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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,446 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Geologic Transect of the Northern Diablo Range, California

M. C. Blake Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

...Geologic Transect of the Northern Diablo Range, California M. C. Blake Jr. G E O L O G I C TRANSECT O F THE NORTHERN DIABLO R A N G E , CALIFORNIA...


Las Anomalias Gravimetricas en la Cuenca Salina Y Planicie de Tabasco-Campeche (IN SPANISH), Gravity Anomalies in The Saline Basin and Plain of Tabasco-Campeche

A. Cornejo T.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... t e t r a b a j o es c o n t i n u a c i ó n de o t r o que se presentó en la 1« C o n v e n c i ó n de T é c n i c o s P e t r o l e r o s , en la...


Research in Progress

Donald J.P. Swift

Atlantic Geology

... o g r e s s * DONALD J. P. SWIFT I n s t i t u t e of O c e a n o g r a p h y , O l d D o m i n i o n U n i v e r s i t y , Norfolk, Virginia. T h...


Ordovician of Soviet Arctic: Regional Arctic Geology of the USSR

V. I. Bondarev , A. Z. Bursky , E. M. Krasikov , L. V. Nekhorosheva , M. M. Oradovskaya

AAPG Special Volumes

... for the solution of practical biostratigraphic problems and correlation with standard sequences elsewhere. Andreyeva, O. N., 1959, Stratigrafiya ordovika Angaro...


New Mississippian Formations and Faunal Zones in Chesterfield Range, Portneuf Quadrangle, Southeast Idaho

J. Thomas Dutro, Jr. , William J. Sando

AAPG Bulletin

... Conf., p. 149-153. Harker, Peter, and Raasch, G. O., 1958, Megafaunal zones in the Alberta Mississippian and Permian, in Goodman, A. J., ed., Jurassic...


Point Pleasant Park: Bedrock Erosion by Glacier Ice and Flowing Water

Peter Wallace

Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications

... Boyd, R., Bowen, A.J., and Hall, R.K., 1987. An Evolution­ ary Model for transgressive sedimentation on the East­ ern Shore o f N o v a Scotia, in G...


Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Upper Devonian Kelly Mountain Section, Randolph County, West Virginia

John E. Clausen, George R. McGhee Jr.

Appalachian Geological Society

... MBR. k--_ _ o BASE OF SECTION 2000 SCHERR FM. FEET us. RT. ;).J Figure 11. - BRALLIER FM. Map of the Kelley Mountain section along Route 33...


An Investigation of the Use of Paleomagnetic Techniques in a Carbonate Terrane - The Capitan Reef Complex, Southwestern U.S.A.

Gill Darke

Special Publications of SEPM

... 'Immmwilmmomml Rocky Arroyo Slaughter Can. N.M. Texas o 10 miles (After King Figure 1 Map of the Guadalupe Mountains showing location of McKittrick...


Release faults, associated structures, and their control on petroleum trends in the Recncavo rift, northeast Brazil

Nivaldo Destro, Peter Szatmari, Fernando F. Alkmim, Luciano P. Magnavita

AAPG Bulletin

... of the main oil fields. Arago, M. A. N. F., 1994, Arquitetura, estilos tectnicos e evoluo da Bacia do Recncavo, Brasil: Boletim do III Simpsio sobre o...


Grand Junction and the Manhattan Project, #70127 (2012)

William Chenoweth

Search and

... 30 a) Merritt (1942) NGR 434'()O·261 .~ ....... -. Springs ,• .... po • , , GraniJ C W~on Junc1lon 0 • ~'8 Whilewaler I (§1...


From Indonesia to Myanmar: A Review of Seismic Images across the Indo-Australian/Sunda Plate Margin: The Anatomy of a Subduction Zone in Space & Time, #30552 (2018).

Paul Thompson

Search and

... characteristics of the Andaman Forearc inferred from interpretation of multichannel seismic reflection data: Acta Geologica Sinica, v. 88, p. 1145-1156. Hall...


Geologia Petrolera Del Golfo De California y Areas Aledanas. IN SPANISH. Petroleum Geology Of The Gulf Of California And Surrounding Areas.

Alfredo E. Guzmán

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... (AMGP) V O L . X X X V I , NUM. 1, 1 9 8 4 GEOLOGIA P E T R O L E R A D E L G O L F O D E CALIFORNIA Y AREAS ALEDAÑAS P o r : M. en C. Alfredo E . G u...


Trazo Geologico con Fotografias Aereas de Tipo Trimetrogon (IN SPANISH), Geological Stroke With Aerial Photographic of Trimetrogon Type

Zoltan de Cserna

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... (AMGP) TRAZO GEOLOGICO CON FOTOGRAFÍAS D E T I P O TRIMETROGOiW (*) AEREAS Z o l t a n de Cserna ( * * ) R E S U M E N L a i n f o r m a c i ó...


1951-1966: Advances and Future Problems of the Geology of Petroleum

Frederick A.F. Berry

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... T h e p u r p o s e of t h i s b r i e f a r t i c l e i s to c o n v e y m y o w n i m p r e s s i o n s a s to the s p h e r e s w h e r e important...


Petroleum Geology of Nepal

O. L. Slind, O. R. Friedenreich, J. R. McLean, P. Fuenning, I. M. Harris, U. M. S. Pradhan

CSPG Special Publications

...Petroleum Geology of Nepal O. L. Slind, O. R. Friedenreich, J. R. McLean, P. Fuenning, I. M. Harris, U. M. S. Pradhan 1994 387 389...


Miocene Extension in Southern California: Evidence from Eocene Deposits and from Paleomagnetism

Robert S. Yeats

Pacific Section SEPM

...Miocene Extension in Southern California: Evidence from Eocene Deposits and from Paleomagnetism Robert S. Yeats M I O C E N E E X T E N S I O N...


Stratigraphic Nomenclature in Devonian of Central Arizona

Curt Teichert

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... OF CENTRAL ARIZONA CURT TEICHERT: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas ABSTRACT: I t is s u g g e s t e d that t h e M a r t i n F o r m a t i o n , J...


Potassium-Argon Ages of Rhyolitic Bedrock and Conglomerate Clasts in Eocene Strata, Northwestern Mexico and Southern California

Patrick L. Abbott, Ronald P. Kies, Daniel Krummenacher, Donna Martin

Pacific Section SEPM

... AND SOUTHERN C A L I F O R N I A Patrick L . Abbott Department of G e o l o g i c a l Sciences San Diego State U n i v e r s i t y San D i e g o , C...


ABSTRACT: Morphology and Mineral Resources of Gorda Ridge and Blanco Fracture Zone, Northeast Pacific Ocean

Mark L. Holmes, Janet L. Morton, David A. Clague, Robert W. Embley, David A. Cacchione, Dallas H. Abbott

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of the Fourth Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, 1986. 426 MARINE FRONTIERS ABSTRACTS H O L M E S , M A R K L., J A N E T L. M O R T O...


ABSTRACT: A Petrologic Evaluation of a Western Pennsylvania Coal and Its Preparation Plant Products: An Aid in Determining Plant Efficiency

T.S. White and A. Davis

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... White and A. Davis 5th Annual Meeting Abstracts and Program Copyright © 1988 The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) A P e t r o l o g i c Eva.luation o...


ABSTRACT: Microspectrofluorimetry Applied to Organic Petrology of Source-Rocks: A New Calibration Procedure for Fluorescence Measurement of Oil and Kerogen

R. Baranger, L. Martinez, J.L. Pittion, J. Pouleau

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... AND KEROGEN. R . BARANGER * *, L. MARTINEZ **, J.L. PITTION ,-, Societe Nationale E l f Aquitaine - J. POULEAU C a b o r a t o i r e de G e o l...


Geology of a Lower Ordovician Allochthon, Rancho San Marcos, Baja California, Mexico

Carl J. Lothringer

Pacific Section SEPM

...Geology of a Lower Ordovician Allochthon, Rancho San Marcos, Baja California, Mexico Carl J. Lothringer G E O L O G Y OF A LOWER O R D O V I C I A N...


Silurian and Basal Devonian Stratigraphy of Northeastern Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec

Pierre J. Lesperance , Pierre-Andre Bourque

AAPG Bulletin

.... 4, sec. C); many of these limestone beds have slumped penecontemporaneously. The Silurian section at Salmon Hole Brook (Fig. 4, sec. O) is thin...


Ordovician Paleogeography of the Western United States

Reuben James Ross Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

..., Jr. U . S . Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado ABSTRACT 80225 INTRODUCTION D u r i n g O r d o v i c i a n t i m e , p a t t e r n s of c a r b o...


Evaluacion Geologico-Geoquimica De La Provincia De Chihuahua. IN SPANISH. Geological And Geochemical Evaluation Of The Chihuahua Province.

Mario Limón González

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... de Coahuila ("Mar Mexicano") las rocas del Cretacico Superior darlan gas y condensado, unicamente en los bloques que nayan alcanzado o se encue-ntren...


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