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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
ABSTRACT: Geochemistry of Tight Sandstone Gas in Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Central Sichuan Basin; #90134 (2011)
Tao Shizhen, Dai Jinxing, Zou Caineng, Wu Xiaoqi
Search and Discovery.com
... Anping, Yang Chun, Tao Xiaowan. Stable carbon isotope of alkane gases from the Xujiahe coal measures and implication for gas-source correlation...
Geochemically Driven Exploration Models in Uplifted Areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea, #40470 (2009)
Sverre E. Ohm, Dag A. Karlsen and Tim J. Austin
Search and Discovery.com
..., a significant fresh gas charge. References Andrusevich, V.E., M.H. Engel, J.E. Zumberge, L.A. Brothers, 1998, Secular, episodic changes in stable carbon...
Cretaceous Benthic Foraminiferal Paleobathymetry: Quomodo Altum Id Fuit?
Robert G. Douglas
Pacific Section SEPM
.... and Douglas, R. G., 1973, Stable isotope and magnesium geochemistry of Recent planktonic foraminifera from the south Pacific: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v...
Silicilied Micropeloid Structures from the 1.1 Ga Mescal Limestone, North-Central Arizona: Probable Evidence for Precambrian Terrestrial Life
Ray Kenny, David H. Krinsley
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... for a terrestrial photosynthetic community comes from stable isotopic studies of subaerial exposure horizons during the latest Precambrian (Beeunas...
Prediction of Hydrocarbon Sources in The Walio Area, Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia
Tsania Ozza, Michael Sompie, Edi Suwandi Utoro, David Seneshen, Adhytia Awang Kurniawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... a range of 0.47-1.75%. For stable C isotope composition, δ13C value range is within the crude oil range (-34‰ to 18‰). Satyana and Wahyudin (2000...
Forensic Geochemistry in Characterization of Petroleum Contaminants in Soil and Water
I.R. Kaplan
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... 77-92. Sofer, Z., 1984, Stable carbon isotope composition of crude oils: Application to source depositional environments and petroleum alteration: AAPG...
Tectonic Influences on Carbonate Deposition and Diagenesis, Buckhorn Asphalt, Deese Group (desmoinesian), Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
James L. Sadd
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... environments: Geology, v. 12, p. 432-435. NORTH, F. K., 1985, Petroleum Geology: Boston, Allen and Unwin, 425 p. O'BRIEN, A. M., 1981, Stable isotope study...
The Lower Silurian Sayabec Formation in Northern Gaspe: Carbonate Diagenesis and Reservoir Potential
Denis Lavoie, Guoxiang Chi
CSPG Bulletin
.... The dolomite consists of inclusion-free crystals that are red luminescent under CL. STABLE ISOTOPES Oxygen and carbon stable isotope ratios were measured...
Environmental Isotopic Investigation of Ground- Water Movement and Surface-Water Interactions, Royal Gorge Arch, Colorado
Timothy L. Clarey, R.V. Krishnamurthy, Ronald B. Chase
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... cisterns or holding tanks. Whenever possible, wells were sanipled from the wellhead, and not from a holding tank. Samples for stable isotope analysis...
Impact of Stylolitization On Fluid Flow and Diagenesis in Foreland Basins: Evidence from an Upper Jurassic Carbonate Gas Reservoir, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Daniel Morad, Fadi H. Nader, Sadoon Morad, Fatima Al Darmaki, Helge Hellevang
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest: data of geochemistry, Sixth Edition: U.S. Geological Survey...
Organic Geochemistry of Black Shales and Oils in the Minnelusa Formation (Permian and Pennsylvanian), Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Jerry L. Clayton, Robert T. Ryder
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... (2,600-3,700 f t depth) l- a v , -30 0 z cr) 9 I a -1 3 Figure 5. I I I Comparison of stable carbon isotope composition o saturated...
Hydrocarbon charge and petroleum system evolution of the Montney Formation: A multidisciplinary case study of the Blueberry sub-play in Northeast British Columbia, Canada
Elizabeth A. Watt, Dallin P. Laycock, Eric Michael, Rick C. Tobin, Shaina Kelly, Michelle N. Johnston
Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience (CEGA)
...-stratigraphic framework. Several key observations emerge from these data: 1) Stable carbon isotope patterns that show a consistently stratified oil column...
Organic-rich black shale geochemistry and their association with lead-zinc ores: Mid-continent United States
Noah S. Morris, Adriana Potra, John R. Samuelsen
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... at the University of Arkansas Stable Isotope Laboratory. Twenty-five untreated powdered samples were analyzed with a Philips PW1830 Double System XRD...
Origin of Siderite Concretions in Microenvironments of Methanogenesis Developed in a Sulfate Reduction Zone: An Exception or a Rule?
Maciej J. Bojanowski, Euan N.K. Clarkson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 1998, Sulfate reduction and related stable isotope (34S, 18O) variations in interstitial waters from the Eastern Mediterranean, in Robertson, A.H.F....
An Outline of Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis
Robert B. Halley
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... be extended. 2. Stable Isotope Studies Two approaches to diagenesis have evolved from stable isotope studies of carbonate rocks. One approach is to establish...
Reservoir Fluid Property Variation at the Metre-scale: Origin, Impact and Mapping in the Vincent Oil Field, Exmouth Sub-basin
A. P. Murray, D. A. Dawson, D. Carruthers, S. Larter
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...% wet gases), often depleted in CO2, and show distortion in the stable isotope composition of the affected components. In particular propane, the most...
Secondary porosity generation in sandstones constrained by the fault movement, fluid flow, and mudstone–sandstone interactions, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China
Huan Li, Hongtao Zhu, Xiaofeng Du, and Xianghua Yang
AAPG Bulletin
... available as AAPG Datashare 162 at www.aapg.org/datashare). Stable Carbon Isotope of Carbonate Cements Sandstone core samples, including 17 samples...
Influence of Sill Intrusions on the Organic Geochemistry of Upper Triassic Lacustrine and Fluviatile Sediments at Timber Peak, Antarctica; #40467 (2009)
Ulrich Berner, Jolanta Kus, Georg Scheeder, Georg Delisle, Jorg W. Schneider, Robert Schoner, and Lothar Viereck-Gotte
Search and Discovery.com
...., ISBN: 0-521-83762-6. Sofer, Z., 1984, Stable carbon isotope compositions of crude oils; application to source depositional environments and petroleum...
Diagenesis of the Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation, Northern Bighorn Basin Region, South-Central Montana and Northern Wyoming
M.A. Vice, R.H. Fifarek, J.E. Utgaard
Montana Geological Society
..., mixed, or brine) responsible for the diagenetic changes were interpreted from stable isotope and trace element analyses...
Insights Into the Dolomitization Process and Porosity Modification in Sucrosic Dolostones, Avon Park Formation (Middle Eocene), East-Central Florida, U.S.A.
Robert G. Maliva, David A. Budd, Edward A. Clayton, Thomas M. Missimer, J. A. D. Dickson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... between dolomitization and porosity and permeability were studied focusing on three 305-m-long cores taken in the City of Daytona Beach. Stable-isotope...
Lacustrine Facies In Response To Millennial–Century-Scale Climate Changes (Lake Hayk, Northern Ethiopia)
Massimiliano Ghinassi, Filippo D'oriano, Marco Benvenuti, Mariaelena Fedi, Stanley Awramik
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... investigated through the integration of stratigraphic, geomorphological, and stable-isotope data (Lamb et al. 2007; Ghinassi et al. 2012). Three main...
Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, Brent Sandstone (Jurassic), Bergen High Area, North Sea
J. R. Glasmann , R. A. Clark , S. Larter , N. A. Briedis , P. D. Lundegard
AAPG Bulletin
... of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest, in M. Fleischer, ed., Data of geochemistry: USGS Professional Paper 440-KK, 12 p...
Morphodynamic Stratigraphy of River-Dominated Deltaic Bars
Search and Discovery.com
Very High-Resolution Seismics as a Tool for Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to Outcrop Scale--Examples from Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin Holocene/Pleistocene Deposits
F. L. Chiocci
AAPG Bulletin
... sul Mar Tirreno: Giornale di Geologia, v. 37, p. 5-24. Shackleton, J. S., and N. D. Opdyke, 1973, Oxygen isotope and paleomagnetic stratigraphy...
Characteristics and origin of Microfracture in Lower Cretaceous Tight Sandstone from Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China; #10514 (2013)
Chun Liu, Ronghu Zhang, Huiliang Zhang, Xianzhang Yang, and Junpeng Wang
Search and Discovery.com
.... Based on fluid inclusions, carbon-oxygen stable isotope analysis of fracture-filling cements (calcite and dolomite) and burial history, tectonic...