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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 60,796 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Thrust Loads and Foreland Basin Evolution, Cretaceous, Western United States
Teresa E. Jordan
AAPG Bulletin
... shortening. Existing information on the structural geometry of the thrust belt was compiled by Royse et al (1975) in the form of two east-west cross...
Structural Architecture and Evolution of the Southern Atlas Fold and Thrust Belt of Tunisia as Revealed by Field Data, Seismic Reflection Profiles and Cross-Section Balancing; #50840 (2013)
Mohamed Gharbi, Nicolas Espurt, Olivier Bellier, and Amara Masrouhi
Search and Discovery.com
... and Cross-Section Balancing; #50840 (2013) Mohamed Gharbi, Nicolas Espurt, Olivier Bellier, and Amara Masrouhi Structural Architecture and Evolution...
Modeling Heterogeneities: A Quantitative Analysis of Two Slope Channel Systems: Laguna Amarga, Cerro Toro Formation, Chile and Canyon San Fernando, Rosario Formation, Mexico; #51599 (2019)
Dugmar Isabel Mendez Fermin, Benjamin Charles Kneller
Search and Discovery.com
...) and sandstone blocks. Main Deposi onal Process: Debris flow CROSS SECTION NW SE All measurement sections were loaded into the modelling software...
Cyclic Sedimentation and Depositional Environments of the Upper Minnelusa Formation, Central Campbell County, Wyoming
Gene R. George
Wyoming Geological Association
... contacts are the wavy lines at -5578' and -5535'. Figure 7. Big Hand field. Structural cross sections A-A' and B-B' in the north oil pool. The oil column...
Geologic Structure of the Central Part of the Rocky Mountains in the Vicinity of Crowsnest Pass
R. A. Price
CSPG Bulletin
.... Interpretations of the structural geometry are illustrated in a group of serial sections. Cundill, J. R., 1955, "Notes on Faulted Mississippian...
Detailed internal architecture of a fluvial channel sandstone determined from outcrop, cores, and 3-D ground-penetrating radar: Example from the middle Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, east-central Utah
Rucsandra M. Corbeanu, Kristian Soegaard, Robert B. Szerbiak, John B. Thurmond, George A. McMechan, Deming Wang, Steven Snelgrove, Craig B. Forster, Ari Menitove
AAPG Bulletin
... subsurface reservoirs in three dimensions (e.g., Flint and Bryant, 1993). As is the case for 1-D stratigraphic sections, however, 2-D outcrop facies maps...
Geologic Frameworks Derived from Lightning Maps and Resistivity Volumes; #41636 (2015)
Kathleen S. Haggar, Louis J. Berent, H. R. Nelson Jr.
Search and Discovery.com
... of resistivity and permittivity volumes. From these volumes, slices and cross-sections can be displayed, analyzed, and interpreted similar to the way 3D seismic...
Stratigraphy of Lower Triassic Sandstone of Northwest Algerian Sahara, Algeria
Odeh Ali
AAPG Bulletin
... in regional interpretation. The studies served as the basis for the construction of a series of stratigraphic cross sections and paleogeologic...
Dolomitization of the Devonian Jefferson Formation,South-Central Montana
T.M. Smith, S.L. Dorobek
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of study area showing location of measured sections and major structural and tectonic features. BM - Baldy Mountain, MC - Mill Creek, L • Logan, SP...
Central Basin of Appalachian Geosyncline
Robert C. Lafferty
AAPG Bulletin
... of the section to the south, due to the distortion suffered near the Appalachian structural front. As these cross sections are primarily constructed...
Structure and Depostional Patterns and Their Influence on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Fan-Deltas in Southern Puerto Rico
Robert A. Renken, Fernando Gomez-Gomez, Vicente Quinones-Aponte, Rafael Dacosta
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... is largely perpendicular to the strike-slip faults and parallel to the cross faults. Percentage maps suggest that the coarse-grained facies constitute 40...
Rift Shoulder Source to Prodelta Sink: The Cenozoic Development of the Nile Drainage System; #50506 (2011)
Duncan Macgregor
Search and Discovery.com
... to cross-sections in hydrogeological studies (e.g., Gossel et al., 2004). Over most of Egypt itself, erosion of Eocene and Upper Cretaceous limestones...
Possible Strike-Slip Components on Monoclines at the Powder River Basin–Black Hills Uplift Margin
George W. Shurr, Ivan W. Watkins, Alvis L. Lisenbee
Wyoming Geological Association
... as displayed on dip cross section. Although in-line lenses are identified in the western Black Hills, a paucity of transverse subsurface sections makes...
Storm-Influenced Prodelta Turbidite Complex in the Lower Kenilworth Member at Hatch Mesa, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.: Implications for Shallow Marine Facies Models
Simon A.J. Pattison
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the study area showing the location of outcrop sections (circles and numbers), well logs (triangles), and cross sections A-A' and B-B'. The Hatch...
Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Tokio Formation, Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Stephen Hahn Ogier
Shreveport Geological Society
... change was most abrupt. Cross sections, tied together by common wells, were fit into this network. Over 500 electric logs were used in preparing the maps...
Deep structure of the Mrida Andes and Sierra de Perij mountain fronts, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
Leonardo Duerto, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
AAPG Bulletin
... and Sierra de Perij (Figure 3); (3) integration of observations from the deep and shallow structural data in the form of cross sections that reveal...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... lower than the main pool (Fig. 6, 7; van Hulten, in press). Fig. 8 - Southwest-northeast structural cross section (spontaneous potential...
Late Cretaceous Teapot Delta of Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming
William H. Curry III
Wyoming Geological Association
... Kaye slope sandstones were deposited. Figure 9. Depositional Stages of Teapot Delta Stage 7 In summary, cross-sections of all the parts of the delta...
Fold-accommodation faults
Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
... to variations in structural or stratigraphic position. Studies of maps, cross sections, and field examples of these structures at different scales have been...
Oil and Gas Prospects of New Zealand
Frederick G. Clapp
AAPG Bulletin
... Department, Geol. Survey Branch Bulletin 13 (N.S., 1911), 159 pages, 6 plates, 8 maps, and 3 geol. sections. FOOTNOTE 2. Op. cit., pp. 132-49. FOOTNOTE 3...
A Sub-Pennsylvanian Paleovalley System in the Central Appalachian Basin and its Implications for Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on the Origin of the Regional Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Unconformity
Jack D. Beuthin
Special Publications of SEPM
... points were used to construct Carboniferous stratigraphic cross sections and maps in northwestern West Virginia. Data were derived from lithologic logs...
Reservoir Geology of the Upper Mannville Group Jenner O, Jenner F and Suffield J Pools in Southeast Alberta: An Example of Multiple Incised Valley Fill Deposits
R. L. Karvonen, S. G. Pemberton
CSPG Special Publications
... with geophysical log signatures so that the units and contacts could be recognized on well logs. Once recognized on logs, a series of cross sections and maps...
Facies of a Submarine Canyon Fill Reservoir Complex, Lower Wilcox Group (Paleocene), Central Texas Coastal Plain
William E. Galloway, Thomas A. Mcgilvery
Special Publications of SEPM
... suites (Fig. 13). Detailed subsurface lithofacies maps and regional well and seismic cross sections are found in Paige (1988), Chuber et al. (1989...
The Antelope Arch of the Great Divide Basin, Fremont and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming
Robert E. Wellborn, John P. Wold
Wyoming Geological Association
... made their maps and cross-sections look considerably different in the northeast corner of the basin (Figures 8 and 10, revised herein). Figure 10...