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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Genetic Classification of the SE Turkey Crude Oils and Delineation of the Source Rock Types with the Use of Biological Markers, by K. Gurgey; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: A Unique Dolomite Reservoir: The Upper Devonian Grosmont Formation in Northeastern Alberta, Canada, by H. Huebscher, E. Dembicki, and H. G. Machel; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: Crude Oil Geochemistry and Exploration: Constraints and Potential, by J. Zumberge and S. Brown; #91012 (1992).
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Organic Carbon ^dgr C13 Values from Quaternary Marine Sequences in Gulf of Mexico: A Reflection of Paleotemperature Changes: ABSTRACT
M. A. Rogers, C. B. Koons
AAPG Bulletin
.... B. Koons 1969 2044 2044 53 9. (September) Variations in stable carbon isotope ratio values on combustible organic matter in Gulf of Mexico sediments...
Diagenetic Patterns in Subsurface Bahaman Rocks, San Salvador Island: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Supko
AAPG Bulletin
... calcite, neomorphism of cryptocrystalline grains to microspar, loss of aragonite, and concurrent loss of Sr increase with depth. Stable isotope analyses...
Authigenic Dolomites from Red Sea: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Supko, Peter Stoffers, Tyler B. Coplen
AAPG Bulletin
... conditions, analogous to the dolomites of the Zechstein and the Triassic Keuper Formation. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data show the environments...
Temporal Trends in the Mineralogy of Phanerozoic Micrite Precursors, by Z. Lasemi and P. A. Sandberg; #90986 (1994).
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Movement of Subsurface Waters Under Sabkha, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Its Relation to Dolomite Genesis: ABSTRACT
Judith Ann McKenzie, Kenneth J. Hsu, Jean Schneider
AAPG Bulletin
... and rates of hydrologic movements. The ionic ratios of Cl/Br and K/Br and the stable isotope contents of the subsurface brines of the sabkha separated...
Conodonts--Models of Pragmatic Paleontology: ABSTRACT
Anita G. Harris, Bruce R. Wardlaw
AAPG Bulletin
... for thermal assessment and age determination, such as autofluorescence and stable-isotope analysis, are being actively investigated by several workers...
Stable Isotope Evidence for Modern Freshwater Diagenesis of Cretaceous Edwards Limestone, San Antonio Area, Texas: ABSTRACT
Patricia A. Mench, F. J. Pearson, Jr., Ruth G. Deike
AAPG Bulletin
...Stable Isotope Evidence for Modern Freshwater Diagenesis of Cretaceous Edwards Limestone, San Antonio Area, Texas: ABSTRACT Patricia A. Mench, F. J...
Geochemistry of Artificially Heated Humic and Sapropelic Sediments: Protokerogen: ABSTRACT
K. E. Peters, B. G. Rohrback, I. R. Kaplan
AAPG Bulletin
... by varied techniques including elemental element analysis, gas chromatography, programmed temperature pyrolysis, and stable isotope ratios...
Constraints on Origin of Granitic Uranium-Source Rock, Granite Mountains, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
D. B. Wenner, J. S. Stuckless, K. K. Chang
AAPG Bulletin
... that the granite of Lankin Dome was derived from a sedimentary protolith. Stable isotope studies support this hypothesis and show that this granite is anomalously...
Uraniferous Pyrobitumens from Southwestern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Salman Bloch, Joseph A. Curiale, Janina R. Bloch
AAPG Bulletin
.... Surprisingly, the uranium is associated with the low reflectance phase, in which it ranges up to 10% by weight. Stable carbon isotope ratios...
Stable Isotope Diagenesis of Multicomponent Carbonate System: ABSTRACT
Uwe Brand, Jan Veizer
AAPG Bulletin
...Stable Isotope Diagenesis of Multicomponent Carbonate System: ABSTRACT Uwe Brand, Jan Veizer 1981 905 906 65 5. (May) The isotopic data of the fossil...
Origin and Geochemical Correlation of Near-Surface Oil and Asphaltite Deposits of Southeastern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Joseph A. Curiale
AAPG Bulletin
... decreases and the average O/C, N/C, and S/C atomic ratios increase significantly from oil to asphaltite; and (3) stable carbon isotope ratio values show...
Application of Biologic Markers in Combination with Stable Carbon Isotopes to Source Rock/Oil Correlations, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Wolfgang K. Seifert, J. Michael Moldowan, R. W. Jones
AAPG Bulletin
...Application of Biologic Markers in Combination with Stable Carbon Isotopes to Source Rock/Oil Correlations, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT Wolfgang K...
Hydrocarbon Occurrences in Frontal and Central Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Joseph A. Curiale, William E. Harrison
AAPG Bulletin
... the Ouachitas, and correlates geochemically to the crude oil, as indicated by similar stable carbon isotope ratios. An examination of the Ouachita...
A Stable Isotope Study of Carbonate Cements in Sligo Formation: ABSTRACT
Tadeo H. Schultz
AAPG Bulletin
...A Stable Isotope Study of Carbonate Cements in Sligo Formation: ABSTRACT Tadeo H. Schultz 1982 628 628 66 5. (May) The Sligo Formation in Texas...
ABSTRACT: Genetic Characteristics of Glauconite and Siderite: Implications for the Origin of Ambiguous Isolated Marine Sand Bodies, by S. A. Stonecipher; #91021 (2010)
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Diagenetic Relationships Between Inorganic Matrix and Kerogen in Wilcox Group, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT
Peter D. Jenden, I. R. Kaplan
AAPG Bulletin
... with stable carbon isotope values ranging between -26 and -29 ppt (PDB). Smectite dehydration in the area begins at less than 1 km depth (60°C). At the depths...
Experimental Low-Altitude Aeromagnetic Reconnaissance for Petroleum in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Using Horizontal Gradients--A Progress Report: ABSTRACT
Terrence J. Donovan, John D. Hendricks, Alan A. Roberts, Patricia T. Eliason
AAPG Bulletin
... gradiometer mounted on a fixed-wing airplane. Limited data from stable carbon isotope and remanent magnetism measurements of rock cores form the Cape...
Abstract: Sequence-Stratigraphic Analysis of Correlative Outcropping and Subsurface Chase Group Strata, by C. A. Burtnett; #90940 (1997).
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Ferroan Carbonates Formed at Depth Require Porosity Well-Log Corrections: Hunton Group (Upper Ordovician to Lower Devonian), Deep Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas: ABSTRACT
Charles A. Sternbach, Gerald M. Friedman
AAPG Bulletin
.... Preliminary shale analysis and stable-isotope-ratio analysis support the above conclusions. End_of_Article - Last_Page 119...
Geology of Petroleum in Campos Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT
Egon Manfred Meister
AAPG Bulletin
... of aromatics and of the light 12C stable carbon isotope. Alteration of oil by water occurs if one of the two fluids in contact is allochthonous; bacterial...
Deep Marine Dolomitization, Enewetak Atoll: ABSTRACT
Arthur H. Saller
AAPG Bulletin
... at a minimum burial depth of 900 m (2,900 ft). Stable oxygen isotope determinations suggest dolomite precipitation from cold marine water. Lower Miocene...