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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 60,796 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
The Tobias Field
John E. Brewer
Kansas Geological Society
... as being faulted. This fault probably has only about 100 feet of throw. The major structural movement took place during the pre-Pennsylvanian - post...
Reservoir Characterisation of the Bluesky Formation at Shell Canadas Carmon Creek Thermal Project, Northwestern Alberta, Peace River Oil Sands Area: An Example of Interdisciplinary Data Integration
Mark L. Caplan
Search and Discovery.com
... control and the resulting structure maps were imported into the modelling package. The structural surfaces were QC’ed against well picks in the reservoir...
Reservoir Characterisation of the Bluesky Formation at Shell Canadas Carmon Creek Thermal Project, Northwestern Alberta, Peace River Oil Sands Area: An Example of Interdisciplinary Data Integration
Mark L. Caplan
Search and Discovery.com
... control and the resulting structure maps were imported into the modelling package. The structural surfaces were QC’ed against well picks in the reservoir...
Structural Evolution of Sanandaj-Sirjan Ranges Near Esfahan, Iran
J. Edward Tillman , Abbas Poosti , Steve Rossello , Anne Eckert
AAPG Bulletin
...Structural Evolution of Sanandaj-Sirjan Ranges Near Esfahan, Iran J. Edward Tillman , Abbas Poosti , Steve Rossello , Anne Eckert 1981 674 687 65 4...
Quaternary Geology of the Northern San Joaquin Valley
William R. Lettis
Pacific Section SEPM
... ground-water basin of the central Valley, California, with texture maps and sections: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401-C, 54 p. Rentschler...
Upper Jurassic Depositional Systems and Hydrocarbon Potential of Southeast Mississippi
Fred C. Meendsen , Clyde H. Moore , Ezat Heydari , Roger Sassen
GCAGS Transactions
... sections were End_Page 161------------------------ prepared for petrographic observation. Structure maps, isopach maps, and regional stratigraphic...
Structural Development of West Central Texas
Harold J. Holmquest Jr.
Abilene Geological Society
...Structural Development of West Central Texas Harold J. Holmquest Jr. 1955 19 36 Abilene Geological Society; Cross Sections and Field Guides...
Petroleum Geology of the Bakken Formation Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana
Fred F. Meissner
AAPG Special Volumes
... Devonian unconformity, with each succeedingly younger member overlapping the older member toward the depositional zero limit of the unit (Cross Section...
Relationship of Lower Cretaceous Depositional Environment to Oil Accumulation, Northeastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Robert W. Stapp
AAPG Bulletin
... correlations are shown. The cross sections are not included in the illustrations because the critical detail is destroyed in the reduction process. End...
Use of Seismic Surveying for Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields in the Fergana Valley
B. S. Vol’vovskiy, I. S. Vol’vovsky, B. B. Tal’-Virskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... drilling. Comparison of structural maps on the marker reflecting horizon with data of deep exploration drilling allows the accuracy of the seismic...
The Williston Basin and Structural Seismic Exploration
James A. Peterson, Robert C. Dyer, James H. Clement
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... Figure 3: Generalized west-east structural-stratigraphiccross section A-A', from Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming to northa t e m North Dakota. Line of cross...
Stratigraphy of Pennsylvanian, Permian, and Lower Triassic Rocks of Confusion Range, West-Central Utah
Richard K. Hose , Charles A. Repenning
AAPG Bulletin
... structural Fig. 1. See caption on page 2169. End_Page 2168------------------------------ Fig. 1. Index maps showing location of northern part...
The Birkhead-Hutton(!) Petroleum System of the Gidgealpa Area, Eromanga Basin, Australia
Peter J. Boult, Melanie J. Ryan, Bernd H. Michaelsen, David M. McKirdy, Peter R. Tingate, Elio Lanzilli, Meshack L. N. Kagya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... by the white arrows. C-C' = cross sections shown in Figures 7, 18 and 19. Figure 7. Cross section of part of the Gidgealpa southern dome, flattened on the DN...
Apache Townsite Field
James Henry
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... vicinity of the field. The deeper of the two is also the larger and is so labeled on the accompanying maps and cross section. Based on the depth...
Miocene Carbonates of the Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak: Implications for Regional Geology and Reservoir Properties from Strontium-Isotope Stratigraphy
Volker C. Vahrenkamp
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...: : Schematic Cross-section A N.N.W SSE .. , .... 'eIo.~~ . .," _ _ .... M--·.. ·~ ·-· ..;* MAGNETIC BASEMENT Q I Figure 2, Schematic cross-section...
Geocellular Modelling of Vorwata, Wiriagar Deep, Roabiba and Ofaweri Fields, Tangguh JV
Ana Widyanita, Astuti Purwati, Joaquin Naar, Wahyu Hidayat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the Upper Roabiba. Once the reservoir zones, thickness maps and structural horizons were generated, they were then re-adjusted using the “Horizon...
An Efficient Workflow for Geological Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs from a New Through-the-Bit Logging Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool, #42334 (2018).
Shiduo Yang, Patrick McBride, Josselin Kherroubi, Alexis He, Isabelle Le Nir, Daniel Quesada, Redha Hasan AI Lawatia, Andy Wray,
Search and Discovery.com
... identification (Figure 6). Quick Structural Delineation with Picked Dips and Faults To achieve a more realistic geological cross section with continuous...
Ozark Precambrian-Paleozoic Relations: Discussion of Igneous Rocks Exposed in Eastern Kansas: DISCUSSION
Paul C. Franks
AAPG Bulletin
.... Structural contour maps, using the base of the Plattsburg Limestone (Pennsylvanian) and the top of the Mississippian as datum, show more than 50 feet...
Gravity Anomalies and Passive Continental Margins, Canada and Norway
L. W. Sobczak
CSPG Special Publications
... in Figure 10B; Sherwin’s diagrammatic structural cross-section for clastic sediments above a carbonate or crystalline basement was used for the upper...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic Architecture of Lower Miocene Deepwater Slope-Channel and Levee Systems, Tuxpan Platform and Adjacent Area, Offshore Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico
Ambrose, W., Wawrzyniec, T., Fouad, K., Sakurai, S., Jennette,D., Guevara, E. Talukdar, S., Aranda, M., Alvarado,J. Hernandez, U., Macias,E., Velez,D., Sanchez, F., Lopez, G., and Flores, J.C.
GCAGS Transactions
... and porous. Interval-attribute and wavelet-classification maps, useful in delineating facies architecture and sandbody complexity, indicate...
Crater Mound (Meteor Crater), Arizona, A Geologic Feature
Dorsey Hager
AAPG Bulletin
... elevated walls both on the east and on the west. Although not shown on the maps and cross sections, the cut in the rim where the U. S. Smelting...
Hydrocarbon Potential, Southwest Sulu Sea, Philippines
S.L. Pederson
Circum Pacific Council Publications
..., their Section 6 of the South China Sea cross-sections provides a likely relationship of the Balabac and Bancauan Basins to Palawan and the South China Sea...
Study of the Wilcox Group, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
Dugal Gordon, J. A. Wheeler
Houston Geological Society
... or rejected. To-wards the end, cross sections assumed more and more importance as a means of setting out the Wilcox situation. The members of the Sedimentation...
Introduction, Exploration and Production History, and Bibliography
S. Courteney, P. Cockcroft, R. Lorentz, R. Miller
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Therefore the sub-committee elected to use SPE units for the data sheets and to use the original cross sections and maps provided by PERTAMINA...
Shallow Miocene and Oligocene Gas Potential: Southeastern Louisiana's Florida Parishes
Donald A. Goddard, Ronald K. Zimmerman
GCAGS Transactions
... in structural maps on top of the intervals of interest (Fig. 4 a, b). The structure on top of the Miocene, just below the Plio-Pleistocene Southern Hills...