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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 60,796 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Grain Size Representation by Cm Patterns as a Geological Tool
R. Passega
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... different conditions. The most notable progress of recent research was the construction of paleobathymetric maps and logs showing the depth of ancient...
Subsurface Study of the Hunton Group (Silurian-Devonian) in the Oklahoma Portion of the Arkoma Basin
Richard L. England
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... In addition, three cross sections were prepared to illustrate the stratigraphic divisions. Subdivision of the Hunton was based principally on lithology...
Depositional, Diagenetic, and Structural Controls on Reservoir Properties of Low-Permeability Sandstone, Travis Peak Formation, East Texas
Shirley P. Dutton , Stephen E. Laubacht , Robert S. Tye
GCAGS Transactions
... Systems Many researchers have utilized data from well logs, cuttings, seismic lines, isopach and net-sandstone maps, cross sections, and cores...
Miocene Deposiiton and Petroleum Geology - Northern Gulf of Mexico - Workshop Summary
Richard Fillon, Paul Lawless
... by structural movements including salt diapirism. Over past decades, technological advancement has fueled development of exploration trends to greater...
Abstract: Overview of the Structural Styles of the Petroleum Traps in the Pelagian Platform of Northern Africa, by Sami Khomsi and Mourad Bedir; #90161 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Structure, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Hydrocarbons in the Kagua-Kubor Area, Papua New Guinea
Kevin C. Hill, Daniel Medd, Pip Darvall
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... (Hill, 1988). Thus when con structing cross sections, scattered dips were averaged to draw reasonable structural panels. Anticlines in the Kagua...
Abstract: Structural Diagenesis: The Integration of Structural Geology and Diagenesis, by Stephen Laubach, Kitty Milliken, Peter Eichhubl, Rob Lander, Linda Bonnell, Jon Olson, and Andrew Thomas; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Siltstones Across the Daptocephalus (Dicynodon) and Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zones, Karoo Basin, South Africa, Show No Evidence For Aridification
Jiawen Li, Robert A. Gastaldo, Johann Neveling, John W. Geissman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and Botha-Brink 2014; Rubidge et al. 2016; Viglietti et al. 2016; Fig. 1A). Fig. 1. Locality maps. A) Generalized map of southern Africa on which Old...
Geohistory Modelling of Hydrocarbon Migration and Trap Formation in the Arafura Sea
Aidan Moore, John Bradshaw, Dianne Edwards
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., and is the most likely source of the shows in the well. The seismic cross-sections demonstrate that the magnitudes of subsidence, faulting and uplift were...
The Influence of Proterozoic Structures on the Development of Laramide Structures, Northern Interior Plains, Northwest Territories, Canada
B.C. MacLean, D.G. Cook
CSPG Bulletin
... Science Letters, v. 96, p. 38-48. MacLean, B.C. and Cook, D.G. 1990. Reflection seismic interpretation of two cross-sections in the Colville Hills region...
Regional Stratigraphy and Organic Richness of the Mississippian Meramec and Associated Strata, Anadarko Basin, Central Oklahoma
Joshua C. Miller, Matthew J. Pranter, Andrew B. Cullen
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... porosity. A Zeiss Axio Imager.Z1m microscope was used to examine the sections in normal-transmitted, plane-polarized, and cross-polarized light. Thin...
The Case for the Regressive Systems Tract with Examples from the Tertiary and Pleistocene of the Northern Gulf Coast Basin
Edwards, Marc B.
GCAGS Transactions
.... C. Schuster, R. C. Shoup, and P. R. Tauvers, 1995, Cenozoic structural evolution and tectonic-stratigraphic framework of the northern Gulf Coast...
Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the "D" Sand Adams and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
L.G. "Lee" Mossel
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... log shapelstructure maps should lead to more discoveries in this area. INTRODUCTION This paper reviews oil and gas accumulations in the “D” sand...
Complex fracture development related to stratigraphic architecture: Challenges for structural deformation prediction, Tensleep Sandstone at the Alcova anticline, Wyoming
Christopher K. Zahm, Peter H. Hennings
AAPG Bulletin
... of Structural Geology, v. 24, no. 4, p. 773782, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(01)00124-9.Gross, M. R., 1993, The origin and spacing of cross joints: Example from...
The Exploration of the Nickel Laterite Deposits in Irian Barat, Indonesia
C. D. Reynolds, I. Havryluk, Saleh Bastaman, Soepomo Atmowidjojo
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... upon the local topography, the survey control was developed either by establishing a grid system with cross sections oriented 90° to a base line...
Pethei Reef Complex (1.9 Ga), Great Slave Lake, N.W.T.
P. F. Hoffman
CSPG Special Publications
..., Maps 377A and 378A, scale 1 inch equals 4 miles. Wilson, J.L. 1969. Microfacies and sedimentary structures in “deeper water” lime mudstones...
Pennsylvanian and Permian Influence on Tensleep Oil Accumulation, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
Don E. Lawson , Jordan R. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... and 17. End_Page 2209------------------------------ Fig. 16. Northwest-southeast structural cross section, Bonanza field, illustrating thick Phosphoria...
Seismic Sequences and Facies of Siliciclastic Deep-Water Deposits with Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration
Charles J. Stuart
Pacific Section SEPM
... meters thick (e.g., small channel/levee units) will be resolved on seismic sections. In addition, even if bedding units are of resolvable thickness (>30m...
Little Sand Draw Field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: A Hybrid Dual-Porosity and Single-Porosity Reservoir in the Phosphoria Formation (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...) Structural and stratigraphic cross sections, combined with core descriptions, have shown that there is a high level of lateral continuity...
B.C. Canyon Field: A Low Sea Level Stand, Early Canyon Carbonate Buildup
AI M. Reid, Don C. Mozynski, William C. Robinson
West Texas Geological Society
.... Structure map on top of the paleotopographic surface, Late Early Canyon carbonate, with locations of cross sections A-A’, B-B’ and C-C’. Figure 3...
Structural Analysis for Fracture Optimization, #41728 (2015).
Catalina Luneburg, Bob Ratliff, Alex Page
Search and Discovery.com
...Structural Analysis for Fracture Optimization, #41728 (2015). Catalina Luneburg, Bob Ratliff, Alex Page Structural Analysis for Fracture...
West Norton and North Norton Fields Runnels County, Texas
Richard R. Bloomer
Abilene Geological Society
... and sandstones of the Strawn and Canyon series of the Pennsylvanian System. The formation subdivision of these beds is on two cross-sections (Plates V...
Structural controls of fracture orientations, intensity, and connectivity, Teton anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana
Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
...Structural controls of fracture orientations, intensity, and connectivity, Teton anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra 2009...
West Texas Geological Society 1993 Fall Symposium
Julie Gibbs, David Cromwell
West Texas Geological Society
...-Grey Ranch Fault Zone. Structure contour maps, seismic profiles, and balanced structural cross-sections show that the CBP consists of two fault...
Subsurface Tertiary Zones of Correlation Through Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida
Donald W. Gravell , Marcus A. Hanna
AAPG Bulletin
... cross sections are given. Facies changes are discussed in connection with the zones and the cross sections. As students of structural geology...