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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 60,796 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
A Collaborative Approach to Seismic Interpretation for Offshore Field DevelopmentA Case Study; #20338 (2016)
Satyabrata Mishra, Lawrence Grant-Woolley, Long T. Dang
Search and Discovery.com
..., combining holistic 3D structural interpretation, rock physics modelling, fluid dynamics (incorporating petrophysical and SCAL data), and production data...
Elk Hills, Kern County, California
J. R. Pemberton
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------- Fig. 4. Surface structure of Elk Hills (Naval Reserve No. 1). Contour interval, 100 feet. Scale in feet. Cross sections have not been...
Tintaburra Field--Australia Eromanga Basin, Queensland
C. B. Newton
AAPG Special Volumes
...) and eastern (Harkaway) trends (Figure 20). Fig. 3. Tintaburra field north-south structural cross section. See Figure 2. for location. End_Page 293...
Some Features of the Accumulation of the Frasnian Salt Unit of the North Part of the Pripyat Depression
Yu. N. Vorob’yev, T. V. Koldashenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... and sandstone. Drill-hole sections can be correlated reliably in most cases by the radioactivity logs. Thickness of the lower salt unit has a wide range...
Salt Detachments in the Jurassic Preuss Redbeds Within the Meade and Crawford Thrust Systems, Idaho and Wyoming
James C. Coogan, W. Adolph Yonkee
Utah Geological Association
..., southeastern Idaho: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1155, 99 p. Dahlstrom, C. D. A., 1970, Balanced cross sections: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 6...
Subsurface Geology of Western Payne County, Oklahoma
C. Pleas Stringer Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... of miscorrelation, since it is not the same as the Avant limestone at the surface (Lukert, 1949). The term, "Avant", will be used in the electric log cross sections...
Chapter 6: Cannery Loop Field, Cook Inlet Region, Kenai Borough, Alaska
Courtney McElmoyl
AAPG Special Volumes
... the reservoir data for the Tyonek, Beluga, and Sterling Formations. Structural and stratigraphic correlation cross sections are found in Figures 19–22...
Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of Northern part of Cambay Basin; #50567 (2012)
Tusar Ranjan Sahoo and Mainak Choudhuri
Search and Discovery.com
... is a Tertiary intra-cratonic graben in the western onshore part of India. The basin is divided into five tectonic blocks separated by major cross trends...
The Smackover-Norphlet Petroleum System, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Oil Fields, Oil Shows, and Dry Holes
Theodore J. Godo
GCAGS Journal
..., 2019. GCAGS Journal, v. 8 (2019), p. 104–152. DOI: pending 104 Figure 1. The structural cross section illustrates the position of the Jurassic...
Sedimentation and Trapping Mechanism in Upper Miocene Stevens and Older Turbidite Fans of Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Bruce A. MacPherson
AAPG Bulletin
... within the shaly areas. Thus, because of alternate stacking, maps of different horizons reveal reversal of structural attitudes with depth. A broad...
Sierra Madre Oriental
Paul Enos
Dallas Geological Society
... dissected this area dramatically into valleys that cross the structural grain. Higher areas with pure limestone substrates have extensive karst...
The Structure and Stratigraphy of Roleta Field Zapata County, Texas
Steven M. Campbell
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
.... Figure 2. A – A′ Structural Cross-Section, Roleta Field Zapata County, Texas The sands are considered Lower Wilcox in age with the possible exception...
Evidence for right-oblique-slip on a northern segment of the Big Trails fault system, southern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Montana Geological Society
.... Plate 1: Geologic map and cross-sections for the northern segment of the Big Trails...
Evidence for Right-Oblique-Slip on a Northern Segment of the Big Trails Fault System, Southern Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Wyoming Geological Association
... monoclines (Figure 2 and Plate 1 in pocket) represent basement-cored faulting related to the Big Trails fault. Plate 1. Geologic map and cross-sections...
Corpus Christi Structural Basin Postulated from Salinity Data
W. Armstrong Price
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Study of cross sections based on water sands has inclined some geologists to regard the upper 400 feet of sediments in this area as flat-lying...
Corpus Christi Structural Basin Postulated from Salinity Data
W. Armstrong Price
AAPG Bulletin
.... Study of cross sections based on water sands has inclined some geologists to regard the upper 400 feet of sediments in this area as flat-lying...
C.J. Kerez, Jon Sanjuán
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... of these sections, 1200 meters south of Plaza de las Banderas (see Index Map, Fig. 1) were studied in March, 1964, while the outcrops were still fresh. Since...
Structures of the Rocky Mountain Foreland: Salt Creek Field, a Prototypical Basement-Involved Thrust-Generated Fold
D. S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... with ~3000 wells producing from 10 distinct zones by 1930. Yet only one west-east structural cross section has appeared in the literature showing the deep...
Deep Structure of Northern Mississippi Embayment
A. Ginzburg , W. D. Mooney , A. W. Walter , W. J. Lutter , J. H. Healy
AAPG Bulletin
..., 2-3-4, 8-5-4) All of the phases identified on the axial line are observed on the record sections of the southernmost cross profile, 8-6-9 (Figs. 7, 8...
The American Salt-Dome Problems in the Light of the Roumanian and German Salt Domes
Donald C. Barton
AAPG Bulletin
... the surface have been brought to the surface. Wherever it has been possible to draw subsurface cross-sections across the coastal domes, the same marked dips...
Oil and Gas in Delta-Margin Facies of Dakota Sandstone, Lone Pine Field, New Mexico
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
..., show a relatively simple sequence from highly bioturbated mudstone below to cross-bedded sandstone above. These sections suggest a deltaic sequence...
Tectonic Implications of Diapirism on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the United Arab Emirates
A.S. Alsharhan, M.G. Salah
CSPG Bulletin
... with few gentle structural undulations. The available magnetic (total intensity) and gravity (residual Bouguer anomaly) maps were used to determine...
Sedimentary Basin of Gabon--Geology and Oil Systems
P. Teisserenc, J. Villemin
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------ Fig. 13. Facies map and main depocenters of the Azile Formation. End_Page 133------------------------ Fig. 14. Geological cross sections showing...
Fault Pattern in the Southern Campos Basin, Brazil: 3D Seismic Insights and Implications for Albian Carbonates of the Macae Group, #30598 (2019).
Ulisses Miguel da Costa Correia, Alexandre Campane Vidal,
Search and Discovery.com
... variability pattern, such as maximum curvature, steered minimum similarity, variance, dip-steering, and ant tracking. Interpreted time-slices, cross-sections...
Part II: The Poth Sand Trend of Southwest Texas Glen Hummel Field Wilson County, Texas
Robert W. Hopf
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... and reservoir engineering studies, four maps and one cross-section have been prepared: Figures 1 thru 5 of this report. Figure 1. Top of Poth A Sand Structure...