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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,201 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Abstract: Computer Mapping in Lower Frio Formation (Oligo-Miocene), Southwestern Louisiana

W. R. Paine

GCAGS Transactions

... and hand-contoured maps. This study revealed that computer maps are useful in stratigraphic work - both on regional and local scales. For structural work...


Computer Mapping in Lower Frio Formation (Oligo-Miocene), Southwestern Louisiana: ABSTRACT

W. R. Paine

AAPG Bulletin

... and hand-contoured maps. This study revealed that computer maps are useful in stratigraphic work--both on regional and local scales. For structural...


Laramide Mountain Flank Deformation and the Golden Fault Zone, Jefferson County, Colorado

Robert J. Weimer, R. Randy Ray

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... the mountain front as illustrated by numerous published geologic maps and cross sections. Surface mapping indicates the mountain front fault decreases in dip...


Chapter 11: Earth, Mind, and Paper: Field Sketches as Expert Representations of the Hat Creek Fault Zone

Heather L. Petcovic, Carol J. Ormand, Bob Krantz

AAPG Special Volumes

... sketches (i.e., serial cross-sections or maps with cross-sections) that explore 3-D structural relationships without necessitating the higher cognitive...


Reservoir Analog Studies Using Multimodel Photogrammetry: A New Tool for the Petroleum Industry

K. S. Dueholm , T. Olsen

AAPG Bulletin

.... 1191-1196. Dueholm, K. S., A. A. Garde, and A. K. Pedersen, 1993, Preparation of accurate geological and structural maps, cross-sections or block diagrams...


North Fork and Cellars Ranch Fields, Johnson Co., Wyoming: Examples of Late Permian Tectonism and Resultant Differential Sedimentation - Reply

W. Richard Moore

Wyoming Geological Association

... and Cellars B-4, from his structural cross section (1986, Figure 6). One of these wells, the Harris B-1, contains the only known thrust fault which occurs...


Basin Architecture from Gravity Gradiometer and Seismic data, South-Western Margin of the Fitzroy Trough and Gregory Sub-basin, Canning Basin Western Australia; #10821 (2015)

Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge, Peter Edwards

Search and

... of the integrated interpretation and modelling method involves the following stages: (1) Structural interpretation maps of the intra-sedimentary fault...


Abstract of Talk on Photogeology presented at luncheon of A.S.P.G.

Victor Miller

CSPG Bulletin

... of geomorphology and excellent U.S.G.S. topographic maps permits determination of sufficient spot elevations along structural benches to afford control...


Abstract: Geology & Geophysics of Texas State Waters (GOM) a 2-1/2 Million Acre Overview

Stanley M. Leventhal

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... Shipwreck Field. A continuous set of detailed structural maps covering the entire coast at two different horizons has recently been completed. The mapping...


Petroleum Geology of the Vicksburg Formation, Goliad County, Texas

Janet Coleman, William E. Galloway

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... will be examined in more detail below. Figure 1. Goliad County Structure Map. Top of Vicksburg Formation. Contour interval = 100 ft. Cross sections 11, 12...



Jed Thomas

Montana Geological Society

...: Structural cross sections of Bannack-Argenta area. See Figure 1 for locations...


Seismic Interpretation: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

D. C. Nester, Michael J. Padgett

AAPG Special Volumes

... the creation of structural maps of the subsurface from the observed three-dimensional configuration of arrival times. Seismic sequence stratigraphic...


Stratigraphic Analysis Garden Banks Block 235, Gulf of Mexico

Edwin I. Linares, Abu K. M. Sarwar

GCAGS Transactions

... and stratigraphic interpretation was accomplished utilizing and studying: a) several orthogonal slices as vertical seismic sections (lines and cross-lines), b...


Subsurface Geology of North Gotebo Area, Kiowa and Washita Counties, Oklahoma

Suzanne Takken

AAPG Special Volumes

... the customary structural and isopachous maps are not useful in the study area, six cross sections have been prepared to show the geology of the field...


Stratigraphic Analysis of Seismic Data from the Garden Banks Block 235 Area, Offshore Gulf of Mexico

Edwin I. Linares, Abu K. M. Sarwar

GCAGS Transactions

.... The interpretation was accomplished utilizing and studying: a) several orthogonal slices as vertical seismic sections (lines and cross-lines), b) horizontal...



Stephen P. Gardner, Jonathan M. Achuff

Montana Geological Society

... the basic framework for construction of structural cross-sections and maps. Additional control included surface mapping (Mudge, 1965...


The Skinner Sandstone Zone in Central Oklahoma

Rafael Valderrama

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... for this interval. Outcrop observations were correlated with core data and well logs. Two east-west and three north-south cross sections were prepared...


Frio Formation of Southern Texas

C. W. Holcomb

GCAGS Transactions

... with emphasis on regional relationships. Generalized regional structural contour maps, diagrammatic cross-sections, and a faunal updip limit map...


A Reappraisal of Depositional Environment (Barrier Bar or Submarine Fan) for Lower Wilcox Reservoirs of Valentine Field, Lavaca County, Texas Gulf Coast

Marc B. Edwards

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

... as coastal deposits relies heavily upon detailed maps and cross sections. Berg (1979) used Chuber’s correlations as a framework for a detailed...


The Prolific Talang Akar Formation in Raja Field, South Sumatra

Oskar M. Hutapea

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Stratigraphic Cross Section Showing Facies Relation of the Talang Akar Formation. Figure 6, 7 and 8 are isopach maps from three different sections...


Preliminary Subsurface Study of Southeastern Appalachian Interior Plateau

Herbert P. Woodward

AAPG Bulletin

... to be in reasonable agreement. The 6 cross sections (Pls. 1-6) and the 8 isopach maps (Figs. 3-11) are thus the chief contribution of this report. As must be apparent...


Limestone in the Heterostegina Zone (Oligocene-Miocene) on Damon Mound Salt Dome, Brazoria County, Texas

Eva O. Ballard

GCAGS Transactions

... 213------------------------ METHOD Structure maps, isopach and isolith maps, and electrical log cross sections were constructed and interpreted...


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