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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,495 Results. Searched 196,436 documents.

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The Distribution of Reservoir Sandstone in the Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone, Hilight Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

David M. Wheeler, Edmund R. Gustason, Marian J. Furst

Special Publications of SEPM

... i l i g h t Field i s primarily from t h i n fluvial and shallow marine sandstones o f the Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone. Reservoir performance i...


Upper Triassic Stratigraphy in the Eastern Uinta Mountains

Steve W. Sikich

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... IN THE EASTERN UIIVTA MOUNTAINS STEVE W. SlK1CH: Belco Petroleum Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah A B S T R A C T : It is r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t t h e n...


Hydrography, Sediment Dispersal, and Recent Historical Development of the Po River Delta, Italy

Bruce W. Nelsox

Special Publications of SEPM

... HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PO RIVER DELTA, ITALY1 BRUCE W. N E L S O X University of South Carolina, Colunlhia ABSTRACT The delta of the P o River...


Geophysical Investigations of the Hot Spring Occurrences in the Sungei Serai and Kampung Dusun Tua Areas, Hulu Langat, Selangor

Mohd Anuar Md. Razali

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... .---.---------.---------r---------.---------.---------.-------,~ o b ~ ~ ~ 0 0 z z o o o ~ Kg. Paya Lebar , , -, \ : ~I ~ . ~ " , I MPANG...


Stratigraphy of the Evacuation Creek Member (Green River Formation), Piceance Creek Basin, Northwestern Colorado

Joe Paul Juhan

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., Arizona ABSTRACT: The Evacuation C r e e k Member occupies 2 , 6 0 0 s q u a r e m i l e s of the P i c e a n c e C r e e k basin of n o r t h w e...


Fault-related folds in the southern Pyrenees

Josep Anton Muñoz

AAPG Bulletin

... natural examples of fault-propagation folds, in McClay, K. R., ed., Thrust tectonics: London, Chapman & Hall, p. 175–180, doi:10.1007/978-94-011-3066-0_15...


Abstract: Primary Structures in Some Recent Sediments

Edwin D. McKee, John T. Twining

GCAGS Transactions Special

.... McKee Abstract by John T. Twining S hell Oil Company Data obtained from stu dies on the o r i g i n and genesis o f s t r a t i f i c a ­ t i o n and c r...


Discussion and Reply: Resume of the Geology of the Laramie Anorthosite Mass

Arthur F. Hagner and M.A. Klugman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... DISCUSSION R E S U M E O F T H E GEOLOGY O F T H E LARAMIE ANORTHOSITE MASS: A R T H U R F. HAGNER: D e p a r t m e n t of Geology, U n i v e r s i t y...


Subsurface Cross Sections - South Park Basin

Thomas Fisher

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... BOUNDARI ES Upper Lower - Unconformable Unconformable FORMAT l O S N ANTERO L itholo Boundar Rema r k s DENVER Lithology: Boundaries: Remarks...


Depositional Facies and Porosity Distribution, Permian (Guadalupian) San Andres and Grayburg Formations, P.J.W.D.M. Field Complex, Central Basin Platform, West Texas

R. P. Major, D. G. Bebout, F. J. Lucia

Special Publications of SEPM

..., Texas, i s a single giant o i l field which, because of separate initial f i e l d discoveries, is divided into five fields. Production is from...


Diagenesis of Miocene Biogenic Sediments in Lost Hills Oil Field, San Joaquin Basin, California

Michael A. Kruge

Pacific Section SEPM

... SEDIMENTS IN LOST HILLS OIL FIELD, SAN JOAQUIN BASIN, CALIFORNIA Michael A. Kruge Dept. of Geology and G e o p h y s i c s U n i v e r s i t y...


ABSTRACT: Petrographic Characteristics of Metamorphosed Coals the South Donbass Region

Galina Jernovaja

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... Copyright © 1993 The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) Petrografic Characteristics of Metamorphosed C o a l s t h e S o u t h Don b a s s R e g i o n...


Evidence Bearing on Deep Earthquake Origin: Weakening of Olivine by Serpentine Dehydration

R.E. Riecker

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Research Laboratories. Bedford, i\lassachusetts A B S T R A C T A s h e a r p r e s s h a s b e e n u s e d t o determine t h e m e c h a n i c a l b...


Biostratigraphic Correlations in California Marginal Basins

Gregg H. Blake

Pacific Section SEPM

...Biostratigraphic Correlations in California Marginal Basins Gregg H. Blake B I O S T R A T I G R A P H I C C O R R E L A T I O N S IN C A L I F O R N...


The Geology and Structure of the Mt. Richthofen-Iron Mt. Region, North Central Colorado

Marshall K. Corbett

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... ABSTRACT T h e Mt. R l c h t h o f e n - I r o n M t . a r e a of n o r t h c e n t r a l C o l o r a d o 1s c h a r a c t e n z e d by T e r t i a r y i...


Lithofacies, Depositional Environments, and Reservoir Quality of Pliocene Deep-Sea Fan Sediments, Inglewood Field, Los Angeles, Basin, California

W. J. Schweller, J. Gidman, C. W. Grant, A. A. Reed

Special Publications of SEPM

..., CALIFORNIA W . J. SCHWELLER, 3. GIDMAN, C. W . GRANT, and A. A, REED Chevron O i l F i e l d Research Company 1300 Beach Blvd, , P. 0, Box 446 La...


Summary of Surface Stratigraphy

L.W. LeRoy

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Summary of Surface Stratigraphy L.W. LeRoy Geology of Front Range Foothills West of Denver, 1955 SUMMARY O F SURFACE STRATIGRAPHY L. W. LeRoy...


South Keg Coulee Field, Musselshell County, Montana

Kendall P. Carlson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., MONTANA KENDALL P. CARLSON: Consrrlting Geologist. I)e~~ver, o l o r d o C ABSTRACT: T h e South Keg C o u l e e 011 f i e l d , located m M u s s e...



Louise W. Kiteley

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., Colorado 80225 ABSTRACT: Previous study by the author of the Upper Cretaceous P i e r r e Shale i n the n o r t h e r n Denver b a s i n i n d i c...



Gary C. Mitchell

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...' GARY C. MITCHELL: W o l f E n e r g y Company Denver, C o l o r a d o 80202 ABSTRACT: Grieve o i l f i e l d , i n t h e southeastern Wind River basin...


Model for the Geodynamic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera During Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic

Lapierre H., Charvet J., Rouer O., Coulon C.

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...Model for the Geodynamic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera During Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Lapierre H., Charvet J., Rouer O...


Silica Diagenesis in the Monterey Formation (Miocene) in the Lost Hills Oil Field, San Joaquin Valley, California

Michael A. Kruge, Loretta Ann Williams

Pacific Section SEPM

... Williams S I L I C A D I A G E N E S I S IN T H E M O N T E R E Y F O R M A T I O N ( M I O C E N E ) IN THE LOST H I L L S OIL F I E L D , SAN JOAQUIN...


Coarse Silurian(?) and Devonian Detrital Rocks in Northeastern Washington: Evidence of Silurian(?) and Devonian Tectonic Activity

Celia Greenman, Dr. Brian D. E. Chatterton, Dr. A. J. Boucot, Dr. William B. N. Berry

Pacific Section SEPM

... is a limestone conglomerate of Givetian age S c a l e in k i l o m e t e r s Figure 1. Location of the study area. that crops out at the base of the hill...


Ancient Examples of Tidal Sand Bodies Formed in Open, Shallow Seas

Roger G. Walker

Special Publications of SEPM

... the Norfolk coast of Britain - see Figure 1 for exact 'ocation. From Swift, 1975 after Houbolt 1968. 2eo /.../ loo w.II Bk ® ® ---215 o o...


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