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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,367 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
Geochemistry Seals the Deal: Data to Support Your Ideas, #110195 (2015).
Chris Laughrey
Search and Discovery.com
... reserved. What is the Source of the H2S? • ∂34S = 14.7 permil • Stable isotope composition suggests a sulfate source for the H the H2S: – Dissolved...
Charging and Connectivity of Fractured Basement Reservoirs in the West of Shetland (North Atlantic, UK) - Insights from Oil Geochemistry Studies, #51545 (2018).
M. Nuzzo, R. McBride, L. Neale, A. Wingfield, P. Farrimond, C. Slightam, R. Trice,
Search and Discovery.com
... and alteration of C6-C7 hydrocarbons (after Thompson, 1987). Figure 8. Plot of the stable carbon isotope composition of propane versus ethane...
A Horizontal Well Program for the Upper Miocene 26R Pool, ELK Hills Field, California
Stephen A. Reid, Jonathan G. Kuespert, George S. McJannet
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... 356-378. Hart, O. D., 1990, Elk Hills medium radius horizontal well, in Kuespert, J. G., and Reid, S. A., eds., Stratigraphy, structure and hydrocarbon...
Physical Controls on Marine Biotic Distribution in the Jurassic Period
W. A. Gordon
Special Publications of SEPM
... of the same name They were separated by a fairly stable boundary zone which Stevens considered to be the result of climatic control Pacific Belemnoid...
Ground-Water Flow, Water-Level Trends, and the Connection Between Fairfield Spring and the Basin-Fill Aquifer in Cedar Valley, Utah County, North-Central Utah
J. Lucy Jordan, Walid Sabbah
Utah Geological Association
... aquifer (in most places less than 1250 feet deep; figure 2). Deep ground-water flow is also indicated by stable and radioactive isotope water-quality...
Backbarrier Dynamics of the East Friesian Islands
Duncan M. Fitzgerald, Shea Penland
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... drainage systems. The subsurface stratigraphy of the region controls the stability or migration of the tidal inlets. Inlets that have been stable...
Miocene and Pliocene Sandstone Petrofacies of the Northern Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, and Implications for Evolution of the Rio Grande Rift
Elizabeth Large , Raymond V. Ingersoll
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., The Ceja del Rio Puerco: a border feature of the Basin and Range province in New Mexico, 1. Stratigraphy and structure: Journal of Geology, v. 45, p...
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of Subsurface Hackberry Wedge and Associated Beds of Southwestern Louisiana
William R. Paine
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of Subsurface Hackberry Wedge and Associated Beds of Southwestern Louisiana William R. Paine 1968 322 342 52 2...
Fluorspar, Uranium, and Beryllium Deposits at Spor Mountain and Historical Overview of the Discovery and Geology of the Topaz Mountains, Utah
G.M. Park
Utah Geological Association
... Range and northern Drum Mountians (modified from Lindsey, 1982). Figure 2b. Stratigraphy for 2a. Previous Work Henry Engelmann, a geologist for Captain...
Occurrence of Oil in Sedimentary Basins with Special Reference to Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Carl A. Moore
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... basins which have a mobile borderland or high mountain area on the one side and a low, stable foreland on the other side. The type example...
Abstract: Petrographically-sited Stable Isotopes of the Sulfide-Bearing Bonneterre Formation (Cambrian), Southeast Missouri
Tom Freeman
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
...Abstract: Petrographically-sited Stable Isotopes of the Sulfide-Bearing Bonneterre Formation (Cambrian), Southeast Missouri Tom Freeman 1984 101a Vol...
Geomechanical Analysis and Evaluation of Fault Leakage Potential, Huizhou Graben, South China Sea
Feng Gui, Hesheng Shi, Jiayuan Du, David Castillo
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...). The azimuth of SHmax appears to vary systematically within the Huizhou Graben. The fault segments of each fault are stable in the present-day stress field...
Gulf of Papua — Papua New Guinea
Patrick Haltmeier
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... and leads in PNG. PNG is a politically stable country with an establish hydrocarbon industry that offers excellent fiscal terms for both oil and gas...
Overthrust Belt—Need for a Definition1
Charles B. Hunt
Utah Geological Association
... Belt” be restricted to that part of the western edge of the stable platform where rocks of the geosynclinal mobile belt have been thrust eastward onto...
Abstract: Methods in the sampling and studying of natural abundances of 15 N in lichens
Sarah Eaton
Atlantic Geology
... to atmospheric pollution and the natural abundances of stable isotopes can be studied using mass spectrometry. The lichen species Alectoria sarmentosa...
Abstract: The Paleozoic development of fluvial systems as terrestrial vegetation evolved, and implications for organic evolution
Martin R. Gibling, Neil S. Davies
Atlantic Geology
... zones and stable floodplains and the diversification of soil types and soil-forming organisms. Aqueous vertebrates and invertebrates may have flourished...
Habitat of Some Oil: ABSTRACT
G. Moses Knebel
AAPG Bulletin
... of our oil occurs: (1) on the stable side of basins, (2) in anticlines, (3) in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs, (4) from formations of Mesozoic age...
Part II, The Habitat of Some Oil: ABSTRACT
G. M. Knebel
AAPG Bulletin
...) on the stable side of basins, (2) in anticlines, (3) in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs, (4) from formations of Mesozoic age or younger, (5) from a depth...
Turtle Bay Field, Chambers County, Texas: ABSTRACT
R. P. Akkerman
AAPG Bulletin
.... The area of the field remained stable as the southerly regional dip was reversed by subsidence into the rim synclines on the north. A thicker than normal...
ABSTRACT: Groundwater Sources and Flow Patterns Derived from Stable Isotopes and Elemental Chemistry in the Southeast Louisiana Freshwater Aquifers, by Gerard J. Gonthier, Paul Aharon; #90999 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Permo-Pennsylvanian Deposition in Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Charles S. Tenney
AAPG Bulletin
... separated a basin deep situated in eastern Colorado from a more stable, restricted bay or gulf which occupied much of eastern Wyoming. An entire sequence...
Slope Stability Monitoring at Boron: ABSTRACT
R. B. Kistler, J. C. Paulsen, L. L. Thomas
AAPG Bulletin
.... Stable slopes have a low seismic noise level whereas a high noise level indicates a potentially unstable slope before there is any physical evidence...
Stability and Geotechnical Characteristics of Marine Sediments, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
W. R. Bryant, Charles S. Wallin
AAPG Bulletin
... that the sediments in these regions, to a depth of 10 m below the sediment-water interface, are stable in their present environment. Shear-strength versus normal...
Keystone Vugs in Carbonate Beach Deposits: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Dunham
AAPG Bulletin
... lift grains into the form of a keystone arch, which is stable after the bubble is gone. Keystone vugs in ancient rocks probably will prove...
Prevention of Carbonate Cementation in Petroleum Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Charles T. Feazel, Richard A. Schatzinger
AAPG Bulletin
... compaction; (4) exclusion of pore waters by petroleum entry; (5) stable mineralogy; (6) permeability barriers, isolating porous intervals from diagenetic...