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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,367 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
Inferred Oil Migration in the Zhu 1 Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
C.R. Robison, K.K. Bissada
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... fingerprints, and stable carbon isotopic composi tions (Figures 3 to 5). The general depth to the top of the main phase of hydrocarbon generation...
The Cambrian Section of Western Wyoming
Christina Lochman-Balk
Wyoming Geological Association
... Mountain Area. Northwestern Wind River Mountains, Wyoming," Jour. Paleontology. LOCHMAN-BALK, C., 1955, "Cambrian Stratigraphy of the South and West...
Depositional Paleoenvironments and Paleogeography of the Mississippian Lodgepole and Monroe Canyon Formations (and Equivalents), Southeastern Idaho
Peter E. Isaacson, E. A. Measures, S. A. Siegmann
Utah Geological Association
... and tectonics of the western United States in Paleozoic stratigraphy of the western United States, J. H. Stewart, C. H. Stevens and A. E. Fritsche, eds...
Memorial: Joseph Poyer Deyo Hull (1889-1967)
A. A. Meyerhoff
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
..., and discussions of stratigraphy, structure, and oil and gas fields of South Arkansas, North Louisiana, East Texas, and Mississippi 174 AAPG Bulletin...
Regional Cross Section - Churchill Province, Saskatchewan, Canada to Grays Harbor County, Washington, USA
Arthur G. Randall
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... physiographic and structural provinces. The Interior Plains of the stable platform to the northeast is tectonically undisturbedand contains a thick...
Geology of the Eastern End of the Uinta Mountains, Utah-Colorado
G. E. Untermann, B. R. Untermann
Utah Geological Association
.... These spectacular scenic features have been carved chiefly in Weber sandstone. General Stratigraphy Formations in the Uinta Mountain and Basin area consist...
Paleomagnetism of the Middle-Upper Miocene Monterey Formation, Shell Beach, Pismo Basin: Implications for the Age an Origin of the Monterey and Tectonic Block Rotation in Central Coastal California
Sheraz Omarzai Khan, Robert S. Coe, John A. Barron
Pacific Section SEPM
... to the stable North American craton since around 11.5 Ma. The sense of clockwise rotation is consistent with a right-shear couple acting on the Shell...
Corral Peak Anticline, Grand County, Colorado
Earl B. Austin
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... fragments of the chemically less stable rock forming minerals, Color variations are from white to brown. CHETACEOUS: A winclow of possible Pierre shale...
Preface to this Volume
AAPG Special Volumes
... reconstructed from stratigraphy, tectonics, and geochemistry is presented, and the reader can see how geochemistry can be used to understand hydrocarbon...
Abstract: Stress Fields of Sundaland during the Tertiary (Paper 24)
H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... contains the geologically stable Sunda Platform and Cenozoic crustal material that accreted onto it and now forms Sumatra, Java, and KalimantanIBorneo...
Krebs and Cabaniss Groups, of Pennsylvanian Age, in Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Malcolm C. Oakes
AAPG Bulletin
..., pp. 399-410. LOWMAN, S. W., 1932, "Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy East of the Meridian and North of the Arbuckle Mountains," Tulsa Geol...
Prospects for Oil-Gas Exploration in Chukchi Sea
D. S. Orudzheva, A. N. Obukhov, D. D. Agapitov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of continental-margin downwarps that includes the Colville basin of Alaska, which is separated from the North Chukchi depression by a stable block...
Tectonic Significance of Polymodal Compositions in Melange Sandstones, Western Melange Belt, North Cascade Range, Washington: REPLY
Paul L. Heller, Guy A. Jett
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... If the sparse age data is pushed to its limits, a correlation might be drawn between the Methow-Tyaughton basin stratigraphy and the WMB petrofacies...
3.3 Inverted Extensional Features: Gippsland Basin, Southeastern Australia
P. N. Davis
AAPG Special Volumes
... and south by stable platform areas. Extension and normal faulting diminished markedly after the early Eocene nd few faults continued into the late Eocene...
Foredeep: The Southern Adriatic Basin, Offshore Italy
M. M. Schwander
AAPG Special Volumes
... Stratigraphy GEOLOGIC HISTORY The Adriatic Sea overlies a stable cratonic block, which is flanked to the northeast by the external parts of the essentially...
A Crystal Growth Rate Equation for Ancient Dolomites: Evidence for Millimeter-scale Flux-limited Growth
Stephan H. Nordeng , Duncan F. Sibley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... zones, correlated by CL character and stratigraphy, are isochronous, then the width of a zone is directly proportional to the rate of crystal growth...
Ostracode Zones in Carribean Miocene: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. A. Van Den Bold
AAPG Bulletin
... Bull., v. 46, no. 2, p. 282-283. Bold, W. A. van den, 1963, Ostracods and the Tertiary stratigraphy of Guatemala: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists...
Regional Correlation of Carboniferous Heath and Tyler Strata from Central Montana to the Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geologic Evolution of the Marcellus Shale and Its Effects on Reservoir Architecture and Production; #90228 (2015)
Randy Blood and Gary Lash
Search and Discovery.com
... conditions of enhanced productivity export, silica precipitates in a more stable form often intimately associated with organic matter which, upon burial...
Paleozoic Carbonates in Foreland Basin Settings: Northern Pricaspian Basin (Kazakhstan) and Cantabrian Zone (Spain), by Jeroen A. M. Kenter and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, #30070 (2008).
Search and Discovery.com
Tidal Influences on the Deposition of Gravel: Examples from the Megatidal Bay of Fundy, Canada
Shahin E. Dashtgard and Murray K. Gingras
Search and Discovery.com
... channels are relatively stable (French, 1993; and Pye and French, 1993; Olariu and Bhattacharya, 2006) • Develop shore-normal, thick gravel deposits...
Petroleum Generation Kinetics and its Outcome in Basin Modeling of Upper Assam Shelf, India, #10314 (2011)
Sukumar Pahari
Search and Discovery.com
... wherever available otherwise stable bottom hole temperature and maturity data e.g. Vitrinite reflectance (VRo) Copyright © AAPG. Serial rights given...