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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,817 Results. Searched 197,265 documents.

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Volumetric Relations Between Dissolved Plagioclase and Kaolinite in Sandstones: Implications for Aluminum Mass Transfer in the San Joaquin Basin, California

Michael J. Hayes, James R. Boles

Special Publications of SEPM

... aluminum is conserved mass between An o reaction In contrast the average sandstone with meteoric pore water has This average aluminum loss is 0 2...


Panorama de la Industria Metalurgica no Ferrosa en Mexico (IN SPANISH), Overview of Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Industry in Mexico

Manuel Franco López

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... El metalúrgica cumplidamente tema que hemos intitulado a que ustedes. " P a n o r a m a de la Industria lúrgica no F e r r o s a en México...


Cyclic Variables Controlling Fluvial Sequence Development: Problems and Perspectives

Frank G. Ethridge, Lesli J. Wood, S. A. Schumm

Special Publications of SEPM

... (1989) Aubry 1989 Nystuen et al. (1989) Nystuen et al 1989 Hall 1990 Hall (1990) Olsen 1990 Olsen (1990) Van Nest Bettis 1990 Van Nest & Betus (1990...


Volcaniclastic Petroleum Systems … Theory and Examples from Indonesia

Bernhard W. Seubert

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., fraccability). o Many tight gas reservoirs require stimulation (fraccing) if they are to produce hydrocarbons at economic rates. Tight reservoir...


Structural Evolution Using Seismic Low Frequency Magnitude Approach: A Case Study on Defining Strike-Slip Development in West Natuna Basin, Indonesia

Putri Riadini, Oki Rizaldi, Anwarsyah B. Ritonga, Abdurahman, Budiyono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-Asia collision (Hall, 1996; Morley, 2002; Tjia, 2014). These two faults trend initiated the basin opening and created series of grabens and half-grabens...


South Australian Petroleum Review

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Bernie O’Neil, a historian at the University of Adelaide, wrote two books detailing the history of the South Australian Mines Department – In Search...


Double Provenance of Sand-size Sediments in the Southern Aegean Forearc Basin

Emilio Saccani

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... A., 1979, Plate tectonics and sandstone composition: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 63, p. 2164-2182. FERRARA, G., FITIKAS, M., GIULIANI, O...


Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Baltimore Canyon Trough

C. Wylie Poag

AAPG Bulletin

.... Paper 796, 79 p. Emery, K. O., and E. Uchupi, 1972, Western North Atlantic Ocean--topography, rocks, structure, water, life, and sediments: AAPG Mem...


Terminology for structural discontinuities

Richard A. Schultz, Haakon Fossen

AAPG Bulletin

....: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 606 p.Borja, R. I., 2002, Bifurcation of elastoplastic solids to shear band mode at finite strain: Computer...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Back-Reef Upper Queenlower Seven Rivers Strata, Goat Seep-Capitan Reef Complexes (Middle-Late Guadalupian, Permian), Southeast New Mexico

J. F. (Rick) Sarg

Special Publications of SEPM

... 10 20 MILES ', O from IrnoImm. 19721 5 I BASIN 10 15 20 KM SALADO-CASTILE , SHATTUQK MEMBER , LAMAR T 100 ° o < o 1 o° 0 1 /1 2...


Memorial: William Duchscherer, Jr. (1925-1989)

Martin J. Davidson

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... with G e o c h e m i c a l Surveys, Inc., convinced him of s u r f a c e g e o c h e m i s t r y ' s merit and the great professional effort of his...


Memorial: Edward Mackey Anderson (1919-2006)

Barbara Anderson

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Edward Mackey Anderson (1919-2006) Barbara Anderson MEMORIALS lieutenant, junior grade, t o the newly constructed U S S Little. T h e ship...


The Role of Geologic Input in Urban Planning

Leroy M. Mohorich

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Geologist, Denver, Colorado 2 Denver, Colorado2 Two f a c t o r a r e vital t o a n y sound environmental p r o g r a m : ( 1 Cooperation between the v...


Review of the Geology of Thai Tin Fields

Prinya Nutalaya, K. V. Campbell, A. S. Macdonald, Payome Aranyakanon, Phairat Suthakorn

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... o n a l d ^, P a y o m e A r a n y a k a n o n ^ a n d P h a ir a t S u t h a k o r n ^ INTRODUCTION The tin belt o f Southeast Asia extends over...


Cyclicity in the Permian Queen Formation - U.S.M. Queen Field, Pecos County, Texas

K. E. Tucker, R. G. Chalcraft

Special Publications of SEPM

... Basin Platform Ochoa System Dewey Lake Rustler Salado Castile Dewey Lake Rustler Salado 2 Cherry Canyon a) Brushy o Canyon Victoria Peak Bone...


Geochemical Studies around the Tekka Area, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia

G. H. Teh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... Geochemical studies around the Tekka Area, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia G.H. TEH Abstract: This paper is concerned with the application o f some geochemical...


Basinal Terrane of the Early Mesozoic Marine Province of the Western Great Basin

R. C. Speed

Pacific Section SEPM

... PROVINCE OF THE WESTERN G R E A T BASIN R . C . Speed D e p t . Geological Sciences Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y E v a n s t o n , IL 60201 ABSTRACT...


The structural-stratigraphic framework and petroleum systems of the Sandakan Basin, offshore East Sabah, Malaysia

Mazlan Madon, John Jong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., National Security Council, c/o 11th Floor Wisma JUPEM, Jalan Semarak, 50578 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration (Malaysia...


Memorial: Captain Anthony F. Lucas (1855-1921)

Alexander Duessen

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... of his career are therein concisely set forth. They may be repeated here. C a p t a i n L u c a s w&s b o r n i n D a l m a t i a , A u s t r i a , i n...


Palaeomagnetism, Geochronology and Petrology of the Dolerite Dykes and Basaltic Lavas from Kuantan, West Malaysia

N. S. Haile, R. D. Beckinsale, K. R. Chakraborty, Abdul Hanif Hussien, Tjahjo Hardjono

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... Chakraborty, Abdul Hanif Hussien, Tjahjo Hardjono G i'o L S o c. B u lle iiii 16. D ecem ber 19^!!: pp. 71-S 5 Falaeomagnetism, geochronology...


Memorial: Walter Stalder (1881-1949)

G. C. Gester

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...). PP. 1311-1316, 3 FIGS. MEMORIAL WALTER STALDER (1881-1949) Walter Stalder, familiarly k n o w n to m a n y of his friends as " C a p , " died at his...


Memorial: Paul Paine (1881-1957)

Ernest K. Parks

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... in his Shorecliff home at C o r o n a del M a r , California, on J a n u a r y 28, 1957. P a u l P a i n e g a v e the distinguished lecture series...


Granite Provinces in the Southeast Asian Tin Belt

P.E.J. Pitfield, E.J. Cobbing, D.I.J. Mallick, M.C.G. Clarke, L.H. Teoh

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Geothermal Project Nairobi, Kenya ABSTRACT Four g r a n i t e p r o v i n c e s h a v e b e e n d e l i n e a t e d , e a c h w i t h its o w n d i s t i n c...


Composite Measured Sections

Thomas C. Hiestand

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., 1955 The set of twelve, composite, measured sections makes a useful tool f o r everyday work in geology, geophysics and engineering. strip...


ABSTRACT: Fluorogeochemistry of Coal Macerals

Rui Lin and Alan Davis

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... unit or molecule, and A = 1, 2, 3, ..., For v i t r i n i t e and i n e r t i n i t e macerals: w h e r e A = 6 + 4 N , N = O , 1,2, n. ..., AE...


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