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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,372 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
AAPG-Geoscience Technology Workshop (GTW), - Abstracts, #90186 (2013).
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Preservation of Primary Lake Signatures in Carbonates of the Eocene Green River Wilkins Peak-Laney Member Transitional Zone
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Diagenetic Trends and Porosity Evolution Associated With Unconformities in the Mid-Cretaceous High Relief Carbonate Platform, the El Abra Formation, Mexico
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Microfracture Characterization in the Lower Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
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Origination and Dispersal of Paragloborotalia Kugleri out of the Indian Ocean at the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary
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Calcite Concretions in a Miocene Mixed System: Geochemical, Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Characterization
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Thermal Alteration of Crude Oils in the Central Tarim Basin, Northwest China, as Revealed by Molecular Isotopic Compositions of Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons
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Burial History and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Succession in the Northern Western Desert of Egypt
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Formation Conditions of High-CO2-Content Hydrocarbon Pool and Its Implication for CO2 Geological Storage
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Pennsylvanian source rocks in the Anadarko Basin: An example from the Missourian series Hogshooter Formation in Mills Ranch Field (TX & OK)
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Regional Variations in Woodford Fm Facies and Depositional Environments in the Permian Basin: New Insights From Chemostratigraphic Data
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Tectonic setting and resulting characteristics of the Paisley Geothermal System, Paisley, Oregon
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Organic Carbon Isotopes and Silurian Chronostratigraphy in Eastern Europe
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Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of the Upper Bakken Shale, Williston Basin
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Geochemically Distinct Oil Families in the Onshore and Offshore Santa Maria Basins, California
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Reconstructing Basin Evolution Through Unconformities: Hiatus Mapping Across the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin
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Fault Zone Oil Migration Pathways in Austin Chalk, Southwest Texas
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High-Resolution Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Wolfcamp D Shale-Unit in Upton and Midland Counties - Is it possible to identify stratigraphically significant surfaces using δ13Ccarb?
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A regional study of the depositional history of the Misty Creek Embayment, Northwest Territories, Canada
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Geochemical Fingerprinting as a Tool for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions and Source Rock Characterization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf - An Integrative Approach
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ABSTRACT: Mid-Cretaceous Platform Carbonate Play in Tunisia, North Africa: Attributes and Evidences from Producing Fields; #90007 (2002)
Habib Troudi, M.Hedi Acheche, Moncef Saidi, Jomaa Friha
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... to 350mD. The Bireno reservoir is sealed by thick Upper Cretaceous Aleg shales. Stable carbon isotope and biomarker data indicate that the Upper...
ABSTRACT: The Western Pacific Warm Pool: A Probe of Global Sea Level Change and Indonesian Seaway Closure During the Middle to Late Miocene; #90013 (2003)
Stephen A. Nathan, R. Mark Leckie, Brooke Olson, Robert M. DeConto
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... analyses with stable isotope data from ODP Sites 1146 (northern South China Sea; SCS), 1143 (southern SCS) and 806 (Ontong Java Plateau, OJP; western...
ABSTRACT: Association of Deformation and Fluid Events in the Central Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Alaska; #90013 (2003)
Thomas E. Moore, Christopher J. Potter, Paul B. O’Sullivan, Kevin L. Shelton, Michael B. Underwood
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... in a thick sequence of mid-Cretaceous foreland basin sediments to the north. Stable isotope compositions of calcite and quartz veins indicate two fluid...
ABSTRACT: Ordovician Tectonic Dolostones in Central Kentucky: Analogs for Trenton-Black River Reservoirs in the Appalachian Basin; #90013 (2003)
David C. Harris, James A. Drahovzal, Clay A. Wilcox, Edward W. Woolery, William F. Reid, Langhorne T. Smith, Thomas H. Mroz, Richard W. Beardsley
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... established a paragenetic sequence, and geochemical work in progress on the dolostones includes trace element, stable isotope, and fluid inclusion...
ABSTRACT: The Hasbaya Asphalt (Lebanon) Revisited: Some Remarks from Detailed Field Mapping, Petrographic and Geochemical Studies; #90051 (2006)
Sharbel Al Haddad, Fadi H. Nader, Rudy Swennen, Ralf Littke
Search and Discovery.com
... of the hydrocarbon occurrence, petrographic and geochemical (e.g. stable isotope and gas chromatography) analyses. The total thickness of the strata...