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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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ABSTRACT: 3D Seismic Attributes Reveal Unayzah Secrets in South Ghawar, Saudi Arabia; #90051 (2006)

Taher M. Sodagar

Search and

... north-south and east-west well cross-sections reveal thickening and thinning pattern of Pre-Khuff clastic units. It is observed that pre-Khuff clastic...


The Thermal and Structural Evolution of the Ouachita Mountain Belt, Arkansas and Oklahoma, #90112 (2010)

Jennifer Piper,

Search and

... isotopic fractionation, and Argon/Argon dating of adularia and muscovite within the veins. Stratigraphic reconstructions and cross sections from...


Abstract: Kinematic Interactions Between a Major Fault Propagation Fold and Associated Flank Thrusts and Implications for Triangle Zone Development - Example from the Kanarra Fold; #90321 (2018)

William Chandonia

Search and

...-verging Kanarra Fold, at the leading edge of the Sevier fold & thrust belt. Field mapping and cross-sections demonstrate the Kanarra Fold is a fault...


Integrated Geological Modeling and Volumetric Uncertainty Evaluation for the Abadi Gas Field

Kuniaki Takayama, Koichi Kihara, Takahiro Zushi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on sedimentary dips from borehole image data and seismic information. An example cross section of the facies model is shown in Figure 8. Structural...


Reservoir Characterisatioin of Mishrif Formation of Garraf Field, Iraq, Using 3D Seismic and AI Inversion (Paper P35)

M. Embong, M. Higashi, H. H. Abu Bakar, K. A. Zamri, F. H. M Ali, S. Moriya, S. B. M Said, A. T. Patrick Panting

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... in the Garraf field in central Iraq. The main oil bearing reservoir, Lower Mishrif, is controlled by gentle structural and stratigraphic trap. Understanding...


General Geology and Structure of the Bingham District, Utah

Allan James, Wilbur Smith, John Welsh

Utah Geological Association

... miles of central Oquirrh Mountains and the structure cross-sections (Plates 3 and 4) of the Bingham district, are a result of this program. Standard...


Uncovering potential of seismic for reservoir characterization in Canadian oil sands

Olena Babak, Jeremy Gallop

CSPG Bulletin

.... The McMurray Formation on seismic cross-sections within the area is defined by the overlying reflector of the transgressive T11 surface...


Thermohaline Pore Water Trends of Southeastern Louisiana: Geologic Applications and Controls on Fluid Movement

Donald J. Marlin , William H. Schramm

GCAGS Transactions

.... Eight vertically coincident cross-sections illustrating iso-contours of temperature, pressure, salinity, and hydraulic-head, structure, and iso...


Late Paleozoic Structural Directions in Southern Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico

John M. Hills

AAPG Bulletin

...), and Sweeney et al. (1960), as well as the single papers listed in the references. Many structural features were added from maps submitted...


Undeveloped Petroleum Potential of the Western-Most Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore California; #10899 (2016)

Jim Ballard

Search and

..., Miocene Monterey and volcanics. A B Miocene Monterey, volcanics Early Tertiary Great Valley Jurassic Franciscan Pt Conception Note cross sections...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trap Styles of the Tuscaloosa Trend

Kirk A. Barrell

GCAGS Transactions

...Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trap Styles of the Tuscaloosa Trend Kirk A. Barrell 1997 Vol. 47 (1997), A re-evaluation was performed...


The Lampasas Series*

Gregory L. Turner The Pure Oil Company, Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Geological Society

... on the cross-sections and isopachous maps, the predominate stratigraphic wedge is present in the older Atoka beds. Thus, it now seems that a close...


Passive Margins: Regional Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Depositional Sequences, Neuquen Basin, Argentina

Robert M. Mitchum, Jr. and Miguel A. Uliana

AAPG Special Volumes

... Andean deformation provide structural and stratigraphic traps. SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION Figure 4 is a regional geologic cross section made...


The Frontier Formation of Wyoming

John A. Masters

Wyoming Geological Association

... be traced over most of Wyoming and are considered the boundaries of the Frontier formation in this report. Two electric log cross-sections (Plate I...


Transgressive Development of Miocene Reefs, Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya

C. Gibson-Robinson, H. Soedirdja

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... isopach maps between these markers and the Kais Formation allows the height to which Kais reefs grew to be determined. The reefs grew on a widespread...


Chapter 18: Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Lower Mississippian St. Joe Group in Northeastern Oklahoma and Southwestern Missouri

Julia P. S. Sessions, Christina L. Opfer, Robert W. Scott

AAPG Special Volumes

..., N-412, and S-412. Thin section S-412 is a cross section of the inclined spreite of an indeterminate burrow. Regional Structural and Isopach Map...


Study of the Reed Dolomite Aided by Remotely Sensed Imagery, Central White-Inyo Range, Easternmost California

W. G. Ernst , Earnest D. Paylor II

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Waucobi embayment area (Bachman, 1978), respectively. The site of the structural twist in the White-Inyo Range coincides with the east-west cross fold...


Direct S-wave seismic data interpretation for channel sand reservoir at Sanhu area, West China

Rui Zhang, Zhiwen Deng, Yan Wang, Xiaoyu Xi, Xiusong Wang, Jie Wang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...(s) and angle dependent reflection coefficients. Results Two cross-sections of P- and slow S2 datasets along the same crossline, indicated by the black lines...


Subsurface Geology of Northern McClain County, Oklahoma

John M. Markas

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... with this faulted zone include a graben, cross faults, and several structural anomalies determined from structure contour maps on the top of the Viola...


Facies Analysis and Reservoir Zonation of a Cretaceous Shelf Sand Ridge: Hartzog Draw Field, Wyoming

Robert S. Tye, Vishnu Ranganathan, W. J. Ebanks Jr.

Special Publications of SEPM

... isopach maps and geologic cross sections based solely on lithofacies. Acknowledgments Thanks are extended to Cities Service Oil Oklahoma...


Central Montana Tectonics and the Tyler Formation


Montana Geological Society

...: PRE - PIPER PALEO STRUCTURE The cross sections of figures 6 and 7...


Stratigraphy of Non-Marine Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Rocks, Southern Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming

Arthur Mirsky

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1945, Stratigraphic sections and thickness maps of Lower Cretaceous and non-marine Jurassic rocks of central Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Prelim...


Comments on the Geology of the Tejon Embayment from Seismic Reflection, Borehole, and Surface Data

Emery D. Goodman, Peter E. Malin

Pacific Section SEPM

... regimes. We present: a) a set of interpreted seismic 91 common midpoint cross sections to illustrate the disparate structural styles, and b...


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