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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,817 Results. Searched 197,265 documents.

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The Physical Consequences to Aquifer Characteristics in a Laboratory Simulation of Deep-Well Injection of Organic Chemicals

Rodney A. Crother, Matthew W. Totten

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

.... Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. pp. 335–37. Hower, W. F., Lasater, R. M., and Mihram, R. G. (1972). Compatibility of injection fluids and reservoir...


Sandstone Dikes in the McDonald Shale Along Chico Martinez Creek, Kern County, California

Gary L. Peterson

Pacific Section of AAPG

.... Billings, M. P., 1954, Structural geology (second edition) : New York, Prentice-Hall, 514 p. Bramlette, M. N., 1946, The Monterey Formation of California...


Industry and Academic Consortium for Computer Based Subsurface Geology and Well Log Analysis

Jeffrey A. Nunn, Alan L. Brown, Stephen O. Sears

GCAGS Transactions

...Industry and Academic Consortium for Computer Based Subsurface Geology and Well Log Analysis Jeffrey A. Nunn, Alan L. Brown, Stephen O. Sears...


Illuminating Reservoirs With Electromagnetics

Leonard J. Srnka

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and hazard mitigation. The Leading Edge 25, 629632. Ziolkowski, A., Hall, G., Wright, D., Carson, R., Peppe, O., Tooth, D., MacKay, J., and Chorley, P...


Inversión Sísmica de un Modelo Teórico Calculado Sobre un Horizonte Sísmico Utilizando Redes Neuronales [PAPER IN SPANISH] Seismic Inversion of a Theoretical Model Calculated on a Seismic Horizon Using Neural Networks

Dario Sergio Cersosimo, Claudia Ravazoli, Garcia Martinez Ramon

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... a partir de la sección sísmica y datos de pozo es posible distinguir o inferir anomalías y variaciones de velocidades en capas con espesores muy por...


Paleographic Interpretation of the Chatsworth Formation

Ivan P. Colburn

Pacific Section SEPM

..., rates of accumulation averaged 150 to 400 mm/1000 years over a period of 25 million years (Van Houton, 1974). The highest rates of all seem t o...


The Canning Basin W.A.

P.G. Purcell

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... are large• ly o~. shallow water, platform origin and abundantly fossiliferous. The lower units are flanked by calcareous Lower Flaggy Member The lower...


Nuevas Evidencias para la Interpretación del Sistema Petrolero del Sur Este de la Cuenca de Maracaibo-Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Evidence for the Interpretation of South East Petroleum Systems of the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela.

W. Murillo, J. Grobas, E. Kassabji, A. Martinez

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... 218 correspondiente a las arenas B1 y A10. compuesto es un marcador de plantas superiores del Cretácico tardío o de una edad más joven que indica la...


Depositional Environment of Downdip Yegua (Eocene) Sandstones, Jackson County, Texas

Christopher J. Whitten , Robert R. Berg

GCAGS Transactions

... that was contemporaneous with deposition. Berg, R. R., 1986, Reservoir sandstones: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 481 p. Berg, R. R., and R. R. Powell...


Sodium Lignosulfonate Injection From Palm Oil Raw Waste Bunches as A Frontier Eor Technology in The Duri Oil Field: Application and Treatment

Navendra Chista Yogatama, Cryspalina Dwiocta Caroline, Anthony Johan, Valeria Irma Christiani, Ahmad Syauqi Hidayatillah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to the SO3- functional group. In addition, it can also be identified with the bands in 1116 and 620.5 cm-1 which are produced from S = O asymetric stretch...


Petroleum Geology of the BoryslavPokuttya Zone, the Ukrainian Carpathians

I. Popadyuk, M. Vul, G. Ladyzhensky, P. Shpak

AAPG Special Volumes

... and S. S. Kruglov, eds., The evaluation of ultradeep plays in Ukrainian Carpathians (in Russian): Kiev, Naukova Dumka, p. 2839.Fedyshyn, V. O., ed., 1998...


Utilizing Abundance Changes of New and Non-Standard Calcareous Nannofossil Taxa to Increase Biostratigraphic Resolution in Expanded Continental Margin Deposits: Examples from the Middle and Lower Miocene of the Gulf of Mexico

Richard A. Denne

GCAGS Transactions

...) Foundation, 2 sheets. Varol, O., 1989, Palaeocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, in J. A. Crux and S. E. van Heck, eds., Nannofossils...


Appalachian Region

Appalachian Geological Society

AAPG Bulletin

.... O. LOBDELL WELL (NO. 51, FIG. 127) OF BRADLEY PRODUCING CORPORATION ET AL., CHENANGO COUNTY, NEW YORK Elevation: 1,373 feet Table End_of_Article...


Developments in West Coast Area in 1959

H. L. Popenoe

AAPG Bulletin

..., were discovered by outpost drilling. Since outposts are not carried in the tables, these new-pool discoveries are listed here for the record. Brazos O...


Origin and timing of sand injection, petroleum migration, and diagenesis in Tertiary reservoirs, south Viking Graben, North Sea

R. Jonk, A. Hurst, D. Duranti, J. Parnell, A. Mazzini, A. E. Fallick

AAPG Bulletin

..., Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems: Lithos, v. 55, p. 159193.Haaland, H. J., H. Furnes, and O. J. Martinsen, 2000, Palaeogene...


Abstract: Seismic Data Decomposition into Spectral Components Using Regularized Nonstationary Autoregression; #90187 (2014)

Sergey Fomel

Search and

... phase n(t) corresponds to time integration of the instantaneous frequency determined in Step 2: t fn (t) = 2p ò fn (t )dt . (11) 0 For ease...


Deep-water Sedimentary Processes and Systems: The Role of Internal vs. External Controls on Lithology Distribution and Stratigraphy; #50261 (2010)

Ole J. Martinsen

Search and

...: Chapman & Hall, p. 127-165. Martinsen, O.J., H.C. Fonneland, T. Lien, and J.G. Gjelberg, 2002, On latest Cretaceous Paleocene drainage and deep-water...


Focusing Stimulation Efforts on Sweet Spots in Shale Reservoirs for Enhanced Productivity; #41110 (2012)

David Tonner, Khaled H. Hashmy, Samir Abueita, and Jos Jonkers

Search and

... dividends in enhanced productivity and improved utilization of frac dollars. References Basu, N., G. Barzola, H. Bello, P. Clarke, and O. Viloria, 2012...


The Influence of Fabric Arrangement on Oil Sand Samples from the Estuarine Depositional Environment of the Upper McMurray Member, #41617 (2015).

J. Bell, A. Boateng, O. Olawale, D. Roberts

Search and

.... Bell, A. Boateng, O. Olawale, D. Roberts The Influence of Fabric Arrangement on Oil Sand Samples from the Estuarine Depositional Environment...


Using Remote Sensing Data to Find and Illustrate an Oil and Gas Prospect, #41743 (2015).

Robert Olson

Search and

..., S.A., 1995, Surface Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration: Chapman & Hall, One Penn Plaza, New York New York, 10119. Tompkins, R., 1990, Direct location...


Understanding Reservoir Properties of the Organic-Rich Qusaiba Shale, a Potential Shale Gas Reservoir, Northwest Saudi Arabia: An Outcrop Approach, #11004 (2017).

Mohamed Abouelresh, Lamidi Babalola, Abdaseed K. Bokhari, Daniel Boyde, Koithan Thomas, Mohammed Omer

Search and

..., which was likely sourced from reworked and oxidized materials with low H content and high O content. Tmax values with an average of 425° C, vary between...


Deep-Water Volcaniclastic Fans: What Can We Learn from the Past?, #51487 (2018).

Andrea Di Capua, Gianluca Gropelli, Federica Barilaro

Search and

..., O., 2002, Sequence Stratigraphy of Clastic Systems: Concepts, Merits, and Pitfalls: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 35, p. 143. Catuneanu, O...


Reservoir Characterization of the "S" Sand Auger Field, Garden Banks 426, 427, 470, and 471

P. W. Bilinski, D. T. Mcgee, D. S. Pfeiffer, R. D. Shew

Special Publications of SEPM



Sediment Composition and Precipitation of Dolomite and Pyrite in the Neogene Monterey and Sisquoc Formations Santa Maria Basin Area California

John S. Compton

Special Publications of SEPM

... in rapid uplift and subsidence creating deep elongate and subparallel localized pull apart basins The topography consisted of Crowell 1974 Hall 1977...


A juvenile redlichiid trilobite caught on the move: Evidence from the Cambrian (Series 2) Chengjiang Lagerstätte, southwestern China

Qiang Ou, Degan Shu, Jian Han, Xingliang Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, Jianni Liu


..., 1910, from the Cincinnati area was described and interpreted as the cubichnia tracemaker of Rusophycus pudicum Hall, 1852 (Osgood, 1970). Two other...


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