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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
AAPG Foundation 2016 Grants-in-Aid Projects; - Abstracts, #90298 (2017).
Search and Discovery.com
Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of Burial Diagenetic Facies, Siluro-Devonian Helderberg Group (Carbonate Rocks), Central Appalachians
S. L. Dorobek
AAPG Bulletin
.... Friedman, I., and J. R. O'Neil, 1977, Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest, in M. Fleischer, ed., Data...
Extended Abstract: 3D Visualization and Characterization of a Mississippi River-Scale Deepwater Channel-Levee System on the Basin Plain, Gulf of Mexico
Kody Kramer, Thomas W. Bjerstedt, William W. Shedd
GCAGS Transactions
..., and (4) long-lived, stable channel slip faces within the meander plain. The architecture, sequence stratigraphy, scale, and temporal aspect...
Signature of Climate Control in Early Eocene Fluvial Channel Systems; #50627 (2012)
Piret Plink-Bjorklund, Lauren Birgenheier, and James Golab
Search and Discovery.com
... sedimentology/stratigraphy •Stable carbon isotope analyses •Paleosol analyses •Continental trace fossil analyses •The controls on deposition •Especially...
Example of the Use of Fluid Inclusion and Geochemical Analysis to Describe the Relationship Between a Discontinuity and Oil Migration: Cretaceous of Offshore Dubai, U.A.E.
Patricia E. Videtich, Roger K. McLimans, Hal J. Frank
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... by carbon stable isotope ratios and elemental composition. This discontinuity is located at a change in porosity from 13% below the discontinuity to 24...
Hydrocarbon Kitchen and Migration Assessment of North Aceh Offshore Basin, North Sumatra, Indonesia from Views of Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Geochemistry
A. Fuse, K. Tsukada, W. Kato, H. Honda, Asep Sulaeman, S. Troyer, L. Wamsteeker, Mardhan Abdullah, R. C. Davies, P. Lunt
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... carbon-isotope content. Stable carbon-isotope values from a RFT sample in the Bampo sandstone in the ITU-1A well shows - 26.88 ‰ PDB for alkane fraction...
Diagenesis and Evolution of Microporosity of Middle-Upper Devonian Kee Scarp Reefs, Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, Canada: Petrographic and Chemical Evidence
Ihsan S. Al-Aasm , Karem K. Azmy
AAPG Bulletin
...., and J. R. O'Neil, 1977, Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper...
Dolomitization by Mixed Evaporative Brines and Freshwater, Upper Miocene Carbonates, Nijar, Spain
William J. Meyers , Feng H. Lu , John K. Zachariah
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Miocene-Pliocene stable isotope stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Mediterranean: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 10, p. 71-90. VERGNAUD-GRAZZINI, C...
Diagenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, Primrose Area, Northeastern Alberta
Jennifer L. McKay, Frederick J. Longstaffe
CSPG Special Publications
... of Petroleum Technology, v. 32, p. 56-62. Friedman, I. and O’Neil, J.R. 1977. Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest...
Bryozoan Stable Isotope Survey From the Cool-Water Lacepede Shelf, Southern Australia
Yvonne Bone, Noel P. James
Special Publications of SEPM
... AND YANCEY T E 1991 Stable isotope GROSSMAN E. L., ZHANG, C, AND YANCEY, T. E., J991, Stable isotope stratigraphy of brachiopods from Pennsylvanian...
Diagenetic Conditions of Fibrous Calcite Vein Formation in Black Shales: Petrographic, Chemical and Isotopic Evidence
Ihsan S. Al-Aasm, Iain Muir,, Sadoon Morad
CSPG Bulletin
.../Mineralogical Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 16, p. A2. Al-Aasm, I.S., Taylor, B.E. and South, B. 1990. Stable isotope analysis...
Ecological Accommodation: A Key to the Interpretation of Carbonate Platform Architecture Variability
Luis Pomar and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall
Search and Discovery.com
..., Glacioeustatic fluctuations; the mechanism linking stable isotope events and sequence stratigraphy from the early Oligocene to middle Miocene...
Diagenes and Pore Water Evolution in the Keuper Reservoir, Paris Basin (France)
Christoph Spotl , Albert Matter , Oliver Brevart
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest, in Fleischer, M., ed., Data of Geochemistry: United States Geological Survey Professional...
Petrology and Uranium Mobility of a Granite of Early Precambrian Age from the Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming
I. T. Nkomo, J. S. Stuckless, R. E. Thaden, J. N. Rosholt
Wyoming Geological Association
... by mass-spectrometric isotope dilution: Anal. Chem., v. 46, p. 687-691. Bunker, C. M., and Bush, C. A., 1966, Uranium, thorium, and radium analyses...
Effects of Subaerial Exposure on Porosity Evolution in the Carboniferous Lisburne Group, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, U.S.A.
Randall C. Carlson, Robert H. Goldstein, Paul Enos
Special Publications of SEPM
... within the calcite cements were analyzed for Mg, Fe, Mn, and Sr using an electron microprobe. Stable-isotope ratios of carbon and oxygen were obtained...
M. Schoell, H. Wehner, M. L. Coleman
AAPG Special Volumes
... that are similar in principal characteristics. Stable isotope ratios clearly separate the Umiat oil from all others, suggesting that the Barrow-Prudhoe oils...
Thermal maximum and overpressure of the Wolfcamp formation in the Delaware Basin of Texas and New Mexico through age and temperature of beef calcite veins
Alex M. Washburn, Paul J. Sylvester, Zsófia Poros, and Kathryn E. Snell
AAPG Bulletin
... described in Washburn et al. (2023). Oxygen and Carbon Stable Isotopes Powders for stable isotope analysis were drilled from thin-section billets so...
Isotope Geochemistry of Regionally Extensive Calcite Cement Zones and Marine Components in Mississippian Limestones, New Mexico
William J. Meyers, Kyger C. Lohmann
Special Publications of SEPM
...Isotope Geochemistry of Regionally Extensive Calcite Cement Zones and Marine Components in Mississippian Limestones, New Mexico William J. Meyers...
Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Sedimentation Along the Great Barrier Reef Upper Slope: A Challenge To the Reciprocal Sedimentation Model
Brandon B. Harper, Ángel Puga-Bernabéu, André W. Droxler, Jody M. Webster, Eberhard Gischler, Manish Tiwari, Tania Lado-Insua, Alex L. Thomas, Sally Morgan, Luigi Jovane, Ursula Röhl
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... margin as evidenced in oxygen isotope stratigraphy, mineral magnetism, and sedimentology: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific...
Late Neogene Louisiana Continental Margin Construction Timed by Sea-Level Fluctuations: Chapter 18: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies
Arnold H. Bouma, Harry H. Roberts, James M. Coleman
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Pleistocene marine sediments of the Gulf of Mexico and other basins using oxygen isotope stratigraphy, in N. Healy-Williams, ed., Principles...
Tem and Aem Study of Pervasive, Multi-Step Dolomitization of the Upper Triassic Dolomia Principale (Northern Italy)
Silvia Frisia , Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in parts per million and were mostly detected by microprobe analyses. Stable-isotope content was determined by mass spectrometry at AGIP Geochemical...
Organic Carbon in Phosphoria Formation: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Lawrence F. Rooney
AAPG Bulletin
..., of the two stable carbon isotopes C12 and C13 the lighter isotope is enriched in living matter by approximately 2 per cent. Wickman showed further...
Discovery of the lower Cambrian high-quality source rocks and deep oil and gas exploration potential in the Tarim Basin, China
Guangyou Zhu, Feiran Chen, Meng Wang, Zhiyao Zhang, Rong Ren, and Lin Wu
AAPG Bulletin
.... 140–152. Calver, C. R., 2000, Isotope stratigraphy of the Ediacarian (Neoproterozoic iii) of the Adelaide rift complex, Australia...
Chemometric differentiation of crude oil families in the San Joaquin Basin, California
Kenneth E. Peters, Delphine Coutrot, Xavier Nouvelle, L. Scott Ramos, Brian G. Rohrback, Leslie B. Magoon, John E. Zumberge
AAPG Bulletin
..., reservoir compartments, and filling histories. In the first part of the study, 17 source-related biomarker and stable carbon-isotope ratios were evaluated...
Early Devonian Kess-Kess Carbonate Mud Mounds of the Eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco), and Their Relation to Submarine Hydrothermal Venting
Zdzislaw Belka
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... changes during the Devonian-Mississippian: stable isotope biogeochemistry of brachiopods: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 75, p...