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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Effect of Faulting on Fluid Flow in Porous Sandstones: Geometry and Spatial Distribution

Marco Antonellini, Atilla Aydin

AAPG Bulletin

... offset, another fault on the northern side increases its offset to the east. In cross sections perpendicular to the strike of Cache Valley, one can...


Update on the Hanna Coal Field, Wyoming

Gary B. Glass, Jay T. Roberts

Wyoming Geological Association

... 667, 53 p. Glass, G. B., 1975, Analyses and measured sections of 54 Wyoming coal samples (collected in 1974): Geological Survey of Wyoming Report...



W. Richard Moore

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... FIELD STRUCTURAL CROSS-SECTION A - A' Figure 15. Dakota structural cross section A-A' at South Cole Creek field. See Flgure 14 for location...


Strike-Slip, Compressional Thrust-Fold Nature of the Nemaha System in Eastern Kansas and Oklahoma

S. Parker Gay Jr.

Kansas Geological Society

... in Logan County, Oklahoma. His study included five well sections and four structure maps for the field. He determined that one well (Texas No. 5...


Oil-Gas Prospects of Regional Zones of Pinchout and Stratigraphic Discordance of the Kalmytsko-Astrakhan Region on the Caspian

N. I. Voronin, V. A. Grigorov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... They are covered with 20-100 m of clay. See Fig. 1b. Figure 1. Schematic maps and geologic sections of zones of pinchout and stratigraphic discordance...


Anschutz Ranch East Field--U.S.A. Utah-Wyoming Thrust Belt

R. R. White, T. J. Alcock, R. A. Nelson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Discovery well and structural cross sections XSR (Figure 4) and XSA (Figure 5) for the West Lobe are located. End_Page 33...




Montana Geological Society

... generalized cross-sections radiating outward into the other flanks of the basin show a different situation; for example, a section running...


A Geological Evaluation of Jurassic Shale Oil Plays in Southern England.

Christopher Iwobi, Stephen More, Jan Major, Iris Verhagen, Scott Brindle, Romain Reboul, Dave O'Connor

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...udy area, comprising three drilled well sections and one synthetic section. URTeC 2442435 7 The sections were compiled using available well data and st...


Relationship of Gulf Coast Basement Tectonics to Present and Future Oil and Gas Fields

J. C. Pratsch

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...--------------- structural low trending parallel to the coast in the South Florida Basin, expressed by gravity and sediment-thickness and facies maps...


Abstract: Impact of Thin- and Thick-Skinned Salt Tectonics on the Mesozoic Reservoir Potential of the Cleaver Bank High and Broad Fourteen Basin, Dutch Sector, Southern North Sea; #90310 (2017)

Juergen Adam, Matthew Payne, Eleanor Lashko, Samantha Lawler, Nicola Scarselli, Stephen Morse

Search and

... Cenozoic times gravity-driven thinskinned salt tectonics created extensional diapiric collapse structures and salt welds. Regional structural sections...


The Effect of Karsting on Natural Fracture, Hardness, and Brittleness of the Hunton Limestone and Paleo-Deposition of the Woodford Shale: A Study Using 3-D Seismic, Outcrop, Well Log, and Core Data; #51417 (2017)

Benmadi Milad

Search and

... are prominent factors controlling the paleotopography and deposition of the Woodford Shale, as was observed from 3D structural maps. Sinkhole features...


Harpers Formation, Central Virginia: A Sedimentary Model

Frederic L. Schwab

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the depositional area at the margin of the Appalachian geosyncline. A southeasterly paleocurrent system, hypothesized on the basis of cross-bedding, resembles...


Influence of Structural Inheritance on the Moattama – East Andaman Basins and the Present Day Plate Boundary

Karen Connors, Cedric Jorand, Lynn Pryer

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of the elongate depocentre is ∼50km in width in the north and widens to ∼200km in the south (Fig. 1). Published seismic lines and cross sections show a gently west...


Post-Drill Pore Pressure Study for Infill Well Design to Uncover Deep Gas Potential Left Behind Primary Drilling Campaign (Gulf of Thailand); #42321 (2018)

Evgeny Kaygorodtsev, Roscharin Charoensiri, Andee Marksamer, Mayura Dangprasitthiporn

Search and

... structural trend; b) seismic well tie and velocity model update; c) structure maps updated using all the new wells’ information; d) detailed log correlation...


The Weber Sandstone at Rangely Field, Colorado

Kent A. Bowker, William D. Jackson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and very $ne-grained subarkosic sand. They are either cross laminated (mostly windripple laminae) or massively bedded (bioturbated). The cross...


Ancestral Rocky Mountains

Walter A. Ver Wiebe

AAPG Bulletin

.... The excellent maps and cross sections prepared by Cheney,(FOOTNOTE 1) showing the thickness of the Pennsylvanian sediments (included in the Strawn...


Oolite Shoals of the Mississippian St. Louis Formation, Gray County, Kansas: A Guide for Oil and Gas Exploration: Chapter 14

Kerry D. Parham, Peter G. Sutterlin

AAPG Special Volumes

... and geological reports from wells that penetrated Mississippian strata in the study area. Fourteen stratigraphic cross sections, in both dip and strike directions...


Spatial Variations in Subsurface Pore Fluid Properties in a Portion of Southeast Louisiana: Implications for Regional Fluid Flow and Solute Transport

R. Brent Bray , Jeffrey S. Hanor

GCAGS Transactions

...., and D. R. Gutierrez, 1983, Regional cross sections, Louisiana Gulf Coast, eastern part: Louisiana Geological Survey Folio Series, n. 6, 10 p. Bennett...


Frio Formation of Texas Gulf Coastal Plain: Depositional Systems, Structural Framework, and Hydrocarbon Distribution

William E. Galloway , David K. Hobday , Kinji Magara

AAPG Bulletin

... of sediments: Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 24, no. 1, p. 92-116. Dodge, M. M., and J. S. Posey, 1982, Structural cross sections, Tertiary...


Discovery of the Cunda Gas Field, Bee Block, North Sumatra: An Integrated Geologic/Seismic Stratigraphic Case History

M. D. Burnaman, R. B. Helm, C. R. Beeman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... geology and the synthetic seismograms in Figure 13 were tied into the seismic grid. The structural cross-sections at the base of Figures 15 and 16 show...


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