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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Development of an Infill Well Program to Maximise Economic Return from the Iagifu-Hedinia Field: Part I. Integrated Structural, Stratigraphic, and Reservoir Attribute Modelling as Input to Reservoir Simulation and Well Targeting

S. P. Franklin, J. E. Livingston

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

..., and geostatistical characterisation of porosity and permeability. On the overall field scale, structural cross-sections and maps are constructed using surface...


Deformational Style of the Wind River Uplift and Associated Flank Structures, Wyoming

James J. Willis, Richard H. Groshong Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... the flank of the Wind River uplift. Figure 4. Stratigraphic column of the Wind River region. Symbols used on geologic maps and cross-sections...


Structural Styles and Petroleum System Modelling of the North Makassar Straits, Indonesia

R. Del Negro, P. Castellano, A. Kuhfuss, L. Mattioni, J. Moss, M. Vialla

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... offshore wells. These horizons and their age are discussed below. A 2D basin modelling study was then carried out on several seismic derived cross sections...



W. O. Kupsch

Williston Basin Symposium

.... Gallup, W. B. and Hamilton, G. J., 1954, Generalized history of Williston Basin in Saskatchewan deduced from cross-sections: Am. Assoc...


Possible Future Oil Provinces of the United States and Canada

A. I. Levorsen

AAPG Bulletin

... which they believe have possibilities of ultimately producing oil, to prepare sketch maps and cross sections showing the general geology, geography...


Past and Present Eolian Sediments: 1982 Fall Field Trip RMS-SEPM

Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, James B. Swinehart, Paul L. Tromp, James E. Fox, Kumar Dandavati

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

.... Notice the southward thickening of Holocene fluvial deposits on these cross-sections.     The Nebraska Sand Hills are a Mid to Late Holocene dune...


Lithofacies, Parasequence Stacking, and Depositional Architecture of Wave- To Tide-Dominated Shorelines In the Frontier Formation, Western Wyoming, U.S.A.

Howard R. Feldman, J. Matthew Fabijanic, Barbara L. Faulkner, Kurt W. Rudolph

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... are north of this cross section, but are equivalent to the section between the datum and 700 fs. The 700 fs is also the datum for the cross sections in Figure...


The Conception Fan Santa Barbara Basin, California

Peter J. Fischer, Victor B. Cherven

Pacific Section of AAPG

... channels. In contrast, high-resolution seismic data across several “modern” fans and detailed well-log cross sections and maps across ancient subsurface...


General Geology of the Mid-Tertiary Block 889 Field Area, Offshore Mustang Island, Texas

Ramon H. Trevino, Robert G. Loucks, L. Frank Brown, Randy L. Remington

GCAGS Transactions

...?) fault generated the synthetic faults (Bruno Vendeville, personal communication, 2002). Evidence of a second structural phase is apparent on maps...


A Critique of the Magnolia Field (Columbia County) Case History

E. E. Rosaire , James M. Forgotson

GCAGS Transactions

...------------------------- Figure 7. Sixth set of structure maps, with anomalies, Magnolia field. End_Page 99------------------------- Figure 8. Cross section showing...


Evolution of Salt Structures, East Texas Diapir Province, Part 1: Sedimentary Record of Halokinesis

S. J. Seni, M. P. A. Jackson

AAPG Bulletin

... cross sections and general stratigraphy, East Texas basin: University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, 21 p. Woodbury, H. O., I. B. Murray, Jr...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Osburger Gulch Sandstone Member of the Upper Cretaceous Hornbrook Formation, Northern California and Southern Oregon

M. T. Gaona

Pacific Section SEPM

... into the Dark Hollow and Jacksonville areas. Incomplete sections, discontinuous outcrops and structural complications in this area preclude determination...


Early Tertiary Deformation in North-Central Oregon

Richard V. Fisher

AAPG Bulletin

.... In addition to the writer's work the geologic maps of Hay (1963), Lindsley (1960), and Thayer (1957) were used to compile the structural pattern map shown...


Using Gas Chimneys in Seal Integrity Analysis: A Discussion Based on Case Histories

Roar Heggland

AAPG Special Volumes

... that the gas chimney almost images the outline of the structural closure. The two wells displayed on the maps encountered columns of gas and oil...


High-Energy Shelf Deposit: Early Proterozoic Wishart Formation, Northeastern Canada

Bruce M. Simonson

Special Publications of SEPM

... comPlete I Measured Partial o J Archean Sections of Wishart Crystalline Rocks b I A 5 FIG Front I Location maps A sites of Labrador km...


Interpretation of Dipmeter Surveys in Mississippi

J. A. Gilreath

GCAGS Transactions

... through younger beds in ever decreasing amounts until structural dip is again reached. If these higher dips were the results of cross bedding they would...


New Method of Defining Net Thickness in the Bone Spring Sandstones to Identify Prospective Reservoirs Using Petrophysical Attributes and Stochastic Simulation Techniques in the Delaware Basin, New Mexico; #42087 (2017)

Marielis Vargas Baron, Joanna Fritz

Search and

...% of porosity were removed from the model. Three net thickness maps (2nd Bone Spring Upper and Lower and 3rd Bone Spring Lower) were built to identify...


Petroleum Potential of Santa Maria Province, California: Region 2

F. D. Crawford

AAPG Special Volumes

... and quantitative distribution End_Page 316------------------------ of the Tertiary rocks in the several structural basins are presented in isopach maps...


Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of the Blackjack Creek Formation (Pennsylvanian), Missouri

William J. Neal

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... columnal are present in outer wall. FIG. 9. Index map for idealized cross sections of figures 9 through 12. Idealized east-west cross sections (CD, EF, GH...


Oil and Gas Beneath East-Dipping Underthrust Faults in the Alberta Foorhills

Peter B. Jones

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... deformation. Cross sections through foreland margins of other thrust belts suggest that underthrust margins are common and that Triangle Zone geometry...


Cardium Sandstone Bodies, Crossfield-Garrington Area, Alberta

R. J. Berven

CSPG Bulletin

... features similar to those of recent offshore bar deposits. Transverse cross-sections indicate that the sandstone bodies have a lens-like form...


Reconstruction of Allochthonous Salt Emplacement from 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Robert D. Walters

AAPG Bulletin

... of the salt structure, using geometric relationships on the 3-D data, depth structure maps, isopachs, cross sections, geohistory diagrams, and rec...


Hydrodynamics of the Hunton Group Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle, Pt. 2

Paul E. Blubaugh Jr.

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... reservoirs tend to be associated with hydrostatic conditions. Potentiometric maps help identify stratigraphic and structural traps, interpreted...


Jurassic Twin Creek Formation: A Fractured Limestone Reservoir in the Overthrust Belt, Wyoming and Utah

C.L. Bruce

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... The resulting complex structural geology makes isopach maps of the Gypsum Springs unreliable for interpreting paleostructures that might have affected...


Salt structures and hydrocarbon accumulations in the Tarim Basin, northwest China

Yixin Yu, Liangjie Tang, Wenjing Yang, Taizhu Huang, Nansheng Qiu, Weiguo Li

AAPG Bulletin

... for new oil and gas fields in highly explored (mature) areas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 64, p. 12101222.Harrison, J. C., and A. W. Bally, 1988, Cross-sections...


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