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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,817 Results. Searched 197,265 documents.

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Evidence for Late Cenozoic East-West Compressive Tectonism in the Sacramento Valley, California

David S. Harwood

Pacific Section SEPM

... COMPRESSIVE TECTONISM IN T H E S A C R A M E N T O V A L L E Y , C A L I F O R N I A David S. H a r w o o d U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield R...


Recollections of Shell's Bellaire E&P R&D Lab

James M. Parks

Petroleum History Institute

... that they are either vertical - with "up " direction noted, o r horizontal) ; "random" orientations are less useful for paleoecological...



James D. Moore

Alabama Geological Society

..., 21st annual meeting, Southeastern Section,The Geol. Soc. Of America. (1972) CULLMAN o I • . Cullman ,. I .....• WALKER • ...... • BL 0...


Silicilied Micropeloid Structures from the 1.1 Ga Mescal Limestone, North-Central Arizona: Probable Evidence for Precambrian Terrestrial Life

Ray Kenny, David H. Krinsley

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Unlnmiry. La¶ vqps. NM 87701 3 UnivDraily 01 Orogon. Doparlmont of G o d o m a ¶ . Eugono. OR 874W ABSTRACT Silicified microstructures have been detected...


The Sao Tom deep-sea turbidite system (southern Brazil Basin): Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary processes

A. Viana, A. Figueiredo, J.-C. Faugres, A. Lima, E. Gonthier, I. Brehme, S. Zaragosi

AAPG Bulletin

... continentais adjacentes, in H. E. Asmus, ed., Projeto para o Reconhecimento Global Da Margem Continental, no. 9, Estruturas e tectonismo da margem...


Paleoenvironmental and Diagenetic Reservoir Characterization of the Smackover Formation, Jay Field, West Florida

Deborah. M. Bliefnick, Philip. A. Mariotti

Special Publications of SEPM



Foundering of the Cambro-Ordovician Shelf Margin: Onset of Taconian Orogenesis or Eustatic Drowning

Paul A. Washington, Steven A. Chisick

Special Publications of SEPM

... along the margin of protoNorth America (Hall and Roberts, 1988; Drake and others, 1989; Bradley, 1989). This carbonate-to-pelite transition is generally...


Analog Modeling of Doubly Vergent Thrust Wedges

K. R. McClay, P. S. Whitehouse

AAPG Special Volumes

.... McClay ed., Thrust tectonics: London, Chapman Hall, p. 377390.Beaumont, C., H. Kooi, and S. Willett, 2000a, Progress in coupled tectonic-surface...


ABSTRACT: Geology and Geothermal Exploration, Southernmost Peru

Harold J. Prostka, James L. Moore, Joe La Fleur

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... and Mineral Resources 2009 – Transactions of the Third Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, 1982. G e o t h e r m a l Abstracts...


Structure of Basic Clay Mineral Groups, and Interpretation of Clay Mineral Data

Eric Eslinger, David Pevear

Special Publications of SEPM

... -A (a) (b) 0 oOxygens Silicons o (c) (d) (e) oHydroxyls components, Aluminums, Magnesiums, etc. Diagrammatic sketches of clay mineral...


Integrated Geological and Engineering Evaluation of Central Moran Field, Papua New Guinea

K. Davis, K. Pedersen, B. Todd, K. Wali

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... entified several pressure c o m p a rtm e n ts at re s e rv o ir le v e l. T h es e fa u lt b o u n d ed c o m p a rtm e n ts are c h a ra c te riz e d...


The Eocene Reservoirs of Wafra Field, Kuwait/Saudi Arabia Partitioned Neutral Zone

H. M. C. Danielli

Special Publications of SEPM

... to the deposition o f sulfate-rich units that can be traced across the entire field. Fossils present include mil iofid foraminifera, ostracodes...


Chapter 10: Petroleum Systems Offshore Cyprus

Lucien Montadert, Stelios Nicolaides, Per Helge Semb, Øystein Lie

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the “Sautorian Event” and origin of the Syrian Arc deformation belt: Geology, v. 27, no. 7, p. 633–636. Calon, T. J., Asku, A. E., and Hall, J...


The first evidence of bioerosion in chitinous lacustrine microfossils from glacial lakes (late Pleistocene and Holocene, Bohemian Forest)

Katarína Holcová, Vladimír Suchánek, Zuzana Heřmanová, Daniel Vondrák


... and cyanobacterial filaments, or debris which bind and trap inorganic particles (Hall-Stoodley et al. 2004; Margolis et al. 2010; Lawfield 2014; Ram´rez et al. 2016...


Observations on the Geology of the Porphyry Copper Sub-Province of Southwest Negros, Philippines

C. K. Burton

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... ti/ iiv M ir. Obsernitions on the geology of the porphyry copper suh-province of southwest Negros, Philippines t K. I^l K O . VN fiilliln n h...


Acumulacion de Agua Dulce en las Calizas del Cretacico en el Area de Monterrey, N.L. (IN SPANISH), Accumulation of Fresh Water in The Cretaceous Limestones in The Monterrey, N.L Area.

Heinz Lesser J.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... J . * * RESUMEN E n las c e r c a n í a s de l a c i u d a d de M o n t e r r e y , N . L . y en las calizas q u e forman l a c a d e n a m o n...


Memorial: Newell Morris Wilder (1908-1946)

D. J. Jones

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... of promise for the future. He was honorably discharged in February, 1946, after four years of military service with the rank of M a j o r in the United...


Delineacion Lateral del Subsuelo Empleando la Sismica de Pozo con la Fuente Esgaciada [PAPER IN SPANISH] Lateral Delineation Using the Seismic Subsurface Well with Source Esgaciada

B. Briones, J. Fuentes, A. Khayan

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... velocidades o pendientes. Una ventaja de la utilizaci6n de esta transformada respecto a la de F-K, es que eventos con la misma velocidad se encuentran separados...


ABSTRACT: Thermomechanical Properties (TMA) of the Ohio Shale from the Bellefontaine Outlier, Bristol Ridge, Logan County, Ohio

William A.Kneller and Jian Chen

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... bitumen. -- The b e s t r e t o r t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e f o r maximum c o n v e r s i o n r a t e of t h e o r g a n i c c a r b o n i n t h...


Memorial: Melbert Edgar Schwarz (1898-1957)

R. S. McFarland

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... of the Seaboard Oil C o m p a n y in charge of domestic and foreign oil production operations, died suddenly on S u n d a y evening, October 13...


Geological Society of Malaysia Newsletter Number 27 (November 1970)

P. H. Stauffer editor

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Novomber 1970 CO :n 'I:E~TS GEOLOGIC NOTES Pori dotit o- gabbro probl oms ~ il commont Tho genes i s of l a teris od parent m~ t er ia l Chloride nnd...


A giant beaver (Castoroides ohioensis Foster) fossil from New Brunswick, Canada

R. F. Miller, C. R. Harington, R. Welch

Atlantic Geology

...A giant beaver (Castoroides ohioensis Foster) fossil from New Brunswick, Canada R. F. Miller, C. R. Harington, R. Welch A t l a n t ic G e o l o g y...


Unlocking the Remaining Potential of Najmah-Sargelu: Play-Based Exploration in Kuwait; #30592 (2018)

Alaa Al-Kandari, Salem Al-Ali, Anton Prakoso

Search and

..., Salem Al-Ali, Anton Prakoso (Kuwait Oil Company) Presentation Outline o o o o o o Introduction Methodology Input Data Challenges and Constraints...


The Geology and Geochemistry of the Poison Ridge Intrusive Center, Grand and Jackson Counties, Colorado

Karl R. Nelson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... s i v e c e n t e r l o c a t e d in thc E a r s Range i n G r a n d County, ABSTRACT: Geologic mappmg of the POlson Rldge 1I1truSlve center., located...


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