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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,495 Results. Searched 196,436 documents.

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Version Castellana de la Redaccion Preliminar del Codigo Estratigrafico. IN SPANISH. Spanish Preliminary Version of The Stratigraphic Code Draft.

Ernesto Lopez Ramos.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... presenta la segunda parte del material para la revisión del C ó d i g o Estratigráfico realizada por W . C h . Bell, G.Marshall Kay, G . E . Murray...


Posibilidades Petroliferas de la Region de San Jose de las Rusias-Sabino Gordo, Tamps. (IN SPANISH), Oil Possibilities of The Region of San Jose de Las Rusias-Sabino Gordo, Tamps

Teodoro Diaz G.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... importancia relacionado con el tema, es la gruesa sección del Jurásico penetrado con el pozo Tinajitas N o . 1, perforado en 1 9 4 0 por Petróleos M e x i c a n...



Ball Associates Ltd.

Bureau of Mines

...Kentucky Ball Associates Ltd. 125 KENTUCKY SURFACE AND S H A L L O W P E T R O L E U M - I M P R E G N A T E D ROCKS KEY T O FIGURE 15 McLean County...


Offshore Petroleum Potential, Solomon Islands

J. G. Vedder, T. R. Bruns

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... T R O L E U M POTENTIAL, S O L O M O N ISLANDS J. G . V e d d e r , T . R . B r u n s U.S. Geological Survey, M e n l o Park, California, 94025, U...


Stratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Upper Triassic Strata in Nevada

Spencer G. Lucas, John E. Marzolf

Pacific Section SEPM

... Copyright © 2012 Pacific Section, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) p r o b a b l e e a u i v a l e n t of Glen C a n y o n G r o u p Lucas...



Ball Associates Ltd.

Bureau of Mines

... a San M a t e o County 2. H a l f m o o n Bay 3. Hopper Q u a r r y 4. Santa C r u z 5. Chalone C r e e k 6. Coalinga 7. Mylar Quarry 8...


Deep-water marine Rusophycus and Cruziana from the Ordovician Lotbinière Formation of Quebec

Ron K. Pickerill

Atlantic Geology

... marine R u s o p h y c u s and C ru z ia n a from the Ordovician Lotbinidre Formation of Quebec Ron K. Pickerill Department o f Geology, University o f...


Depositional Environment and Diagenesis of the Red River Formation, "C" Interval, Divide County, North Dakota and Sheridan County, Montana

Douglas G. Neese

Special Publications of SEPM

... in the Patterns of dolomitization in the Red River from 96 .gHEFIIDAliPa;) a e° 1 o % if o, o o *" e '34 , o ' .6 (2. L _ _, o -.." ° ' I6'0os...


Biogeographic Significance of the Upper Triassic Bivalve Monotis in Circum-Pacific Accreted Terranes

N. J. Silberling

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Significance of the Upper Triassic Bivalve Monotis in Circum-Pacific Accreted Terranes N. J. Silberling U. S. Geological Survey Denver, Colorado V a r i o...


Juniper Mountain Area, Colorado

C.P. Abrassart, G.A. Clough

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Juniper Mountain Area, Colorado C.P. Abrassart, G.A. Clough Guidebook to the Geology of Northwest Colorado, 1955 G E O L O G Y O F N O R T H W E...


Beaconites antarcticus in the (?Middle) Late Devonian McAras Brook Formation, Cape George, Nova Scotia

P. M. Bruck, W. H. Forbes, D. Nance, R. K. Pickerill

Atlantic Geology

... Scotia P . PI. B n u c k * , U.H. TOOAJCLA'' ', *Uru.veyu>ii.y **llniveJU>jJLy o/ flalrte ***LlrvLvesu>lty ****UnLvesu>ity o/ D. o/ New...


Depositional Control of Upper Cretaceous Coal Units

James D. Howard

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... depositional f e a t u r e s c o n t r o l the location and extent of many c o a l u n i t s i n the Upper C r e t a c e o u s s t r a t i g r a p h i c...


Stone Orientations in Basal Glaciogenic Diamictite: Four Examples from the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation, South Africa

Johan N. J. Visser

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... for the genesis of some laminated till deposits: Boreas, v. 6, p. 115-133. HALL, K. J., AND VISSER, J. N. J., 1984, Observations on the relationship between clast...


La Exploracion Petrolera en Mexico de 1938 a la Epoca Actual. IN SPANISH. Petroleum Exploration In Mexico From 1938 To The Present Day.

Francisco Viniegra Osorio

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)



Cenomanian-Turonian Facies Across the Raton Basin

Erle G. Kauffman, J. Dan Powell, Donald E. Hattin

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of Geologists a a l u a s e r p e olu! a8uox sxalsAo y a o a .(xaddn) auozqns c!suxmruq ~tuo~n)u~.(,/ q l (q) p u e ' ( x a m o ~ ) u o z q n s +,aqrnau...


Guia de Campo Coatzacoalcos-Campos Azufreros. IN SPANISH. Coatzacoalcos-Campos Azufreros Field Guide

Hugo Contreras V., Roberto Gutieerrez G., E. Sansores M.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

.... Resumen: se visitarán los campos azufreros desarrollados sobre los domos salinos de San Cristóbal y de Jaltipan, V e r . M E X I C A N A D E G E Ó...


Lateral Trends and Vertical Sequences in Estuarine Sediments, Willapa Bay, Washington

H. Edward Clifton, R. Lawrence Phillips

Pacific Section SEPM

... by human activity the bay provides an excellent example of m o d e r n depositional facies in an estuarine s e t t i n g . The lateral m i g r a t i o n...


Cenozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States - II; Frontmatter

A. Eugene Fritsche

Pacific Section SEPM

... N o I o 10 miles I 10 km . '. Paleogeography at 10.0 Ma Explanation of Symbols ~ ro::-ol ab...


Abstract: Radon soil gas in Halifax Regional Municipality

Kelsey O’Brien

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Radon soil gas in Halifax Regional Municipality Kelsey O’Brien atlantic geology . volume 46 . 2010 62 Radon soil gas in Halifax Regional...


Sedimentary History of the Ventura Basin, California, and the Action of Turbidity Currents

M. L. Natland, Ph. H. Kuenen

Special Publications of SEPM

... 1. A brief description of them follows: vailed toward the end of the Lower Locality 1.At the top of the marine Pleistocene in Hall Canyon. It is com...


Silurian-Early Devonian mafic rocks of the Piscataquis volcanic belt in northern Maine

R. Hon, J. P. Fitzgerald, S. L. Sargent, W. D. Schwartz, J. Dostal, J. D. Keppie

Atlantic Geology

.... [Traduit par le journal] I n t r o d u c t io n The Piscataquis volcanic belt is broadly defined as a zone of discontinuous suites of Silurian-Early...


Composition Changes of Hydrocarbons during Secondary Petroleum Migration

S. Borazjani, D. Kulikowski, K. Amrouch, P. Bedrikovetsky

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... filtration Journal compilation Ó APPEA 2018 CSIRO PUBLISHING Composition changes of hydrocarbons The APPEA Journal...


Thomas Amsden’s Pre-Woodford Sub-Crop Maps and the Late Devonian – Early Mississippian Unconventional Plays in the Arkoma Basin

Carlos E. Molinares-Blanco, Roger M. Slatt

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...: Louisiana Oil and Gas Symposium presentation (Generalized structure map of Woodford Shale, eastern Oklahoma, by R. Vance Hall.


Latin Square Experiments in Sedimentary Petrology

W. C. Krumbein

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Sci., vol. 251, pp. 192-214. JOHNSON, P. O. (1949) Statistical methods in research: Prentice-Hall, New York. KEMPTHORNE, O. (1952) The design...


Carnarvons Path to Paradise is Paved with PAVO Aspirations

Dale Granger

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Carnarvons Path to Paradise is Paved with PAVO Aspirations Dale Granger EXPLO RATI O N E XC E L L E N C E E XP LOR ATI ON EXC EL L ENC E CARNARVON...


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