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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Memorial: Sol Robert Silverman (1918-2001)
Lora Silverman Bronson, Robert Silverman, David Silverman
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... making historic breakthroughs in edition of Leading Men in the stable isotope geochemistry. There, he David Silverman of isotopes, and was included...
Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonate Complicated by Nitrogen Oxide Contamination: A Delaware Basin Example
David A. Mucciarone , Douglas F. Williams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonate Complicated by Nitrogen Oxide Contamination: A Delaware Basin Example David A. Mucciarone , Douglas F. Williams...
Abstract: 3-Dimensional Modeling of the Molecular and Isotopic Composition of Gases from Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Colorado, by G. S. Ellis, P. G. Lillis, T. Dewane, and S. P. Cumella; #90091 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Timing of Deformation and Gas Generation and Migration in the Foothills Region of the Eastern Brooks Range Fold-Thrust Belt (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska); #90011 (2002)
T. M. Parris, R. C. Burruss, P. B. O’Sullivan
Search and Discovery.com
... petrographic, SEM-cathodoluminescence , fluid inclusion, and stable isotope analyses of cemented fractures collected, in part, from important source rocks...
Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Carbon and their Application to Sedimentologic and Paleoenvironmental Problems
Thomas F. Anderson, Michael A. Arthur
Special Publications of SEPM
... of 1200.) 62 of the 83 stable ele- ments (H to Bi) have at least two isotopes; in most cases one isotope is predominant, the others being present in only...
Williston Basin Symposium
..., J.A., 1987, Stable isotope hydrology, in T.K. Kyser, Short Course in Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Low Temperature Fluids: Mineralogical...
Isotope Geochemistry of Clay Minerals
Eric Eslinger, David Pevear
Special Publications of SEPM
...) as a companion study to the mineralogic and stable isotope studies of the same well discussed above the data. (cf. Figs. 7.5 and 7.11). Figure 7.12...
Evolution of Lacustrine Diatomite Carbonate Cycles of Miocene Age, Southeastern Spain: Petrology and Isotope Geochemistry
A. Bellanca , J. P. Calvo , P. Censi , E. Elizaga , R. Neri
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... (Albacete): Mem. Corn. Inst. Geol. Exma Dip. Prov. Barcelona, v. 10, p. 53-72. MCKENZIE, J. A., 1985, Stable-isotope mapping in Messinian evaporative...
Isotope sclerochronology and season of annual growth line formation in limpet shells (Patella vulgata) from warm- and cold-temperate zones in the eastern North Atlantic
Donna Surge, Ting Wang, Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, Patricia H. Kelley
...., LEES, J.M., and KERSTING, D.K., 2011, Ecological information and water mass properties in the Mediterranean recorded by stable PALAIOS isotope...
Tectonostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental settings of host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpans developed at basin margins in the Upper Devonian Kinnesswood Formation of southwest Scotland
Pierre Jutras
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Singhvi, A.K., Kailath, A.J., Kuhn, R., Dennis, P.F., Tandon, S.K., and Dhir, R.P., 1998, Do stable isotope data from calcrete record late Pleistocene...
Distribution of Diagenetic Alterations in Fluvial, Deltaic, and Shallow Marine Sandstones Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Evidence from the Mullaghmore Formation (Carboniferous), Nw Ireland
J. Marcelo Ketzer, S. Morad, Richard Evans,, I.S. Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., I.S., TAYLOR, B.E., AND SOUTHMM, B., 1990, Stable isotope analysis of multiple carbonate samples using selective acid extraction: Chemical Geology, v. 80, p...
Bulk Solution Disequilibrium in Aqueous Fluids as Exemplified by Diagenetic Carbonates
Hans-G. Machel
AAPG Special Volumes
... disequilibrium with the bulk solution. This compromises applications of the concept of cement stratigraphy and several geochemical models such as those commonly...
Wilcox Group Coal-Bed Methane in North-Central Louisiana
F. Clayton Breland Jr., Peter D. Warwick
GCAGS Transactions
... Warwick, P.D., and F. Clayton Breland, 2005, Geochemical and Stable Isotope Analysis of the Wilcox Group Coal-Bed Gas and Related Petroleum Systems...
Early- to Late-diagenetic Dolomitization of Platform Carbonates: Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, Permian Basin, West Texas
Joachim E. Amthor , Gerald M. Friedman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... replacement dolomites (type 6) are nearly stoichiometric and Fe and Mn poor. Stable Isotopes Carbon and oxygen isotope values of Ellenburger dolostones from...
Hydrothermal Dolomitization in the Lower Silurian Sayabec Formation in Northern Gaspe - Matapedia (Quebec): Constraint on Timing of Porosity and Regional Significance for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Denis Lavoie, Claude Morin
CSPG Bulletin
... of replacive matrix dolomite; petrography and oxygen and carbon stable isotope ratios (δ18OVPDB = -6.3 to -7.8‰ and δ13CVPDB = 1.2 to 3.3‰) of the matrix...
Changes in Sulfur Content and Isotopic Ratios of Sulfur during Petroleum Maturation--Study of Big Horn Basin Paleozoic Oils
Wilson L. Orr
AAPG Bulletin
... 2318 58 11. (November) Changes in sulfur content and sulfur-isotope ratios with "thermal maturation" have been studied using Big Horn basin (Wyoming...
Integration of Core Fracture and Lithofacies Descriptions in the Wolfcamp Shale: Implications for Mechanical Stratigraphy and Deformation History
Anthony Salem, John Solum, Steve Naruk, Daniel Minisini, Patricio Desjardins, James Hnat
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Integration of Core Fracture and Lithofacies Descriptions in the Wolfcamp Shale: Implications for Mechanical Stratigraphy and Deformation History...
Chapter Sixteen: Petroleum Systems of the South Viking Graben
Chris Cornford
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Stable isotope geochemistry of coal bed and shale gas and related production waters: A review: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 120, p. 24...
Hydrogeochemistry and gas compositions of the Uinta Basin: A regional-scale overview
Ye Zhang, Carl W. Gable, George A. Zyvoloski, Lynn M. Walter
AAPG Bulletin
... upwelling of saline waters from 2- to 3-km (1.2- to 1.8-mi) depth is occurring. Moreover, gas composition and water-gas stable isotope characteristics...
Depositional setting and diagenetic processes and their impact on the reservoir quality in the late ViseanBashkirian Kashagan carbonate platform (Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan)
Paola Ronchi, Andrea Ortenzi, Ornella Borromeo, Michele Claps, William G. Zempolich
AAPG Bulletin
... Publication 57, p. 5479.Hsieh, J., D. A. Katz, P. M. Harris, and M. Buoniconti, 2009, Stable isotope profiles in carbonate platform cycles...
Marine and Meteoric Diagenesis of Pleistocene Carbonates from a Nearshore Submarine Terrace, Oahu, Hawaii
C.E. Sherman, C.H. Fletcher, K.H. Rubin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... terrace. Sea-level curve from Chappell and Shackleton (1986). MIS = Marine isotope stage. TABLE 2. Pleistocene stratigraphy at two coastal sites on Oahu...
Pleistocene Shallowing-Upward Sequences in New Providence, Bahamas: Signature of High-Frequency Sea-Level Fluctuations in Shallow Carbonate Platforms
Marc Aurell , Donald F. McNeill , Thierry Guyomard , Pascal Kindler
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... is provided by study of cores using Sr-isotope stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and paleontology (Swart et al. 1987; McNeill et al. 1988; Vahrenkamp...
Paleo-Oceanographic and Tectonic Settings of Early Miocene Reefs and Associated Carbonates of Offshore Southeast Asia
Craig S. Fulthorpe , Seymour O. Schlanger
AAPG Bulletin
..., T. S., N. G. Pisias, and J. P. Kennett, 1983, Pacific Miocene carbon isotope stratigraphy using benthic foraminifera: Earth and Planetary Science...
Three-Component Storm Hydrograph Separation of a Karst Spring Contaminated by Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Central Indiana
Sandra G. Talarovich, Noel C. Krothe
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
...., and Render, F. W. (1975). Stable isotope contents of a major prairie aquifer in Central Manitoba, Canada. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency...
Geological Controls on Regional Subsurface Carbonate Cementation: An Isotopic-Paleohydrologic Investigation of Middle Jurassic Limestones in Central England: Chapter 14: DIAGENESIS, SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND CHANGES IN RELATIVE SEA LEVEL
James P. Hendry
AAPG Special Volumes
... one. All of the 18O values are depleted with respect to Bathonian marine calcite. Stable isotope analyses of oysters, brachiopods and spar cements...