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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
A Paleomagnetic Study of Basalt Flows from the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming
Edward F. Pruss
Wyoming Geological Association
... were based on mineral and not whole rock analyses. Clearly, assuming correct stratigraphy, the rocks in the study area appear to be about 48 to 49...
A Preliminary Investigation of the Igneous Origins of the Montney and Doig Formations: Integrating Igneous Geochemistry Techniques for Interpreting Sedimentary Provenance
Natasha Morris, Michèle Asgar-Deen, David Gardner, Chad Glemser
CSPG Bulletin
..., J.E. 1989. Middle Absaroka Sequence- the Triassic stable craton. In: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. B.E. Ricketts (ed.). Canadian Society...
An Experimental Study of the Influence of Subaqueous Shelf Angles on Coastal Plain and Shelf Deposits: Chapter 15: Recent Developments in Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy
L. J. Wood, F. G. Ethridge, S. A. Schumm
AAPG Special Volumes
... in Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy L. J. Wood, F. G. Ethridge, S. A. Schumm 1993 381 391 M 58: Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy: Recent Developments...
Tectonic Evolution of Sundaland: A Phanerozoic Synthesis
Charles S. Hutchison
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and metabasite (Jones, 1973). Sedimentation in Langkawi, Perlis, and Kedah, beginning with the Upper Cambrian Machinchang Formation, clearly indicates a stable...
The Krisna High: Its Geologic Setting and Related Hydrocarbon Accumulations
L. E. Ardila
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... high which was part of the ancestral Sunda landmass. It is located on the more stable western flank of the Sunda Basin, approximately 85 miles...
Geophysical Techniques Used in Uranium Exploration
P.A. Meyer
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., uranium is shown going through the uranium and radium groups to its stable form lead 206. In the process, alpha, beta and. gamma rays are emitted...
Subsurface Observations in Southeast Kansas
Henry A. Ley
AAPG Bulletin
... to the north and west and conditions of sedimentation became more stable and similar over the region. Near the close of Cherokee shale deposition...
Integrate sweet spot seismic prediction with microseismic monitoring to apply to lacustrine shale in Sichuan Basin of China
Kai Xu, Zhentao Sun, Shixing Wang, Yu Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... features, which includes wide and stable distribution, deep burying depth, relatively great thickness, high content of TOC and quartz, etc...
Growing Evidence of Active Deformation in the Malay Basin Region
H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... that in the 1970s culminated in production from the Malay basin and from the West Natuna basin forces drastic modifications to the concept of stable crustal...
Geological Principles of World Oil Occurrence: A Summary
A. A. Meyerhoff
CSPG Bulletin
..., a distance of 530 km, with the beds ranging upward in age from at least Eocene (Meyerhoff, 1974). There is no break in the stratigraphy, even though Iceland...
New Oil and Gas Plays, Morocco and Tunisia, North Africa
Johann Christian Pratsch
Tulsa Geological Society
... belts. The will be foreland basins in our terminology where a stable craton dips across a wide shelf area toward a mobile oceanic area. A fold...
Petroleum Geology of the East Dykesville Field, Smackover "C" Sand, Claiborne and Webster Parishes, Louisiana
C. Lane Sartor , Stephen R. Howard
GCAGS Transactions
... studies suggest a submarine fan depositional environment on a stable shelf. Ahr, W.M. and G.J. Palko, 1981, Depositional and diagenetic cycles...
Olorgesailie, Kenya: A Million Years in the Life of a Rift Basin
Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Richard Potts, Alan Deino, Peter Ditchfield
Special Publications of SEPM
... to orbital climate cycles if they represent sufficient time in a rela stable or basin the expression of these plant fossils occur throughout in shallow...
Heavy Mineral Evidence for Source of Some Permian Quartzose Sandstones, Colorado Plateau
G. L. Scott
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are presented only in a general semi-quantitative manner. Of the stable heavy minerals only tourmaline and zircon appeared to show significant variations among...
The New Potential of Fractured Basement Reservoir Identification with Integrated Seismic Attributes Analysis and Structural Modeling in Ogan Komering Block, South Sumatra
Ilham Diaz Rahmat Nugroho, Kevinsyah Aulia Lubis, Yudi Herdiana, Julian Saputra, Elrey Fernando Butarbutar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Komering Block. 4 Figure 4 - Regional Stratigraphy of the Ogan Komering Block. Based on well data analysis and basement structure maps, there are five...
Volcanic Contribution To Ordovician Pelagic Sediments
Maurits Lindstrom
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., v. 5, p. 217-237. KAY, G. M., 1951, North American Geosynclines: Geol. Soc. America, Mem. 48, 143 p. KAY, G. M., 1967, Stratigraphy and structure...
Extended Abstract: Gulf Coast Deep-Seated Subsidence Rate Dynamics, Bias, and Spatial-Temporal Depocenter Complexities
Bruce C. Frederick, Mike D. Blum, Harry H. Roberts, Richard H. Fillon
GCAGS Transactions
... control of subsidence and southward displacement of southeast Louisiana with respect to stable North America: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, p...
Heavy Mineral Shadows, a New Sedimentary Structure Formed Under Upper-Flow-Regime Conditions: Its Directional and Hydraulic Significance
R. J. Cheel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... stable, identical in form to those described above moving, intermittently beneath a "streaky," faster-moving quartz-sand bed load; (2) shadows were...
The Provenance of Heavy Minerals in the Mesozoic and Tertiary Formations, Venture B-13 Borehole, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada, by Y.A. Kettanah and G.D. Wach, #50041 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
The Northern Australia - Eastern Indonesia- PNG Super Gas Province: Why So Much Gas and So Little Oil?; #10475 (2013)
Peter M. Barber and Jim Winterhalder
Search and Discovery.com
..., 1994, Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous Depositional systems in the Dampier Sub-Basins NW Shelf...
Stratigraphic-Lithologic Oil and Gas Pools in the Jiyang Depression, China
Shaui Defu, Qian Kai, Song Yongshen, Ge Rong
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... of the Chunhua Formation developed at the top of the Eocene sequence. In Oligo cene time, a period of stable subsidence took place on a large scale and resulted...
Reef Exploration in the East Sengkang Basin, Sulawesi
Andrew M. Grainge, Kenneth G. Davies
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to date in the East Sengkang Basin. Limited stable carbon isotope data indicate that the methane is not of biogenic origin. This, together with the lack...
Paleotemperatures in the Gulf Coast Using the Esr-Kerogen Method
Walter C. Pusey, III
GCAGS Transactions
..., Terrestrial and extraterrestrial stable organic molecules, in R. F. Landel and A. Rembaum, editors; Chemistry in Space Research, Amer. Elsevier, p...
The Geochemistry of Saline Formation Waters, Miocene, Offshore Louisiana
L.S. Land. , G.L. Macpherson , L.E. Mack
GCAGS Transactions
..., and L.E. Mack, 1988, Petrography, stable isotope geochemistry and diagenesis of Miocene sandstones, Vermilion Block 31, offshore Louisiana: GCACS Trans...
Fabric and Origin of Gypsum Sand Crystals, Laguna Madre, Texas
Earle F. McBride , Hiromi Honda ,, Antar A. Abdel-Wahab ,, Stephen Dworkin ,, Thomas A. McGilvery
GCAGS Transactions
... gypsum crystals: Geology Mag., v. 118, p. 303-306. Thode, H. G., and Monster, J., 1965, Sulfur isotope geochemistry of petroleum, evaporites...