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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 19,372 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Abstract: Inorganic Aspects of Kerogens in a Hydrocarbon Producing Source Shale Bed May Hold Solutions to Yet Some Long-Standing Unresolved Issues about the Origin of Petroleum: A Lesson from the Study of Hydrocarbon Producing Late Devonian Woodford Shale in North; #90309 (2017)

S. Chaudhuri, M. Totten, D. Ramirez-Caro, M. McIntire, H. Alvarez, L. Kelly, G. Riepl, J. Miesse, S. Kirkwood, B. Reitz, M. Spaid-Reitz, S. Alkhammali, M. Wall, B. Kwasny, R. Boutin, M. Granet, A. Aubert

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..., France 2 ABSTRACT Recent studies at Kansas State University regarding isotope ages of silicate and organic material components in source shale rocks from...


Determining Multiple Sources, Facies and Oil-Mixtures of the South Atlantic Margins: Africa and Brazil; #80400 (2014)

J. M. (Mike) Moldowan, Tikae Takaki, Marcio R. Mello, Silvana M. Barbanti, Jeremy Dahl, Shaun Moldowan

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.... Whereas, in the same oil samples hopane isotope ratios are unusually light, where C29-hopane can reach −40 ‰, a stable chemocline in the water column...


Fluid Inclusion and Isotope Studies of Calcite Veins in Shizhu Synclinorium, Central China: Record of Origin of Fluids and Diagenetic Conditions; #51275 (2016)

Jian Gao, Sheng He

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... of America Bulletin, v. 112, p. 1667-1679. Evans, M.A., and D.A. Battles, 1999, Fluid inclusion and stable isotope analyses of veins from the central...



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Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Systematics in Gases from Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells; #110149 (2011)

Martin Schoell and Julie LeFever

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...Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Systematics in Gases from Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells; #110149 (2011) Martin Schoell and Julie LeFever AV Carbon...


Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonate Fracture Fills in the Monterey Formation, California

Bryce L. Winter , L. Paul Knauth

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonate Fracture Fills in the Monterey Formation, California Bryce L. Winter , L. Paul Knauth 1992 Vol. 62 No. 2...


Chemostratigraphic Proxy Records: Forward Modeling the Effects of Unconformities, Variable Sediment Accumulation Rates, and Sampling-Interval Bias

Paul M. Myrow, John P. Grotzinger

Special Publications of SEPM

... and strontium Kaufman et aI it is Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic carbon also reveal that only smaIl scale excursions isotope stratigraphy of a few...


Geochemistry and Crystal Morphology of Aragonite Cements of Mixing-zone Origin, Barbados, West Indies

Tod N. Kimbell and John D. Humphrey

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... reported and most predicted O18O values for marine aragonite. Stable-isotope compositions of this cement fall along a mixing line between aragonite...


ABSTRACT: Evidence for Squeegee Flow in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Basin; #90011 (2002)

Hans G. Machel, Beate E. Buschkuehle, M. Karsten

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... %, and that, like the hydrocarbons, occur in dissolution vugs. The stable isotope data of white calcite cement from the SCC show a wide range in δ13C (ca...


Carbon Isotope Composition of Natural Methane Occurrences: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

William M. Sackett

AAPG Bulletin

...Carbon Isotope Composition of Natural Methane Occurrences: GEOLOGICAL NOTES William M. Sackett 1968 853 857 52 5. (May) Decreasing time, temperature...


Diagenesis and Compositional Partitioning of Quaternary Cool-water Carbonate Aeolianites: Southeastern Australia

Noel James, Yvonne Bone, Marina Joury, Isabelle Malcolm, T. Kurtis Kyser,†

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., and O'Neil, J.R., 1977, Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest: Data of Geochemistry, Sixth Edition: U.S. Geological...


Origin of Dolostone Reservoir Rocks, Smackover Formation (Oxfordian), Northeastern Gulf Coast, U.S.A. (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... A., 1981, Holocene dolomitization of calcium carbonate sediments from the coastal sabkhas of Abu Dhabi: a stable isotope study: Journal of Geology, v...


Diagenesis of Neogene Delta-Front Patch Reefs: Alteration of Coastal, Siliciclastic-Influenced Carbonates from Humid Equatorial Regions

Robert H.C. Madden, Moyra E.J. Wilson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., cathodoluminescent, stable-isotope, trace-element and major-element investigation allowed characterization of diagenetic features, paragenetic sequencing...


Interpretation of Methanic Diagenesis in Ancient Sediments by Analogy with Processes in Modern Diagenetic Environments: Part 1. Concepts and Principles

Donald L. Gautier, George E. Claypool

AAPG Special Volumes

... mudstones: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 135, p. 107-117. Curtis, C. D., C. Petrowski, and G. Oertel, 1972, Stable carbon isotope...


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