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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 50,917 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: Genetic Variations in a Growth-Fault System: Downdip Wilcox Trend of South Texas

Fred L. Stricklin, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... creeping, submarine landslides occurring along the upper slope. Common trap types among those universally recognized in growth-fault systems include...


Late Quaternary Glacio-Eustatic Sequences and Stratal Patterns in the Mahakam Delta: Abstract

Pascal Debec, George P. Allen

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is difficult to distinguish from the highstand delta and no obvious onlap surface separates the two systems tracts, which are in physical continuity...


Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy and Controls on Carbonate Platform Development--Case Study from Permian of West Texas-New Mexico: ABSTRACT

J. F. Rick Sarg

AAPG Bulletin

... (0.5-3 m.y.), which controlled development of 27 depositional sequences. Each sequence is composed of three depositional systems tracts: (1) a lower...


Abstract: Clinoform Geometry and Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of Lower and Middle Eocene Carbonate Prograding Sequences, Sirte Basin, North Central Libya;

Muneer Abdalla, Wan Yang

Search and

..., and downlap). They divide the Eocene strata into a depositional sequence composed of transgressive (TST), highstand (HST), and lowstand systems tracts (LST...


Timing of Turbidite Sedimentation on the Mississippi Fan

V. Kolla , M. A. Perlmutter

AAPG Bulletin

... Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 40, p. 643-659. Pacht, J. A., B. E. Bowen, B. L. Shafer, and W. R. Pottorf, 1993, Systems tracts...


Salt diapir-influenced, shallow-marine sediment dispersal patterns: Insights from outcrop analogs

Jennifer L. Aschoff, Katherine A. Giles

AAPG Bulletin

...-stratigraphic correlation defines striking relationships between highstand (HST) and transgressive systems tracts (TST), stratal thinning trends, and salt...


Source Quality Variations Tied to Sequence Development in the Monterey and Associated Formations, Southwestern California: Chapter 12

Kevin M. Bohacs

AAPG Special Volumes

... (total organic carbon content) tends to be moderate in the lowstand systems tracts, increasing to a maximum around the mid-sequence downlap surface...


Abstract: Evaluating Prospectivity of Cretaceous to Eocene Reservoirs in Sulaiman Foredeep via Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation in Integration with Advanced Forward Stratigraphic Modeling; #91204 (2023)

S. Bibi, FA. Khan, A. Javed, I. Abdullah, S. Courtade, J. I. Awan, I. Khawaja

Search and

... the bounding surfaces (SB/MFS/TS) with the help of seismic attribute analysis, followed by identification of system tracts and seismic facies, which were...


Shelf-edge deltas along structurally complex margins: A case study from eastern offshore Trinidad

Lorena Moscardelli, Lesli J. Wood, Dallas B. Dunlap

AAPG Bulletin

... that was attempted in this work also demonstrated that the characteristics of systems tracts can abruptly change along strike in the shelf-edge region for time...


Facies and Depositional Analysis of Sandstone X in Gita Member Talang Akar Formation, at Alpha Field, Asri Basin

Aurora Juniarti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... point bar facies tends north east. Tidal point bar sand is deposited in meandering deltaic fluvial system. Trap mechanisms in Alpha Field...


A Model for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Sunda Basin, West Java Sea

David C. Bushnell, Atmawan D. Temansja

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... model can be used to illustrate the basic relationships among source, migration, and reservoir systems and trap associations in the Sunda basin...


Time-Transgressive Confinement On the Slope and the Progradation of Basin-Floor Fans: Implications For the Sequence Stratigraphy of Deep-Water Deposits

David M. Hodgson, Ian A. Kane, Stephen S. Flint, Rufus L. Brunt, Andrea Ortiz-Karpf

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... systems tracts. The progressive increase in slope confinement (Fig. 1) promotes sediment bypass, channel propagation, and the growth and progradation...


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