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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,184 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Late Jurassic Contemporaneous Faults in North Louisiana and South Arkansas

William F. Bishop

AAPG Bulletin

... of stratigraphic cross sections (Figs. 4-10) was prepared to illustrate the effects of contemporaneous faulting. Structural sections were considered...


Evolution of Intermontane Fluvial Systems of Tertiary Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming

Romeo M. Flores, Frank G. Ethridge

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... of Powder River Basin showing subsurface control for sandstone percent maps (data from Lewis and Hotchkiss, 1981). Lines of cross sections (N-S and W-E...


Toros-Zagros Folding and Its Relation to Middle East Oil Fields

E. Ilhan

AAPG Bulletin

.... Schematic cross sections, southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Above: cross section from orogenic belt to foredeep. Below: details of upper cross section...


Integrating strike-slip tectonism with three-dimensional basin and petroleum system analysis of the Salinas Basin, California

Tess Menotti, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Kristian Meisling, and Stephan A. Graham

AAPG Bulletin

...., West coast regional cross section: AAPG, sheet 2 of 3. Gribi, E. A. Jr., 1963, The Salinas Basin oil province, in E. A. Gribi, Jr., and R. R. Thorup...


The Minnelusa Play of the Northern Powder River, Wyoming and Adjacent Areas

John F. Trotter

Wyoming Geological Association

... by porous sandstone. Many geologists use Opeche isopachous maps drawn on structural bases to locate prospective areas. While this is a useful...


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Evolution of deep-water Tertiary sinuous channels offshore Angola (west Africa) and implications for reservoir architecture

V. Kolla, Ph. Bourges, J.-M. Urruty, P. Safa

AAPG Bulletin

... and occur in more than one interval but to a lesser extent than the CH2 facies (Figures 8, 9, 10). In cross sections 1 and 2, the CH2 and CH1 (or CH1a, CH1b...


Integrated Reservoir Simulation Study of the Bima Field, Offshore N.W. Java

Gary S. Woodling, John G. Kaldi, Kristina I. Oentarsih, Randall C. Roe

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... cross sections. Permeability was estimated from log porosity using porosity-permeability crossplots developed for each flow unit. Net/gross ratio...


Fluvial Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity, Cutbank Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), Horsefly Lake Pool, Southern Alberta

M. Z. Farshori

CSPG Special Publications

... and correlation of cross-sections reveals a distinct fluvial sandstone body geometry. Deposition within braided channels was by aggradation of longitudinal bars...


White Mesa Field, Environmental Trap, San Juan County, Utah

M. Dane Picard

AAPG Bulletin

... (Fig. 5). The two cross sections emphasize the relative unimportance of structural position in oil production at White Mesa. Lithofacies: The White...


Fault Interpretation Problems in the Southeast Barrow Sub-Basin

R. K. Whyte

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... 1000 TOP BARROW I 1- a... w 0 TITHONIAN 2000 Figure 14a - CDP ray path cross-section for CDP 82. production stacked sections where fault...


Depositional History and Shoreline Evolution of the Upper Wilcox Group and Lower Reklaw Formation, Northern Bee County, Texas; #51502 (2018)

William Ambrose, Hongliu Zeng, Mariana Olariu, Jinyu Zhang

Search and

... shown are location of type log (fig. 4), cored well (Carl No. 1 Gillette [description in fig. 13]), and wireline-log cross sections. Approximate location...


Comparison of Structural Styles and Giant Hydrocarbon Occurrences within Four Active Strike-slip Regions: California, Southern Caribbean, Sumatra, and East China

Paul Mann

AAPG Special Volumes

... tool used to prepare regional maps for the four strike-slip areas was a geographic information system that allows all maps and cross sections compiled...


Structural style and evolution of the Nordkapp Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea

Luis Alberto Rojo, Nestor Cardozo, Alejandro Escalona, and Hemin Koyi

AAPG Bulletin

... maps, and structural restorations to (1) provide a tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Nordkapp Basin, (2) indicate which triggering mechanisms fit...


1 -D/3-D Geologic Model of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Debra K. Higley, Mitchell Henry, Laura N.R. Roberts, Douglas W. Steinshouer

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of formations shown to be incorrect n-hen compared to information from surrounding wells and from published maps and cross sections, and erroneous formation...


Stucture and Vein Quartz of the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma and Arkansas1

Hugh D. Miser

Ardmore Geological Society

... showing surface structural features, Oklahoma Geol. Survey GM-3. Ardmore Geological Society, 1956, Guide Book, Ouachita Mountain Field Conference...


Pre-Alleghenian (Pennsylvanian-Permian) Hydrocarbon Emplacement Along Ordovician Knox Unconformity, Eastern Tennessee

Frederick M. Haynes , Stephen E. Kesler

AAPG Bulletin

.... B112-B115. Bridge, J., 1945, Geologic map and structural sections of the Mascot-Jefferson City zinc mining district, Tennessee: Tennessee Division...


Upper Cretaceous Geology of Fresno, Madera and Merced Counties

Gary E. Philbrick

Pacific Section of AAPG

... throughout the study area, and enhanced by the use of mud logs, core descriptions, published maps and cross-sections from various sources. The information...


Temperature Variations in South Texas Subsurface

Daniel P. Bodner , John M. Sharp, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... in south Texas and numerical models of representative cross sections of this area. In three dimensions, the most prominent thermal feature in the south...


Future Petroleum Potential of Powder River Basin, Southeastern Montana and Northeastern Wyoming: Region 4

P. T. Kinnison

AAPG Special Volumes

... elsewhere in this volume. Figure 2 shows the stratigraphic nomenclature of the report area. Figure 3 is two diagrammatic structural cross sections...


Oil and Gas in Uppermost Cretaceous and Tertiary Rock, Uinta Basin, Utah

Thomas D. Fouch, Vito F. Nuccio, John C. Osmond, Logan MacMillan, William B. Cashion, Craig J. Wandrey

Utah Geological Association

... Mountain Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 247–276. Johnson, R.C., 1989, Detailed cross sections correlating Upper...


Structural Geology of the Modern Frank Slide and Ancient Bluff Mountain Slide, Crowsnest, Alberta

Peter B. Jones

CSPG Bulletin

..., showing location of cross-sections A-B and C-D (modified from Norris, 1955, 1959, 1989). End_Page 234------------------------ mapped as Banff...


Tectonostratigraphic framework of Upper Ordovician source rocks, Ottawa Embayment (eastern Ontario)

George R. Dix, Christopher Jolicoeur

CSPG Bulletin

... Cross-Sections N-S and E-W structural cross-sections constructed for the western sector of the fault block illustrate offset on the order of tens...


Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Tertiary Strata of Southern Cache Valley, North-Central Utah

Robert Q. Oaks Jr., Kristine A. Smith, Susanne U. Janecke, Michael E. Perkins, William P. Nash

Utah Geological Association

... Cache Valley, Utah. See figure 6 for locations of stratigraphic sections, geologic cross sections, and seismic-reflection profiles; figure 7...


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