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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,201 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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The Punta del Este Half Grabens, Offshore Uruguay: The Next Exploration Frontier in the South Atlantic, #10983 (2017).

Oscar R. Lopez-Gamundi, Hector De Santa Ana, Bruno Conti

Search and

... to the present deepening of the continental margin, enhance trap integrity of structural (four-way) closures. This is due to the critical role played...


Amory Field: Monroe County, Mississippi

David C. Davis, Ernest H. Lambert, Jr.

Mississippi Geological Society

... information is available concerning the early wells in the area. OLDEST STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON PENETRATED Mississippian. NATURE OF TRAP - Structural...


Abstract: A Quantitative Analysis of Muddy Formation Hydrodynamics in the Laramie and Carbon Basins, Wyoming

Richard W. Davis

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... being favorable for structural entrapment. In three of the fields stratigraphic factors may also play a minor role in forming the trap. The methods...


Abstract: Targeted Infill Drilling at Stratton Field Using 3-D Seismic

John R. Suydam, Dale T. Reitz

GCAGS Transactions

.../deltaic sandstones and Vicksburg shallow-marine sandstones. The field is a combination stratigraphic and faulted structural trap, and contains numerous...


Stratigraphic Trap of Slaughter Field of West Texas: ABSTRACT

W. M. Osborn

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphic Trap of Slaughter Field of West Texas: ABSTRACT W. M. Osborn 1941 934 934 25 5. (May) The Slaughter field of Cochran, Hockley...


Coldwater Field, Isabella County, Michigan: ABSTRACT

R. H. Wolcott

AAPG Bulletin

.... A greenish amber oil of 48° A.P.I. gravity is produced from an average depth of 3,750 feet. The reservoir is a structural trap, anticlinal in nature...


Little Creek Field, Lincoln and Pike Counties, Mississippi: ABSTRACT

P. Eisenstatt

AAPG Bulletin

... is present; however, an oil column of about 110 feet indicates the presence of a structural-stratigraphic trap. The producing sand body has an irregular...


Kurten Field--Discovered by Stratigraphic Prospecting: ABSTRACT

Robert Pavlovic

AAPG Bulletin

...Kurten Field--Discovered by Stratigraphic Prospecting: ABSTRACT Robert Pavlovic 1980 1566 1566 64 9. (September) The Woodbine Kurten field trap...


Oil Generation and Entrapment in Railroad Valley, Nye County, Nevada: ABSTRACT

Herbert D. Duey

AAPG Bulletin

... block in the Basin and Range structural province. Topographically, it is basically flat with recent playa deposits on the surface. Two structural...


Identification of Wrench Faults Using Subsurface Structural Data: Criteria and Pitfalls (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... structures imaged with reflection seismic can resemble a wrench fault system because of the great structural diversity of strike-slip faults and the wide...


Abstract: Tectonic Inversion and Petroleum System Implications in the Rifts of Central Africa; #90171 (2013)

Marian Jenner Warren

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...Abstract: Tectonic Inversion and Petroleum System Implications in the Rifts of Central Africa; #90171 (2013) Marian Jenner Warren Tectonic Inversion...


An Overview of South Australian Petroleum Systems; #30530 (2017)

Elinor Alexander, Tony Hill

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... & gas in rifted margins ◦ Intracratonic basins CAPRICORN ‐ Eocene  ◦ Oil shales in rifts ◦ Carbonate system  From Bradshaw (2016) SA’s rock record 2/3...


Cortemaggiore Field--Italy Po Plain, Northern Apennines

Marco Pieri

AAPG Special Volumes

...Cortemaggiore Field--Italy Po Plain, Northern Apennines Marco Pieri 1992 99 118 TR: Structural Traps VII Agip, 1959, Descrizione dei giacimenti...


Basin-centered Gas Systems and the Jonah Field

B. E. Law, C. W. Spencer

AAPG Special Volumes

... FormationThe development of a trap in the conventional sense of a structural or stratigraphic trap is an important process in a petroleum system...


Future Exploration Play Concept in Western Kendeng Fold Thrust Belt: Based on Comprehensive Stratigraphic and Geochemical Analyses of Outcropped Miocene Kerek and Pelang Formation and Oil Seeps

La Ode Bayu Stiawan, Rizky Ananda, Ildrem Syafri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Furthermore, apart from faulted anticline trap, we proposed that the inverted structural trap exists in Kendeng area as this area experienced extensional...


Trap Mechanics in Nisku Formation of Northeast Montana

Robert E. Swenson

AAPG Bulletin

...Trap Mechanics in Nisku Formation of Northeast Montana Robert E. Swenson 1967 1948 1958 51 10. (October) The first oil production from the Upper...


Stratigraphic-Lithologic Oil and Gas Pools in the Jiyang Depression, China

Shaui Defu, Qian Kai, Song Yongshen, Ge Rong

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... to the north. The different heights of areas of low uplift created favorable structural paleogeomorphological con­ ditions for the formation...


Upper Miocene Depositional History of the Central Gulf of Mexico Basin

Wu, Xinxia,, Galloway, William E.

GCAGS Transactions

... system. Together, juxtaposition, good to excellent reservoir, migration, trap, and seal elements led to the highly efficient trapping of the petroleum...


Hydrocarbon Seal Rocks: Chapter 8: Part II. Essential Elements

Marlan W. Downey

AAPG Special Volumes

...Hydrocarbon Seal Rocks: Chapter 8: Part II. Essential Elements Marlan W. Downey 1994 159 164 M 60: The Petroleum System--From Source to Trap...


Abstract: Detailed Kinematic Restoration of a Structural Transect from the Baltic Sea; #90224 (2015)

Jan Witte, Arezki Ioughlissen, Cornelius Rott, and Alula Damte

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...Abstract: Detailed Kinematic Restoration of a Structural Transect from the Baltic Sea; #90224 (2015) Jan Witte, Arezki Ioughlissen, Cornelius Rott...


Abstract: Structural Modeling in the Kirthar Fold Belt of Pakistan: From Seismic to Regional Scale; #90310 (2017)

Ralph Hinsch, Chloé Asmar, Peter Hagedorn, Muhammad Nasim, Muhammad Aamir Rasheed, Noah Stevens, Bernhard Bretis, James M. Kiely

Search and

... of constraints in the workflow substantially improved understanding of the structural architecture and helped to de-risk the large anticlinal trap...


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