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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,130 Results. Searched 195,596 documents.

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Abstract: Practical Implementation of SRME for Land Multiple Attenuation; #90187 (2014)

Juefu Wang and Shaowu Wang

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... Method SRME is derived based on Huygens principle that every point to which wave reaches becomes a new source of spherical wave, and the sum of new waves...


Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms

Alton Brown

AAPG Bulletin

... ascent can be evaluated by considering four different controls on its velocity: (1) properties of the sphere and the surrounding fluid (ascent...


Abstract: A Nuclear Norm Minimization Algorithm with Application to Five Dimensional (5D) Seismic Data Recovery; #90187 (2014)

N. Kreimer, A. Stanton, and M. D. Sacchi

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... and sparsity in wave-number domains for signals that admit a representation in terms of a superposition of multidimensional plane waves...


Abstract: Elastodynamic FWI Efficiency Study With Partial Stacking in 2D; #90224 (2015)

Vladimir N. Zubov, Gary F. Margrave, and Michael P. Lamoureux

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... correction for this particular 2a shot is taken as i   *I  n (d ) ;  for the whole partial stack, the next density field n+1 is estimated with a sum...


Definition and Properties of a Variability Index of Deltaic Sediments: NOTES

Hugo Mandelbaum

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of bird-foot islands with a number of inlets from the Chenal a Bout Rond. The principal inlet with the highest water velocity is at the northern apex...


Grain-Size Controls On the Morphology and Internal Geometry of River-Dominated Deltas

Alexander P. Burpee, Rudy L. Slingerland, Douglas A. Edmonds, Daniel Parsons, Jim Best, James Cederberg, Andrew McGuffin, Rebecca Caldwell, Austin Nijhuis, Jordan Royce

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., a greater percentage of channel facies, and less rugose sand bodies than a highly cohesive, muddy delta. Nine self-formed deltas having different sediment...


Statistical Correlation of the Mesaverde Group, Southwestern Wyoming and Northeastern Utah

Deane E. Kilbourne

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

...Statistical Correlation of the Mesaverde Group, Southwestern Wyoming and Northeastern Utah Deane E. Kilbourne 1975 1 6 Vol. 8 (1975) No. 1. (March...


Quantitative shale characterization of the tidally influenced Sego Sandstone

Darrin Burton, Lesli J. Wood

AAPG Bulletin

..., and frequencies were measured from high-resolution light detection and ranging point clouds. Shales in confined tidal bars are approximately three...


Abstract: Interesting Directions Being Pursued in Seismic Curvature Attribute Analysis; #90187 (2014)

Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

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... are expanding in terms of not only different types of curvature measure but also in terms of their visualization, their application on other types of data...


Fluid Dynamics of Viscous Buckling Applicable to Folding of Layered Rocks

Hans Ramberg

AAPG Bulletin

... different from the free-slip model. If the spacing between the competent layers, i.e., the thickness of the incompetent layers, is greater than a certain...


Key Future Directions For Research On Turbidity Currents and Their Deposits

Peter J. Talling, Joshua Allin, Dominic A. Armitage, Robert W.C. Arnott, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny, Michael A. Clare, Fabrizio Felletti, Jacob A. Covault, Stephanie Girardclos, Ernst Hansen, Philip R. Hill, Richard N. Hiscott, Andrew J. Hogg, John Hughes Clarke, Zane R. Jobe, Giuseppe Malgesini, Alessandro Mozzato, Hajime Naruse, Sam Parkinson, Frank J. Peel, David J.W. Piper, Ed Pope, George Postma, Pete Rowley, Andrea Sguazzini, Christopher J. Stevenson, Esther J. Sumner, Zoltan Sylvester, Camilla Watts, Jingping Xu

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., waves). The location of monitoring sites and extent of crescentic bedforms are indicated. B) Velocity profiles through turbidity currents from ADCPs...


Impact of Organic Fabrics, Thermal Maturity, Saturation and Diagenesis on Shale Rock Properties

Claudio Delle Piane, Ben Clennell, Matthew Josh, Dave Dewhurst

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... at the impact of thermal maturity on the organic and diagenetic mineral fabrics observed in gas shales from different parts of the world...


Simulating the Three-Dimensional Distribution of Sediment Units in Braided-Stream Deposits: SPECIAL SECTION: AQUIFER STRATIGRAPHY

Erik K. Webb

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and coefficients of velocity. Brierley (1989) published a matrix (Table 4) that contained specific transition frequencies for all facies types based on data...


Paleoslope Reconstruction In Sandy Suspended-Load-Dominant Rivers

Ranie M. Lynds, David Mohrig, Elizabeth A. Hajek, Paul L. Heller

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...  (different equations are used for values outside of the designated range; see Dietrich 1982, for complete discussion). Finally, the settling velocity...


Frequency and current analysis of non-linear electrical effects in mineralised rocks

Alan Oertel, Robert White, Steve Collins, Keith Leslie, Ben Spyridis

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...) consist of the galvanic transmission of two sinusoidal frequencies and the mapping of sum and difference mixing frequencies. The purpose of this study...


Drilling predation in mollusks from the early and middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys

Jennifer A. Sawyer, Martin Zuschin


... localities. Nonparametric multivariate analysis of variance on both class- and family-level data suggests significantly different drilling frequencies...


Abstract: Seismic Denoising by Time-Frequency Reassignment; #90174 (2014)

Li Han, David Bonar, and Mauricio Sacchi

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..., 142-150. Pedersen, H. A., J. I. Mars, and P.-O. Amblard, 2003, Improving surface-wave group velocity measurements by energy reassignment: Geophyscs, 68...


The Diffusion of Grains in the Lee of Ripples, Dunes, and Sand Deltas

J. R. L. Allen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... related to the ratio of the mean flow velocity at the crest of the body to the sediment free falling velocity. However, there is no simple empirical...


Discrete Fracture Network Generation Using Microseismic Data from a Single Monitoring Well

Xin Yu, Jim Rutledge, Scott Leaney, Chris Chapman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...e definition as in equations 3 and 4, and the subscript S represents Sh and Sv waves. The event can only be selected into the group when ‫ܨ‬௜ i...


Differentiable dynamic time warping divergences in full-waveform inversion

Mahesh Kalita, Lorenzo Casasanta

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... 𝑨 and 𝑪, i.e., < 𝑨, 𝑪 > = tr(𝑪 𝑻 𝑨) is the sum of the costs along the alignment 𝑨. Therefore, the DTW is the minimum cost among all...


Abstracts: The Deconvolution of Multicomponent Trace Vectors; #90173 (2015)

Xinxiang Li, Peter Cary, and Rodney Couzens

Search and

... with different speeds and different polarizations. The polarizations of the fast and slow shear waves are determined by the anisotropy of the rock...


Application of Convective-Diffusion Models to Diagenetic Processes

James R. Wood, Ronald C. Surdam

Special Publications of SEPM

... with relative some time the waves velocity collide the potential forthe precipitation of where the two reaction waves a U A bottom Ue and solid...


Experiments on Oscillatory-Flow and Combined-Flow Bed Forms: Implications for Interpreting Parts of the Shallow-Marine Sedimentary Record

Simone Dumas, R.W.C. Arnott, John B. Southard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-period, high-oscillatory-velocity waves is still very poorly understood. These conditions, however, are attained during high-energy storms on continental...


The Rounding of Sand Grains

W. H. Twenhofel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... on a beach are greatly different from those in streams. Waves wash on and off a beach with the waves rarely advancing on a beach normal to the trend...


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