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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Mechanisms of shale gas storage: Implications for shale gas exploration in China
Fang Hao, Huayao Zou, Yongchao Lu
AAPG Bulletin
... and Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 31, p. 18131819, doi:10.1021/ie00007a030.Slatt, R. M., and Y. Abousleiman, 2011, Merging sequence stratigraphy...
Geochemical characterization of the Upper Mississippian Goddard Formation, Noble Ranch Group, and related oils in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma
Catherine A. Pearson, and R. Paul Philp
AAPG Bulletin
..., doi:10.1016/S0166-5162(01)00043-X. Hemish, L. A., and R. D. Andrews, 2001, Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the sandstones...
Recovering original type and abundance of organic matter in spent source rocks: A review and advances in elemental proxies
Wenyao Xiao, Jian Cao, Bing Luo, Yuce Wang, Di Xiao, Chunhua Shi, and Kai Hu
AAPG Bulletin
.... = stratigraphy; Tmax = temperature of peak pyrolysis generation; TOCpd = measured present-day TOC. In theory, this approach is the most robust method to recover...
Stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian Sediments in the Northwestern Shan Plateau, Myanmar
Aye Ko Aung, Kyaw Min
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian Sediments in the Northwestern Shan Plateau, Myanmar Aye Ko Aung, Kyaw Min Bulletin of the Geological Society...
Well to Well Interference: Quantifying Connectivity and Understanding How Much is Too Much - A STACK Case Study
Trevor Ingle, Hart Greenwood, Mark Wilkins, Mouin Almasoodi, Kyle Haustveit
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Success is dependent on many variables, several of which include well spacing, completion design, and mechanical stratigraphy. Optimizing development...
Chapter 2: Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems of the Southern Tethyan Region
Christopher G. C. Kendall, Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, Lisa Marlow
AAPG Special Volumes
...Chapter 2: Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems of the Southern Tethyan Region Christopher G. C. Kendall, Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, Lisa Marlow 2014...
Commercial Gas Possibilities in Manila Bay and its Environs
Alessandro O. Sales, Freddie G. Rillera, Dennis V. Panganiban, Ma. Victoria M. Martinez
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
.... Geol. Soc. Phil., v. 25, no. 2, pp. 1–41. Karig, D.E., Lagoe, M.B., Snow, J.K., Schweller, W.J., and Bacuta, G.C., 1986, Stratigraphy Along the Cabaluan...
Paleoclimatic Interpretations of Some Mesozoic Floral Sequences
Charles J. Smiley
AAPG Bulletin
...., 1963, Fossil floras suggest stable, not drifting, continents: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 68, p. 3257-3263. Axelrod, D. I., 1966, Origin...
Hydrothermal Processes and Massive Sulfide Deposits on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Other Northeast Pacific Spreading Axes
Randolph A. Koski, Steven D. Scott, Mark D. Hannington, John R. Delaney, Margaret K. Tivey
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... metals: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 45, p. 135147. Shanks, W. C , R. A. Koski, and L. C. Woodruff, 1984, Mineralogy and stable isotope...
The Physical and Chemical Sedimentology of Two High-Altitude Acid Salars in Chile: Sedimentary Processes In An Extreme Environment
Kathleen C. Benison
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and stable isotope properties of alunite and jarosite from acid-hypersaline Australian lakes: Chemical Geology, v. 96, p. 203–206. Andeskie, A.S., Benison...
Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Coals As Source For Gas Accumulations in the Rocky Mountain Area
Fred F. Meissner
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... based on 1) the stable carbon isotope ratio of methane ( 6 W 1 ) and 2) gas "wetness" (Cl/Cl+ C5) ratio that suggests the general compatability...
Hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Cretaceous mudstones in coastal southeastern China
Jian Cao, Ruofei Yang, Guang Hu, Wenxuan Hu, Suping Yao, Xiaomin Xie, Yuqiao Gao, and Jun Gao
AAPG Bulletin
...°C at 8°C/min, and from 120°C to 290°C at 2°C/min, before being held at 290°C for 30 min. Stable carbon isotope values of kerogen (δ13Ckerogen...
Indirect Genesis Through Transformation of Organic Matter in Sediments: Chapter 5: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott
AAPG Special Volumes
..., either of animal or plant origin when laid down in sediments under saline conditions is converted by the action of bacteria into a relatively stable...
Nested Stratigraphic Cycles and Depositional Systems of the Paleogene Central North Sea
Jack E. Neal, Jeff A. Stein, Jim H. Gamber
Special Publications of SEPM
... stratigraphy provide an opportunity for comparison between different methods and data resolutions. INTRODUCTION The central North Sea Paleogene section...
Seismic-Reflection Studies in the Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Zhao Xueping, Zhang Fumin, Yang Huairan
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... impedance and a stable acoustical impedance boundary was not observed. Therefore, no irregular reflection wave could be formed, but the macroscopic...
F. K. North
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... with the impingement of the migrating arc against a stable foreland. The foreland is the old crystalline platform on which the Bahama Banks and the Lesser...
Cyclic Patterns in Mechanically Deposited Pennsylvanian Limestones of Northeastern Nevada
R. H. Dott, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to adjacent negative areas. The limestones and associated quartzose sandstones lithologically qu lify as stable shelf deposits like typical sequences...
Superimposed Allogenic and Biological Controls on Siliciclastic Architecture: An Early Mississippian (VISEAN) Example from Tropical Laurussia
William J. McMahon, Harm Jan Pierik, Anthony P. Shillito, Francesco Sakese, Bart Van Der Kwaak, DANIEL R. PARSONS, Maarten. G. Kleinhan
... areas at North Mayo and Donegal (amended from Graham (1996, 2010). D) Correlation of stratigraphy across Donegal Bay (amended from Graham 1996, 2010). E...
Numerical Modeling of Tides in the Late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent Seaway of North America with Implications for Hydrography and Sedimentation
Martin R. Wells, Peter A. Allison, Matthew D. Piggott, Gerard J. Gorman, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher C. Pain, Fangxin Fang
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., T.J., Schwark, L., and Hower, J.C., 2004, High resolution geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy of the Hushpuckney Shale (Swope Formation, eastern...
Geologic Applications of Infrared Microscopy
Andrew R. Campbell
Special Publications of SEPM
..., Geologic, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope studies of the tin-tungsten deposits of Portugal: 74,1721-1818. Panasqueira, Portugal: Economic Geology...
River Delta Morphodynamics: Examples From the Danube Delta
Liviu Giosan, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Emil Vespremeanu, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Cornel Olariu, Frank S. Buonaiuto
Special Publications of SEPM
...., 1999). In turn, the mobil- which was more stable or even prograding in the wave shadow ity of the northern tip of the Sacalin shore has decreased consid...
The Role of Nuclear Power in Space Exploration and the Associated Environmental Issues: An Overview, #80053 (2009)
Michael D. Campbell, Jeffery D. King, Henry M. Wise, Bruce Handley, and M. David Campbell
Search and Discovery.com
... is provided in two ways: 1) The basic approach to safety in orbit relies on m oving the spacecraft into a stable, long-term storage orbit, close...
Eastern Officer Basin-New Play-Sleeping Giant?
P. J. Boult, L. Rankin
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... are capped by stable salt in an ideal location for receiving oil which migrated out of the Munyarai Trough. Major depocentres, which contain up to 10...
Decadal Behavior of Tidal Inlet–Associated Beach Systems, Northwest Ireland, in Relation to Climate Forcing
Marianne C. O’Connor, J. Andrew G. Cooper, Derek W. T. Jackson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... embayed beaches in northwest Ireland with historically stable relative sea level. The beaches are geologically constrained within bedrock valleys and have...
Implications of Paleomagnetism for the Tectonic History of the Eastern Klamath and Related Terranes in California and Oregon
Edward A. Mankinen, William P. Irwin, C. Sherman Gromme
Pacific Section SEPM
... samples at some localities ana different techniques had to be appliea to inaividual specimens or groups of specimens. In these cases, a stable end point...