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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,191 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Influence of regional geology and hydrogeology on river habitat quality: examples from Mill Brook and Elderkin Brook, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Ian S. Spooner, Heather Fenton, Melody Myers

Atlantic Geology

... Mill Brook and Elderkin Brook, Kings County, Nova Scotia Ian S. Spooner1, H eather Fenton2 and M elody M yers3 1 Department o f Geology...


Proyecto para El Programa Mexicano del Manto Superior y de La Corteza de La Tierra. IN SPANISH. Mexican Program Project For The Upper Mantle And Crust Of The Earth.

Ricardo Monges Lopez

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... PRINCIPALES del Instituto de Geofísica de la U N A M , el P r o g r a m a M e x i c a n o se f o r m u l ó y div i d i ó e n c a p í t u l o s c o r r...


ABSTRACT: Oil in Granite

Robert O. Russell

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: Oil in Granite Robert O. Russell 1998 440 440...


Pre-Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of the Monarch District, Chaffee County, Colorado

Charles S. Robinson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... be light gray or whitecrystalline, and well bedded. Individual beds range in thickness from a few inches t o several ,feet, and the The Harding quarzite...


ABSTRACT: My life before I was compressed: Fluid flow histories on the northern Australian convergent margin; #90011 (2002)


Search and

... to the preservation of the early hydrocarbon charge. Continent-arc collision occurred much earlier in New Guinea (~25 Ma; Hill and Hall, 2001) compared...


Geological Observations on the Montalvo Mounds, Ventura Area, California

Edward A. Hall

Pacific Section SEPM

...Geological Observations on the Montalvo Mounds, Ventura Area, California Edward A. Hall GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE MONTALVO MOUNDS, VENTURA AREA...


Late Paleozoic Lavas in Maya Mountains, British Honduras, and Their Possible Regional Significance: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

I. H. S. Hall , J. H. Bateson

AAPG Bulletin

...Late Paleozoic Lavas in Maya Mountains, British Honduras, and Their Possible Regional Significance: GEOLOGICAL NOTES I. H. S. Hall , J. H. Bateson...


ABSTRACT: A Quantitative Fluorescence Technique for Evaluating Thermal Maturity: Instrumentation and Examples

H.B. Lo

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...: INSTRUMENTATION AND EXAMPLES H. B. LO, Exxon P r o d u c t i o n Research Co., Houston, Texas Because t h e degree o f thermal m a t u r a t i o n of f irie...


Abstract: Occurrence of Hydrocarbons in Recent Sediments

P. V. Smith Jr., J. C. Worley

GCAGS Transactions Special

.... Jro Abstract by Jo Co Worley The Texas Company Many t h e o r i e s concerning the o r i g i n o f petroleum have emerged sim­ ply because o f the e l u...


Notas Sobre el Paleozoic'o Mexicano (IN SPANISH), Notes About The Mexican Paleozoic

Manuel Alvarez Jr.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... Petroleros (AMGP) November 1949 Copyright © 2012 Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP) NOTAS SOBRE EL PALEOZOICX> M E X I C A N O M A N...


Coordinacion de los Datos Geologicos Y Geofisicos (IN SPANISH), Coordination of Geological and Geophysical Data

Manuel Alvarez Jr.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... DATOS GEOFÍSICOS (*) MANUEL ALVAREZ JR. Y GEOLÓGICOS ( **) El o b j e t o d e este t r a b a j o es sugerir a l g u n a s ideas s o b r e la f o r...


A High-Resolution Sedimentological Assessment: Niton Member of the Fernie Formation, West-Central Alberta Subsurface; #50969 (2014)

Samuel K. Williams, Federico F. Krause, Stefan T. Knopp, Terry P. Poulton, and Christopher L. DeBuhr

Search and

.... References Cited Asgar-Deen, M., C. Riediger, and R. Hall, 2004, The Gordondale Member: designation of a new member in the Fernie Formation to replace...


Abstract: Uncertainty in Surface Microseismic Monitoring; #90187 (2014)

Michael Thornton, Mike Mueller, and Leo Eisner

Search and

... hypocenter locations in the subsurface. For each potential l o c a t i o n , d i f f r a c t i o n curves f o r c o m p r e s s i o n a l waves...


Estudio del Basamento Igneo y Metamorfico de las Zonas Norte y Pozarica. IN SPANISH. Study Of The Igneous And Metamorphic Basement Of The Northern And Poza Rica Areas.

E. Lopez Ramos

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP) R E S U M E N El área estudiada según se ve en el p l a n o í n d i c e , abarca desde el macizo de T e z i u t l á n...


Mediciones de Echados Interpretacion Geologica y Aplicaciones en Mexico (IN SPANISH), Cast Measurements. Geological Interpretation and Applications in Mexico

R. Leleu

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... Petroleros (AMGP) M E D I C I O N E S I N T E R P R E T A C I Ó N D E E C H A D O S . G E O L O G I C A Y M E X I C O Por L E L E U A P L I C...


Variaciones de la Pesantez (IN SPANISH), Variations of La Pesantez

Honorato De Castro

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

...) December 1949 Copyright © 2012 Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP) VARIACIONES D E LA PESANTEZ I N F L U J O DE LA. L U N A Y DEL...


Resumen de la Geologia de la Parte Media del Estado de Tabasco del Norte del Estado de Chiapas (IN SPANISH), Summary of The Geology of The Middle Part of The Tabasco State and Northem Chiapas State.

Hugo Contreras V.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... CHIAPAS * HUGO DEL DE CONTRERAS V . * * RESUMEN Desde 1930 la C o m p a ñ í a " E l Á g u i l a " , S . A . , efectuó trabajos exploratorios en la p...


New Insights into the Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the South Makassar Basin

Julie Kupecz, Ian Sayers, Paolo Tognini, Argha Hilman, Chrisna Tanos, Dedi Ariyono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to as the Sunda Craton, the Sunda Shelf, or Sundaland (Metcalfe, 1996; Hall, 2010). The age of accretion onto this craton is progressively younger...


The Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry of Lingshan Tungsten-Tin-Bearing Granites and Their Applications to Petrogenesis of the Granites

Yuan Zhongxing, Bai Ge, Li Shuangbao

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of Lingshan tungsten-tin-bearing granites and their applications to petrogenesis of the granites and Li S h u a n g b a o Institute of Mineral Deposits...


El Campo Petrolero de Rabon Grande Sureste del Estado de Veracruz, Mexico (IN SPANISH), Rabon Grande Oil Field Southeast of The State of Veracruz

Leroy Gatling

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... Petroleros (AMGP) EL CAMPO PETROLERO DE RABÓN GRANDE SURESTE DEL ESTADO DE VERACRUZ, MEXICO (*) LEROY GATLING ( *) (**) E l a u t o r a g r a d e c e al...


Reflections on the Evan R. Stanley Story

H. Davies

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... explanation o f the behaviour o f the ore-body at the Laloki Mine. Unpublished typescript. 1911c— Report o f the exam ination o f the Hall Sound...


Aspectos Geologicos y Tectonicos del Distrito de Ebano-Panuco (IN SPANISH), Geological and Tectonics Aspects of The District of Ebano-Panuco

Rufino Sánchez López

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... públicas o de Universidades, publicaciones, precio de anuncios, etc., diríjase a: Ing. LUIS B E N A V I D E S G. E d i t o r . A p a r t a d o Postal 20901...


Megaspore Paleoecology: Pakowki, Foremost and Oldman Formations (Upper Cretaceous), Southeastern Alberta

J. D. Speelman, L. V. Hills

CSPG Bulletin

... Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Nordegg area, Alberta: Geoscience and Man, v. IV, p. 29-48. End_Page 539------------------------ Hall, J. W., 1963...


Caracteristicas y Entrenamiento del Geologo Petrolero (IN SPANISH), Characteristics and Training of Petroleum Geologist

Carlos Castillo Tejero

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

...) CARACTERÍSTICAS Y ENTRENAMIENTO D E L GEOLOGO PETROLERO.. * P o r e l I n g . C a r l o s C a s t i l l o T e j e r o . ** R E S U M E N E n e l p r e s e...


Ordovician and Silurian Rocks in Yukon Territory, Northwestern Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Charles E. Decker , P. S. Warren , C. R. Stelck

AAPG Bulletin

... cover about one-fourth of a plate. All three of these species were described and illustrated from the Quebec region of Canada by James Hall, as was also...


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