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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,372 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Late Quaternary Sedimentation on the North Aegean Continental Margin, Greece (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., p. 37-46. Feeley, M. H., T. C. Moore, Jr., T. S. Loutit, and W. R. Bryant, 1990, Sequence stratigraphy of Mississippi fan related to oxygen isotope...
ABSTRACT: Isotope Geochemistry Of Sulfur In High-‐Organic-‐Sulfur Coals Of Late Palaeozoic From China
W. W. Li, Y.G. Tang, X. He, Q.J. Guo
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
.... The stable isotope geochemistry of Australian coals. Org. Geochem. 3, 111–131. Hydrocarbons...
ABSTRACT: Geochemical generation processes of simulated biogenic coalbed methane from lignite
Aikuan Wang, Pei Shao, Yong Qin
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
.... The measurement of gas composition used the gas chromatographic method. Stable isotopic composition tests were completed with MAT-25 isotope mass...
Mass Balance and Fluid Flow Constraints on Regional-Scale Dolomitization, Late Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: REPLY
Michael J. Shields,, Patrick V. Brady
CSPG Bulletin
... and Mineralogists, Special Publication No. 28, p. 87110. Land, L.S. 1992. The dolomite problem: Stable and radiogenic isotope clues. In: Isotope Signatures...
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References cited
Kansas Geological Society
..., and Anderson, J.A., 1989, Diagenetic responses to sea-level change–integration of field, stable isotope, paleosol, and cement stratigraphy research...
Influence of Tectonic Terranes Adjacent to the Precambrian Wyoming Province on Phanerozoic Stratigraphy in the Rocky Mountain Region: Part I. Regional Overview
J. J. Tonnsen
AAPG Special Volumes
...Influence of Tectonic Terranes Adjacent to the Precambrian Wyoming Province on Phanerozoic Stratigraphy in the Rocky Mountain Region: Part I...
Source Rocks at Svalbard: An Overview of Jurassic and Triassic Formations and Comparison with Offshore Barents Sea Time Equivalent Source Rock Formations; #30372 (2014)
Tesfamariam B. Abay, Dag A. Karlsen, and Jon H. Pedersen
Search and Discovery.com
... chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for biomarker analyses. Moreover, on selected samples determination of stable carbon isotope composition of saturated...
Rb-sr Whole-rock Geochronology and Clay Mineralogy of the Madera Formation Near Albuquerque, New Mexico
B. Mukhopadhyay , D. G. Brookins
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...------------------------ Sr and Rb concentrations of some samples (particularly those containing less than 30 ppm Rb and Sr) were determined by stable isotope dilution using...
Ngrayong Sandstone: 130 Years Exploration History and a Look at its Future
Miftah Mazied, I Wayan Ardana, M. Nauvall Juliansyah, Erik Yogapurana, Rizki Krishna Pratama
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Isotope data indicates that the CO2 is of magmatic origin and restricted only in the Muriah Trough and Bawean arch. After a fascinating 130 years...
Diagenesis, Basin Development, and Porosity Prediction in Exploration--An Introduction: Chapter 1
Andrew Horbury, Andrew Robinson
AAPG Special Volumes
... of reservoir quality through chemical modeling, AAPG Memoir 49, 175pp. Meyers, W.J., 1974, Carbonate cement stratigraphy of the Lake Valley Formation...
Petroleum Geochemistry of the Sunda Basin
Jorge Molina
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... organic matter to those of aquatic origin, is apparent. Carbon Isotope Ratios Stable carbon isotope composition has been used to distinguish between oils...
Paleozoic Fluid History of the Michigan Basin: Evidence from Dolomite Geochemistry in the Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone
Bryce L. Winter, Clark M. Johnson, J.A. Simo, John W. Valley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... reacted with anhydrous H3PO4 at 50°C for 8-12 hr for stable isotope analysis. A fractionation factor of 1.01007 was used to correct for the oxygen...
The Chloride Mass-Balance Approach for Estimating Recharge from Precipitation in Cedar Valley, an Alluvial Basin in Iron County, Southwestern Utah
James L. Mason
Utah Geological Association
..., recharge was estimated to be about 10,300 acre-feet per year. Deuterium and 18O stable-isotope data, however, indicate that water in the principal...
Gas Isotope Analysis: A Cost Effective Method to Improve Understanding of Vertical Drainage in the Delaware Basin
Mindy Goldsmith, Michael A. Abrams
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Gas Isotope Analysis: A Cost Effective Method to Improve Understanding of Vertical Drainage in the Delaware Basin Mindy Goldsmith, Michael A. Abrams...
Depositional Facies and Aqueous-Solid Geochemistry of Travertine-Depositing Hot Springs (Angel Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.): REPLY
Bruce W. Fouke
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Carbon isotope discrimination during photosynthesis and the isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems: Global Biogeochemical Cycles...
Sedimentology and Orientation of Tentaculite Shells in Turbidite Lime Mudstone to Packstone: Lower Devonian, Barrandian, Bohemia
Jindrich Hladil , Petr Cejchan , Ananda Gabasova , Zdenek Tdeaborsky , Jana Hladikova
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Amsterdam, Elsevier, 168 p. BRAND, U., 1989, Global climatic changes during the Devonian-Mississippian: Stable isotope biogeochemistry of brachiopods...
Lower Paleozoic foreland basins in eastern Canada: tectono-thermal events recorded by faults, fluids and hydrothermal dolomites
Denis Lavoie, Guoxiang Chi
CSPG Bulletin
.... Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 440 KK, 12 p. Gasparrini, M...
Mandal-Ekofisk(!) Petroleum System in the Central Graben of the North Sea: Chapter 33: Part VI. Case Studies--Eastern Hemisphere
Chris Cornford
AAPG Special Volumes
... abundance of isosteranes is C29 > C27 > C28 (Figure 33.15A). The stable carbon isotope composition of the oils from the Central Graben is heavier...
Geological significance of seismic reflections and imaging of the reservoir architecture in the Malampaya gas field (Philippines)
Franois Fournier, Jean Borgomano
AAPG Bulletin
... stable isotope studies of cement stages and fluid-inclusion analyses should be performed to clarify the origin of the corrosive fluids.Figure 7. (A) Model...
Mudstone Sedimentation at High Latitudes: Ice as a Transport Medium for Mud and Supplier of Nutrients
Joe H.S. Macquaker, Margaret A. Keller
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., at a variety of magnifications (ranging from ×2 to ×1000). Stable isotope analyses of the organic-carbon fraction were performed using a Carlo-Erba elemental...
Depositional Setting and Diagenetic Evolution of Some Tertiary Unconventional Reservoir Rocks, Uinta Basin, Utah
Janet K. Pitman, Thomas D. Fouch, Martin B. Goldhaber
AAPG Bulletin
... KK, compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 440-KK, 61 p. Hamilton, W., 1978...
Potassium-argon timing of episodic mica and illite crystallization in highly indurated Hassi Messaoud (Algeria) hydrocarbon-bearing sandstones
Norbert Clauer, Horst Zwingmann, Andrew Todd, and Amélie Aubert
AAPG Bulletin
.... The concern here is in the temperature range of the Variscan episodes that were discussed above on the basis of the stable isotope geochemistry...
Fossil Cold Seep Limestones and Associated Chemosymbiotic Macroinvertebrate Faunas, Jurassic-Cretaceous Great Valley Group, California
Kathleen A. Campbell, Christine Carlson, David J. Bottjer
Pacific Section SEPM
..., J., 1987, Stable Isotope Geochemistry: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 241 p. Hovland, M. and Judd, A.G., 1988, Seabed pockmarks and seepages: Impact...
Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Controls on Ooid Mineralogy of the Smackover Formation, Mississippi Salt Basin: Implications for Late Jurassic Seawater Composition
Ezat Heydari , Clyde H. Moore
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., TAYLOR, B.E., AND SOUTH, B., 1990, Stable isotope analysis of multiple carbonate samples using selective acid extraction: Chemical Geology (Isotope...