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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,103 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: Kinematic and Sequence Stratigraphic Frameworks of the Gulf of Mexico and the Niger Delta: Contrasts and Analogs

David J. Hall, Bruce E. Bowen

GCAGS Transactions

... imaging of the deep structure. Oceanic crustal relief, corroborated by gravity data, has had a major influence on the structural and stratigraphic...


Alaskan Peninsula Cenozoic Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic Sequences and Current Research: ABSTRACT

R. C. Allison, J. M. Armentrout

AAPG Bulletin

... on the Alaska Peninsula. Burk mapped the Phanerozoic stratigraphy and provided a geologic history and structural interpretation of the area between Wide Bay...


Regional Geoscience Studies of the Labrador Margin: Providing the Framework for Petroleum Exploration

S.A. Dehler

Search and

... understanding of the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the offshore shelf and deepwater regions. Activities have included seismic...


Regional Geoscience Studies of the Labrador Margin: Providing the Framework for Petroleum Exploration

S.A. Dehler

Search and

... understanding of the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the offshore shelf and deepwater regions. Activities have included seismic...


Current Use of Computers by Exploration Geologists: ABSTRACT

J. M. Forgotson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... and a residual component. This technique has proved useful in the interpretation of isopachous and structural maps based on subsurface data, seismic...



R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister

AAPG Bulletin

... it will be obvious that any structural interpretation of Southern California must be based largely on the work of oil geologists; and that the adequacy of the data...


An Analysis of Dipmeter Survey Results in the Langkat Area

Abdul Wahab

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... interpretation. GCAS, Vol. XIX. GILREATH, J.A.,, 1964, Detailed Stratigraphic control Through Dip computation. AAPG, v. 48 no. 12 GILREATH, J...


Interpretation of the Piney Creek Thrust and Oil Exploration

Robert F. Hudson

Wyoming Geological Association

... Division Structural characteristics and trends along the east-central flank of the Bighorns have significance for interpretation of the Piney Creek thrust...


Stratigraphic vs. Structural Controls of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Aneth Area, Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT

James A. Peterson

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphic vs. Structural Controls of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Aneth Area, Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT James A. Peterson 1965 1571 1572 49 9...


Three-dimensional structural model of the Rhourde el Baguel field, Algeria

Shankar Mitra, William Leslie

AAPG Bulletin

... Alpine deformation.The 3-D structural model provides a consistent interpretation for each stratigraphic unit as well as for the entire structure...


Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Interpretation of Middle Cretaceous in South East Muglad Basin, South Sudan; #30269 (2013)

Dorar Hamdoba Elshaikh Saror and Zuhar Zahir Bin Tuan Harith

Search and

...Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Interpretation of Middle Cretaceous in South East Muglad Basin, South Sudan; #30269 (2013) Dorar Hamdoba...


A structural interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous), northern Alaska

Thomas X. Homza

AAPG Bulletin

...A structural interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous), northern Alaska Thomas X. Homza 2004 265 278 88 3 Modern three-dimensional...


ABSTRACT: Structural Style and Evolution of the Ardmore Basin; #90012 (2003)


Search and

...ABSTRACT: Structural Style and Evolution of the Ardmore Basin; #90012 (2003) BRYAN SRALLA AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90012©2003 AAPG Hedberg...


A New Generation of Digital Structure and Facies Maps for Taranaki Basin: Progress towards a 4D Taranaki Model

M. Arnot, J. Baur, K. Bland, H. Bushe, R. Funnell, B. Ilg, C. Jones, P. King, M. Masey, M. Milner, H. E. Morgans, L. Roncaglia, H. Zhu, B. Leitner

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... been completed. Biostratigraphic data from the wells has been reassessed and integrated into the stratigraphic interpretation, allowing detailed...


Smackover-Norphlet Stratigraphy, South Wiggins Arch, Mississippi and Alabama

John W. Cagle , M. Ali Khan

GCAGS Transactions

... of the Wiggins Arch is baldheaded. This paper presents a seismic-stratigraphic interpretation which proposes that the three wells are isolated...


Workstation Visualization Techniques that Empower the Geologist: Examples from the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Louis Liro, Kimberly Cline, Mary Kadri, Mark Lahr, Henry Gerke

GCAGS Transactions

..., structural and stratigraphic interpretation in the vicinity of thinning salt and salt welds, use of supra-salt sediment geometries to unravel complex...


Abstract: Defining Structural Style Using Satellite Imagery and DEM's: Examples from the Bird's Head, Western Papua and the Masilah Basin, Yemen

Mike Oehlers

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... to help focus regional exploration and also provided a GIS-based structural and stratigraphic framework. Regional Landsat TM and ETM+ data are cloud...


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