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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Oligocene-?Lower Miocene (Type Pillarian Stage) Clallam Formation, Clallam County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Casey Burns
Pacific Section SEPM
...Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Oligocene-?Lower Miocene (Type Pillarian Stage) Clallam Formation, Clallam County...
The Future of Applied Sedimentary Geology: PERSPECTIVES
Wolfgang Schlager
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., G., AND VAIL, P.R., 1998, A new foundation for stratigraphy: Geotimes, v. 43, p. 31-35. FISCHER, A.G., 1982, Long-term climatic oscillations recorded...
Diagenesis and Sedimentology of the Clearwater Formation at Tucker Lake
Ian Hutcheon, Hugh J. Abercrombie,, Peter Putnam, Rob Gardner, H. Roy Krouse
CSPG Bulletin
.... Chemical Geology (Isotope Geosciences Section), v. 65, p. 283-291. Fisk, H.W. 1961. Bar-finger sands of the Mississippi delta. In: Geometry of Sandstone...
Evidence for the Formation of Illite from Smectite During Burial Metamorphism in the Belt Supergroup, Clark Fork, Idaho
Eric Eslinger , Barbara Sellars
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND SAVIN, S., 1973, Oxygen isotope geothermometry of the burial metamorphic rocks of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Glacier National Park, Montana: Geol...
Sources of Periplatform Carbonates: Northwest Providence Channel, Bahamas
Mark R. Boardman, A. Conrad Neumann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-level history in alternating stable and unstable mineral suites. ADELSECK, JR., C. G., AND BERGER, W. H., 1975, On the dissolution of planktonic...
Evidence from Apatite Fission-Track Analysis for Regional Cretaceous Cooling in the Ouachita Mountain Fold Belt and Arkoma Basin of Arkansas: Geologic Note (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...: Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section), v. 79, p. 155-182. Green, P. F., I. R. Duddy, A. J. W. Gleadow, and J. F. Lovering, 1989b, Apatite...
Evaluation of kinetic uncertainty in numerical models of petroleum generation
Kenneth E. Peters, Clifford C. Walters, Paul J. Mankiewicz
AAPG Bulletin
... of stable carbon isotope ratios in natural gases: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 64, p. 26732687.Tissot, B. P., R. Pelet, and P. Ungerer, 1987, Thermal...
An Analysis of the Implicit Assumptions of the Methodology of Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy: Chapter 21: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies
Julian A. Thorne
AAPG Special Volumes
...An Analysis of the Implicit Assumptions of the Methodology of Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy: Chapter 21: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies...
Cessation of a subtropical glass ramp during the Permian chert event: murdock mountain formation, western U.S.A.
Zack Wistort, Kathleen Ritterbush, and Seana C. Hood
... to carbonate-rich strata as an alternation between stable states with silica-producing fauna dominating the Murdock Mountain and carbonate-producing...
The Occurrence and Distribution of Sedimentary Zeolites in the Main Pass Area, Gulf of Mexico Basin
Matthew W. Totten Sr., Sheri Simpson, Elizabeth Powers,, Iris M. Totten
GCAGS Transactions
... clinoptilolite is the zeolite that forms. At 500 feet from the dome, analcime becomes stable due to increased sodium concentrations, and recrystalizes from...
Rich Petroleum Source Rocks
Rasoul Sorkhabi
GEO ExPro Magazine
..., and rejuvenated the Appalachians in eastern USA. The Old Red Sandstone represents the freshwater clastic sediments of this orogeny. Carbon isotope...
Autogenic Microbial Genesis of Middle Miocene Palustrine Ooids; Nullarbor Plain, Australia
Cody R. Miller, Noel P. James
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., v. 48, p. 117–131. Hocking, R.M., 1990, Eucla Basin: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Memoir 3, p. 548–561. Hoefs, J., 2004, Stable Isotope...
Role of Micro-Organisms in Formation of Limestones
H. S. Puri, Albert Collier
GCAGS Transactions
..., which is the more stable polymorph of CaCO3 is considered by Kaye to be secondary after aragonite in the Puerto Rican beach rock (Fig. 1). Aragonite...
History of Uranium and Development of Colorado Plateau Ores with Notes on Uranium Production in Utah
R. E. Cohenour
Utah Geological Association
..., all with nearly identical chemical properties, occur together as the natural element. The most abundant isotope, U238, comprises 99.28...
Accelerating Methane Production in the Reaction Between Methanogen Bacteria and Coal: A Pilot Project for Optimizing Biologically Enhanced Coal Bed Methane
Mohamad Amin Ahlun Nazar, Jasmin Jyalita, Ahmad Zakariya Al Ansori, Sarah Sausan, Gusti Faisal Ismawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...: 138-150. Kanduc, T., Markic, M., Zavšek, McIntosh, J., 2011, Carbon Cycling in the Pliocene Velenje Coal Basin, Slovenia, Inferred from Stable Carbon...
Mount Kitty Prospect, Southern Amadeus Basin
Nathan Palmer, Greg Ambrose
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Movement. Deposition of overlying sediments took place in a relatively tectonically stable environment, up to the early Cambrian, as evidenced...
Facies-3D — a computer simulation model For Reconstruction of Sedimentary Processes: A Case Study for Miocene Carbonate Reservoirs
Fumiaki Matsuda, Michinori Saito, Ryotaro Iwahashi, Hiroshi Oda, Yulfi Indra, David DesAutels
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of diagenetic fabrics and compositional analysis of carbon and oxygen stable isotope, these pores were interpreted to be formed by meteoric diagenesis...
Degradation of Plant Tissues in Organic Sediments
Elso S. Barghoorn
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are known and, for the more recent material, whose ages were determined by the carbon isotope method. Photomicrographs and detailed descriptive data...
Sediment Alteration and Clay Mineral Diagenesis in a Regional Ground Water Flow System, Mississippi Gulf Coastal Plain
Jeffrey S. Hanor , Kathleen M. McManus
GCAGS Transactions
... Alabama: Water Resources Res., v. 21, p. 1545-1556. Longstaffe, F.J., 1984, The role of meteoric water in diagenesis of shallow sandstones: stable isotope...
Gold Concentrations Hosted in Coal — An Exploration Model
Gordon Marlatt, David Spatz
Wyoming Geological Association
..., 1980, Geology and stable isotope studies of the Carlin gold deposit, Nevada: Economic Geology, v. 75, p. 641-662. Radtke, A.S., 1981, Geology...
Geophysical Log Responses to Variatons in Lithology in Borings Clino and Unda, Great Bahama Bank
E. Robert Warzeski, Leslie A. Melim, Robert N. Ginsburg
Special Publications of SEPM
... geochemical lithologic and petrophysical logs mineralogy stable isotopes recovery lithology depositional facies trace fossils seismic sequences...
Review of Fundamentals: Topic 2
Colin Barker
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and carboxyl, and nitrogen and sulfur either in heterocyclic rings or as amino or thiol groups. ISOTOPES Carbon has two stable isotopes, called carbon-12...
Geochemical Techniques in Relation to Organic Matter: Chapter 8: GEOCHEMICAL METHODS AND EXPLORATION
R. A. Noble
AAPG Special Volumes
... with other geochemical data, such as gas chromatography profiles and stable isotope ratios, before any conclusions are drawn on oil-source rock...
Characterization of Organic Matter by Various Pyrolysis Techniques: Chapter 10: GEOCHEMICAL METHODS AND EXPLORATION
R. P. Philp, A. Galvez-Sinibaldi
AAPG Special Volumes
... et al., 1983; Lewan, 1985; Monthioux et al., 1985, 1986). Stable isotope studies have also been performed on the pyrolysates obtained by this method...
Maturation and Migration of Hydrocarbons in the Southeastern Pannonian Basin: Chapter 25
A. Szalay
AAPG Special Volumes
... of stable carbon isotope ratios]: Koolaj es Foldgaz, Budapest, v. 6, p. 178-187. Magara, K., 1976, Water expulsion from clastic sediments during...