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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Exploration in East Malaysia Over the Past Decade

F. C. Scherer

AAPG Special Volumes

... sediments in front of the main orogene at a level 1 to 3 km below the seafloor or surface. Map also gives locations of cross sections shown in Figure 4...


Space-Time Relationships Between Magmatism and Tectonism in the Western United States Between 120 Ma and 10 Ma: a Regional Context for the Front Range of Colorado

Edward J. Sterne

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... through space and time and create characteristic structural styles in the overriding continental m that vary in phase with this behavior. In other words...


Structural Style and Decollement Levels in the Llanos Orientales Basin (Colombia)

Isabelle Moretti, Juan Carlos Mondragon, Julio Cesar Garzon, Gabriella Bosio, Jean Marc Daniel

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... role when working on a small zone (with the scale factor the cross-sections on figure 14 are on the range of 250 km). Going too far in the comparison...


The Western Otway Basin: An Overview of the Rift and Drift History Using Serial Composite Seismic Profiles

Kathy A. Hill, Christopher Durrand

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... subsiding margin. Serial profile description Aim and methodology The purpose of this study was to construct a suite of regional serial cross-sections...


Surface Prediction using Rejection Sampling to Handle Non-linear Constraints

Petter Abrahamsen, Pål Dahle, Vera Louise Hauge, Ariel Almendral-Vazquez, Maria Vigsnes

CSPG Bulletin

... in horizontal sections, and gas/fluid content along wells. The conditioned surfaces are used to provide estimates of gross rock volumes of oil...


Some Representative Seismic Reflection Lines from the Pannonian Basin and Their Structural Interpretation: Chapter 13

J. Rumpler, F. Horvath

AAPG Special Volumes

... recently in Hungary, and the nine seismic sections shown in this paper illustrate the typical structural styles associated with the formation...


Tectonic History and Oil-Gas Potential of the West Pericline of the Beke-Bahkuduk Swell (South Mangyshlak)

V. P. Gavrilov, G. K. Karimov, D. M. Dosmukhambetov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... - in the region of well 2. Figure 1. Paleostructural maps and structural map of the Jurassic sediments of the Zholaskan-Yespelesay group of uplifts. 1-Wells...


Tertiary Structural Features Related to Extensional and Compressive Tectonics in the Palembang Basin, South Sumatra

A. Pulunggono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as an alignment of two or more parallel rows of anticlines with interestingly, all steeper flanks consistently verging to the same direction. Cross-sections...


A Depositional Model for the "Main" Interval, Upper Cibulakan Formation: Its Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Prediction, ARII ONWJ

Sena W. Reksalegora, Yohan Kusumanegara, Philip Lowry

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., which allows rapid assessment of different correlation scenarios and the recognition of subtle anomalies in the correlated cross sections. Regional...


Pennsylvanian System of Four Corners Region

Sherman A. Wengerd , Marvin L. Matheny

AAPG Bulletin

... and electric-log cross sections of the Paradox basin, and Clair described the Pennsylvanian system as encountered in the sub-surface. Later...


Structural Geometry of Meade Thrust Plate in Northern Blackfoot Mountains, Southeastern Idaho

Richard W. Allmendinger

AAPG Bulletin

... (owing to facies changes) and vertically (owing to changing lithologies through time). In the accompanying figures, cross sections were constructed...


Analogue modeling of domino-style extensional basement fault systems with prekinematic salt

O. Ferrer, E. Carola, K. McClay, and N. Bufaliza

AAPG Bulletin

... generation of highly detailed, well-constrained maps of the most interesting horizons. It should be noted that depending on the along-strike structural...


Interpretations of Foothills Structures, Alberta, Canada

Theodore A. Link

AAPG Bulletin

..., with respect to the nature of the structural conditions above and beneath major sole faults. The compilation of structural cross sections on the basis...


Interpretation of Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma as Autochthonous Folded Belt: Preliminary Report: DISCUSSION

Thomas A. Hendricks

AAPG Bulletin

... on published maps and sections (Hendricks et al., 1947) are consistent with the data published by Miser and incompatible with the statements of Misch...


Fracture Zones between Overlapping En Echelon Fault Strands: Outcrop Analogs within the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas

Edward W. Collins

GCAGS Transactions

... echelon faults in western Comal County. Outcrops a-d correspond to cross sections a-d in Figure 4. End_Page 79------------------------- within...


Well Log and Seismic Character of Tertiary Terumbu Carbonate, South China Sea, Indonesia

J. Andrew May , Daryl R. Eyles

AAPG Bulletin

... generally north-south seismic sections that go through the four wells shown. The cross sections assume that the platform facies were deposited in less...


The Tertiary Princeton Submarine Valley System Beneath the Sacramento Valley, California

Lowell E. Redwine

Pacific Section of AAPG

..., and others, Sacramento Valley Sub-Committee of the Pacific Section A. A. P. G. Committee on Cross Sections, 1967a, Correlation Section 15, Sacramento Valley...


Abstract: Visualizing Gogd in a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir in the Sultanate of Oman Using Static Modeling Methods; #91204 (2023)

Sharif Al Bahri

Search and

... of the model has been observed to show a good correlation with fracture trend maps of Fahud (see figures 6&7). Furthermore, cross sections may be created...


Characteristics of Surface Faults in the Paradox Basin

Catherine A. Kitcho

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... zones 1 to 30 feet wide rather than as single faults bounding the diapiric salt anticlines. This comparison suggests that there is less structural...


Secondary Carbonate Porosity as Related to Early Tertiary Depositional Facies, Zelten Field, Libya

D. G. Bebout , Charles Pendexter

AAPG Bulletin

... to the top of the dolomite. In this case the location of the dolomite is facies or environmentally controlled. Second, cross sections on a structural datum...


Geology of the Johan Sverdrup field: A giant oil discovery and development project in a mature Norwegian North Sea basin

Signe Ottesen, Brit Selvikvåg, Anthony S. J. Scott, Renata Meneguolo, Alex Cullum, Alejandro Amilibia-Cabeza, Mario Vigorito, Andreas Helsem, and Ole J. Martinsen

AAPG Bulletin

... of the field. Figure 9. Structural elements and field-scale tectonic history. (A) Key structural elements of the Johan Sverdrup field with cross sections...


The Handil Oil Field in East Kalimantan

Ph. Magnier, Ben Samsu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., and to cross them perpendicularly. The example line shown in Fig. 5 indicates that the river crossing does not detract from the quality of the sections...


Structural Geology of the Buffalo Fork Area, Northwestern Wyoming, and Its Relation to the Regional Tectonic Setting

C. A. Bengtson

Wyoming Geological Association

... steep and overturned beds. The author's interpretation of the structural conditions encountered in this well is shown on the cross section, B-B...


Integrated Exploration of the Owambo Basin, Onshore Namibia: Hydrocarbon Exploration and Implications for a Modern Frontier Basin; #10609 (2014)

Thomas E. Hoak, Alan L. Klawitter, Charles F. Dommer, Pasquale V. Scaturro

Search and

.... Figure 7. Schematic structural cross section of Owambo Basin. Figure 8. Trends of interpreted linear features from LANDSAT TM, DEM, geologic mapping...


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