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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Stratigraphy and Structure of the Southeastern Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia

Robert P. Raeside, Sandra M. Barr

Atlantic Geology

... and contains lithologies suitable for the development of a pen­ etrative fabric as well as marker hori­ zons to permit the construction of structural cross...


Changing Perceptions of a Carbonate Gas Reservoir: Alur Siwah Field, Aceh Timur, Sumatra

Atang Barliana, Gerald Burgon, Charles A. Caughey

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-SE (strike) cross sections is shown. Square outline in the Index Map indicates 3D seismic data coverage. AS-2 was located on the east flank...


Abstract: Session 6: Geophysical Applications – From Basin to Reservoir: Exploration in Malaysia - New Plays & New Ideas - a High Impact Drilling Opportunity in North Luconia, 2A PSC

Pierre Eliet, Robert Pfau, Matthew Choo, Azmir Zamri

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... MMU sections. We present Kertang as being one of the largest currently undrilled structural prospects in Malaysia. Longboat Energy plc is a London...


Gravity Exploration for Petroleum in Railroad Valley, Nevada

Douglas J. Guion, William C. Pearson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... gravity profile along AA' showing an increase in gravity to the south due to the southward Tertiary thinning. Eagle Springs cross section A N (after...


Petrophysics of the Lance and Upper Mesaverde Reservoirs at Pinedale Field, Sublette County, Wyoming, USA

Suzanne G. Cluff, Robert M. Cluff, Daniel G. Hallau, Ryan J. Sharma

AAPG Special Volumes

...-gas fluvial reservoir: AAPG Studies in Geology 52, pp. 215–241. Cluff, R.M., and C. M. Murphy, 2004, Stratigraphic cross sections through Jonah field...


Stratigraphic Capture: A Depositional Process Facilitating Fluid and Gas Movement Between Porous and Permeable Beds

John B. Echols, Don Goddard

GCAGS Transactions

... Field with SW-NE structural cross section. End_Page 125------------------------ the area is restricted to the thick, scouring facies indicated...


23th Field Conference (Part One): Structural Development of the Southernmost Middle Magdalena Valley

Floberto Acosta, Elkin Obando

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...23th Field Conference (Part One): Structural Development of the Southernmost Middle Magdalena Valley Floberto Acosta, Elkin Obando 23th Field...


Breton Sound Block 20 Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana

Calvin L. Badon

New Orleans Geological Society

..., and west by structural dip and on the south by a down-to-the-south depositional fault. To a depth of approximately 4000 the structure is poorly defined...


Regional Depositional Basins and Correlation of Siluro-Devonian Beds Using Arenaceous Foraminifera and Acid Residues

H. Andrew Ireland

Tulsa Geological Society

... the paleogeology with several panels of maps and cross-sections, including some isopachous maps. Lee (1954, p. 79) also published a map showing...


Sequence stratigraphy of a condensed low-accommodation succession: Lower Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, Henry Mountains, southeastern Utah

Jonathan Antia, Christopher R. Fielding

AAPG Bulletin

... of Utah (left), (B) a close-up of the Henry Mountains including the location of all measured sections (black dots), and lines of cross sections AA and BB...


Lacustrine Stromatolites and Associated Sediments of the Pliocene Ridge Route Formation, Ridge Basin, California

Martin H. Link, Robert H. Osborne, Stanley M. Awramik

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) have prepared geologic maps in the study area. Structural and tectonic interpretations of the area are presented by Crowell (1952b, 1962, 1975...


Revision of the Plio-Pleistocene Cycles and their Application to Sequence Stratigraphy and Shelf and Slope Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico

Walter W. Wornardt , Peter R. Vail

GCAGS Transactions

... nannofossils. As a result of this new information, previous well correlations, isopach maps and structural contour maps made on these benthic foraminiferal...


Potential for Petroleum Production in Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Paleovalleys in the Main Consolidated Field (Crawford County, Illinois) and Application throughout the Illinois Basin; #10501 (2013)

Jeremy London, Andrew Reeder, and Michael T. May

Search and

... productive Chesterian strata. Four cross sections revealed a complex paleovalley reservoir with multiple pay zones. The methodology used to locate...


Global Basin Classification and Hydrocarbon Plays

D.R. Kingston, C.P. Dishroon, P.A. Williams

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... maps and cross sections, well logs or surface sections, and regional seis­ mic lines, if available. From the maps and cross sections, the geologic...


Impact Origin of the Newporte Structure, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Nels F. Forsman , Timothy R. Gerlach , Neil L. Anderson

AAPG Bulletin

... overlying the structure. Resulting isopach maps reveal a circular, bowl-shaped feature with a recognizable rim. Microscopic shock metamorphic features...


Chapter 4: Structural Style and History of the Rocky Mountain Fold and Thrust Belt

M. E. McMechan, R. I. Thompson

CSPG Special Publications

... maps and cross-sections of the Cordillera from near Fort Nelson, British Columbia to Gravina Island, southeastern Alaska. Geological Survey of Canada...


The response of turbidite slope channels to growth-induced seabed topography

Mike Mayall, Lidia Lonergan, Andrew Bowman, Stephen James, Keith Mills, Tim Primmer, Dave Pope, Louise Rogers, Roxanne Skeene

AAPG Bulletin

... discussed, and hence, any structural maps only give an indication of the structure location and form but not the amplitude at the time of channel...


Quantitative Analysis of North Sea Subsidence

Julian A. Thorne , Anthony B. Watts

AAPG Bulletin

... (Smythe et al, 1980; Ziegler, 1983). Published isopach and structure contour maps, stratigraphic cross sections, as well as gravity, refraction...



John De Sisto

Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)

... the distinct thinning of the upper Freites and overlying Sacacual sediments in the area of the structural high. This cross-section shows geological...


Origin, Detection, Involvement in Hydraulic Stimulation and Consequences for Field Development of large-scale Structural Lineaments in the Marcellus and Duvernay plays

Ben Stephenson, Earl Galan, Mathew Fay, Alexei Savitski, Taixu Bai

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... features, any field development decisions might get impacted. Maps of structural features supported by seismic attributes are commonly challenged...


Sequence-stratigraphic controls on complex reservoir architecture of highstand fluvial-dominated deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Woodbine Group, East Texas field: Regional and local perspectives

William A. Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz, Florence Bonnaffe, Robert G. Loucks, L. Frank Brown Jr., Fred P. Wang, Eric C. Potter

AAPG Bulletin

... 7, 55 p.Wood, D. H., and E. H. Guevara, 1981, Regional structural cross sections and general stratigraphy, East Texas Basin: Austin, Texas, University...


Sequence stratigraphy of the Niobrara Formation: Implications for age-constraining tectonic events and stratigraphic complexities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, United States

William R. Drake and Sarah J. Hawkins

AAPG Bulletin are based on the mapping of coastal depocenters (including coal-bearing facies and nearshore environments) and WIS-scale cross sections and isopa...


AAPG Memoir 75, Chapter 17: The Cretaceous-Paleocene Boundary in the Subsurface Campeche Shelf, Southern Gulf of Mexico

Abelardo Cant-Chapa and Romn Landeros-Flores

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Berggren et al. (1995). Four stratigraphic sections were constructed. The main stratigraphic cross section trends northwest-southeast, is 250 km long...


Delineation and Analysis of Upper Miocene and Pliocene Gas Plays in the Macuspana Basin, Southeastern Mexico

Jones, Rebecca H., Ambrose, William A., Holtz, Mark H., Jennette, David C., Solis, Hector, Meneses-Rocha, Javier, Lugo, Jorge, Aguilera, Leonardo, Berlanga, Jose, Miranda, Lino, Rojas, Roberto

GCAGS Transactions

... and log sections. Facies and traps were then mapped and characterized by interval, with subinterval mapping and description showing significant...


Use of Well Logs in Evaporite Sequences

Roy D. Nurmi

Special Publications of SEPM

... been compiled by Nuhfer and Nurmi (1976). This part of the short course notes is divided into sections covering: well-log measurements, lithology...


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