRACT: Upper Devonian Elemental Chemostratigraphy of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western AustraliaIndications of Global-to-Local Environmental Changes & Utilization as a Correlation Tool
Samuel Caulfield-Kerney, David Wray, Ken Ratcliffe, Ted Playton, Paul Montgomery, Eric Tohver, Roger Hocking, Peter Haines, Maodu Yan, Joseph Kirschvink, Kliti Grice, Kate Trinajstic, Kelly Hillbun, David Katz, Jeroen Hansma, Sergei Pisarevsky, Peter Cawood, Peter Ward
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...-constrained within a regional framework developed from the integration of magnetostratigraphy, stable isotope chemostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and sequence...
Abstract: The Bristle Cones of the ocean: a new palaeo-oceanographic archive found in the solitary deepwater coral Desmophyllum cristagalli from Ophan Knoll
A. Ruffman, P. J. Mudie
Atlantic Geology
... offoraminifera in ocean sediments to date apparent salinity and/or temperature changes recorded in stable isotopes may be limited to a precision of about...
ABSTRACT: Paleohydrology and Early Diagenesis within the Late Cretaceous Point Lookout Sandstone, San Juan basin, New Mexico and Colorado, by J. L. Loomis, L. J. Crossey, and C. J. Yapp; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Trace Elements in Devonian Carbonates of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Search and Discovery.com
Case Study: Woodford Shale Source Rock Characterization By Geochemical And Sem Evaluation In A Horizontal Well
Search and Discovery.com
From the Reef to Slope: Architectural, Facies and Diagenetic Evolution During High-Frequency Sea Level Cycles
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Fracture-Controlled High Temperature Dolomites in the Cretaceous Ramales Formation (Cantabrian Mountain Chain, NW Spain): Implications for Reservoir Characterization, #90104 (2010)
Shah Mumtaz M.; Nader Fadi H.; Swennen Rudy; Dewit Julie; Garcia Daniel
Search and Discovery.com
...%) represent high porosity values. The stable isotope composition (δ18O values ranging mainly between ‐18 and ‐11‰; δ13C values ranges from ‐1 to +3...