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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 19,372 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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ABSTRACT: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy: Deeper-Water Epeiric Carbonates (Upper Jurassic, Southwest Germany); #90017 (2003)

Thomas Aigner, E. Link, J. Pross, M. Ruf

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...ABSTRACT: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy: Deeper-Water Epeiric Carbonates (Upper Jurassic, Southwest Germany); #90017 (2003) Thomas...


Abstract: Heavy Minerals Stratigraphy (HMS) of the Sand-rich Member of the Burqan Formation, Midyan Basin, NW Saudi Arabia; #90254 (2016)

Mohammed Benaafi, Hasan Alfaifi

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...Abstract: Heavy Minerals Stratigraphy (HMS) of the Sand-rich Member of the Burqan Formation, Midyan Basin, NW Saudi Arabia; #90254 (2016) Mohammed...


Quaternary Alluvial Plain Construction in Response to Glacio-Eustatic and Climatic Controls, Texas Gulf Coastal Plain

Michael D. Blum, David M. Price

Special Publications of SEPM

... during the oxygen isotope stage 5 and modem interglacial highstands Reevaluation of preexisting data combined with reexamination of Beaumont and younger...


Geochemical and isotopic evolution of water produced from Middle Devonian Marcellus shale gas wells, Appalachian basin, Pennsylvania

Elisabeth L. Rowan, Mark A. Engle, Thomas F. Kraemer, Karl T. Schroeder, Richard W. Hammack, and Michael W. Doughten

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory, v. 10-C2, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, Reston, VA, 27 p., accessed February 28, 2014, http...


Geochemistry of Oils in the Northern Viking Graben: Chapter 18

H. M. Chung, W. S. Wingert, G. E. Claypool

AAPG Special Volumes

... in exploration of the Norwegian shelf: Graham & Trotman, p. 121-129. Zaback, D. A., 1987, Classification of crude oil based on stable carbon isotopes...


ABSTRACT Structures of Northern Iraq and Syria and Their Implications for Interpretation of the Regions Stratigraphy, #90104 (2010)

Kent W. Norman

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...ABSTRACT Structures of Northern Iraq and Syria and Their Implications for Interpretation of the Regions Stratigraphy, #90104 (2010) Kent W. Norman...


Petrographic Study of Marginal Sediments from the Elk Point Group of Northwestern Alberta, Canada

M. Khanna, E.K. Walton, M.S. Shawa

CSPG Bulletin

.... Petrology of sedimentary rocks. Hemphill Book Store, Austin, Texas. 154p. Friedman, I. and O'Neil, J.R. 1977. Compilation of stable isotope fractionation...


Pressure solution in chalk

M. Safaricz, I. Davison

AAPG Bulletin

... Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 94, p. 11291143.Jenkyns, H. C., A. S. Gale, and R. M. Corfield, 1994, Carbon and oxygen-isotope stratigraphy...


Stable Carbon Isotopes of Gaseous Alkanes as Genetic Indicators Inferred from Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments of Various Marine Hydrocarbon Source Material from Southern China; #40945 (2012)

Wenhui Liu, Jie Wang, Tenger, Jianzhong Qin, and Lunju Zheng

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... yields than those from crude oil and soluble organic matter. The reason for relative lower stable carbon isotope values of methane from oil cracking lies...


Petrography, fluid-inclusion, isotope, and trace-element constraints on the origin of quartz cementation and feldspar dissolution and the associated fluid evolution in arkosic sandstones

Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Jon Gluyas, Xu Cao, and Wenbo Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

...Petrography, fluid-inclusion, isotope, and trace-element constraints on the origin of quartz cementation and feldspar dissolution and the associated...


Water-Rock Interaction History of Regionally Extensive Dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Mississippian): Isotopic Evidence

Jay L. Banner, G. N. Hanson, W. J. Meyers

Special Publications of SEPM

... U A E A stable 198 1984 Strontium isotopic the Precambrian Shield of Canada 205 LOHMANN 89 v Geology composition of some brines Isotope...


Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs„Introduction and Summary of Articles

Wayne M. Ahr, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, William A. Morgan, Ian D. Somerville

Special Publications of SEPM

... carbonate ramp in the Alaskan Arctic. They utilize a variety of geochemical tools, including cathodolumi-nescence cement stratigraphy and stable isotopes...


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