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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 60,796 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Exploring for Stratigraphic Traps in the Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin: An Integrated Seismic Methodology
Alexandra Bennett; Beach Energy
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
.... The integrated seismic interpretation methodology has proven to be a successful approach in the discovery of stratigraphic and structural-stratigraphic...
Chapter 12: Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings through Combined Fieldwork, Interpretation, and Geocellular Modeling
John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer
AAPG Special Volumes
... John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer 2016 191 218 Memoir 111: 3-D Structural Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine, 2016...
The Integration of Borehole, Seismic Data, Geological Field Work, Paleontological Data, and SAR in a Thrusted Area of East Kalimantan
Nugroho Setio, Wahyudin Suwarlan, Rennier Latief
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... information. The second goal of the study is to support the seismic structural interpretation which is difficult in areas of poor seismic data. Poor...
Oil Distribution in the Carbonera Formation, Arenas Basales Unit. A Case Study in the Quifa and Rubiales Fields, Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia; #20236 (2014)
Angel Dasilva, Yohaney Gomez, Maria A. Villa, Franklin Yoris, and Diego Morales
Search and Discovery.com
... is a combination of structural and stratigraphic features. The proper structural traps are formed by normal faults upthrown to the basin...
Structural Description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia
Hesekiel Bernando Nainggolan, RM Iman Argakoesoesmah, Indra Wahyudi, Andry Hidayat, Muhammad Fikry Shahab
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Structural Description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia Hesekiel Bernando Nainggolan, RM Iman Argakoesoesmah, Indra Wahyudi, Andry Hidayat...
Structural-Stratigraphic Styles and Evolution of the Offshore Otway Basin - A Structural Seismic Analysis
D. Palmowski, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Structural-Stratigraphic Styles and Evolution of the Offshore Otway Basin - A Structural Seismic Analysis D. Palmowski, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman...
Clyde Field
John W. Oty
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... for mapping, values in wells near the porosity trend can be used to present a better structural interpretation. Figure 2. Clyde Field, Structure Map...
Extended Abstract: Structural Inversion, Reactivation and Extensional Detachment and Their Influence on the Formation and Preservation of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Northern Western Desert of Egypt
Ziming Sun
Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016
... seismic interpretation section across the Razzark-Yidma-Alamein structural belt in Alamein basin. It shows that the horst block in the middle...
Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps--Present Status and Future Outlook: Summary
Robert E. King
AAPG Special Volumes
... as w ll as subtle structural traps. Aleksin, A. G. et al., 1971, Lithologic and stratigraphic traps for petroleum and methods of exploring for them: 8th...
Thompson Field: Fort Bend County, Texas
R. G. Behrman Jr.
Houston Geological Society
... detailed structural interpretation. The fault pattern in this portion of the field is shown on the structural contour map and is probably representative...
Lineament Analysis: An Exploration Method for the Delineation of Structural and Stratigraphic Anomalies
Alvin C. Johnson, Jr.
Utah Geological Association
...Lineament Analysis: An Exploration Method for the Delineation of Structural and Stratigraphic Anomalies Alvin C. Johnson, Jr. 1974 449 452...
The Role of Horizontal Seismic Sections in Stratigraphic Interpretation: Chapter 3
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
... structural horizons and are effective for structural interpretation. A feature not interpretable as structure may have stratigraphic significance...
Abstract: Jurassic and Cretaceous Carbonate Geology and Stratigraphic Plays in the Rub’Al Khali Basin, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by Craig Harvey, Abdul-Hameed Azzouni, and Henk Droste; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Evolution of Structural Models of Two Anticlines in the Papuan Thrust Belt by Application of Magnetotellurics
Lindsay Ross
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of structural models was developed that conformed to key elements of the magnetotelluric interpretation, surface geological data, Synthetic Aperture Radar...
Abstract: Using Geological Expression Techniques to Reveal Complex Regional Structural Information without Conventional Interpretation, by Wooltorton, Tom; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Successful Techniques and Pitfalls in Utilizing Biostratigraphic Data in Structurally Complex Terrain: VICO Indonesia's Kutei Basin Experience
Adi P. Kadar, David W. Paterson, Hudianto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... shotholes were used with seismic and SAR data in VICO's stratigraphic and structural interpretation of this complex area. This project was one component...
Abstract: Key Learnings and Exploration Challenges in a Long-lived and Complex Deep Water Thrust Belt, Trinidad, by Dave Widdoes; #90203 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Reducing fault and seal uncertainty through restoration and forward geomechanical modeling in a compressional regime in the Arabian Plate
Ahmed AlHawaj, Yaser AlZayer
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... is crucial for having a working petroleum system, especially for complex strata at depth. Introduction Combining structural restoration with forward...
Basement Control on Structural Styles and Sediment Pathways of Southeast Brazil Atlantic Margin Basins (BRazil Deep Seds—Deep-Water Sedimentation in the Southeast Brazilian Margin Project)
Search and Discovery.com
Reconnaissance Photogeology — Cokeville NE Quadrangle, Wyoming
D. H. Elliott
Wyoming Geological Association
... directly on photo mosaics or photo index sheets, and is in contrast to detailed photogeology based on the stereoscopic interpretation of contact prints...
Abstract: Interpretation of Newly Acquired Aerogravity Data Enhances the Prospectivity of the Tinjar Province, Onshore Sarawak
Othman Ali Mahmud, H. D. Tjia, Mohd Idrus Ismail
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... detected and defined a series of highs and lows trends, major faults and other elements of the basement that can create structural and stratigraphic...