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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,495 Results. Searched 196,437 documents.

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Brittle-failure controls on maximum sustainable overpressure in different tectonic regimes

Richard H. Sibson

AAPG Bulletin

..., northern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, p. 10071031.Fournier, R. O., 1999, Hydrothermal processes related to movement of fluid from plastic...


AAPG Asia Pacific Technical Symposium

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Sandstone Injectites Record Pre-, Syn-, and Post-folding Deformation at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming; #51118 (2015)

Jennifer Beyer and W. Ashley Griffith

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..., 2007, Computer Simulation of Hydraulic Fractures, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, v. 44/5, p. 739-757. Amrouch, K., O...


Investigations of Appalachian Section Geological Survey of Canada

W. H. Poole

Atlantic Geology

...Investigations of Appalachian Section Geological Survey of Canada W. H. Poole ANCIENT SEDIMENT STUDIES I n v e s t i g a t i o n s of A p p a l a c h...


ABSTRACT: Asia-Pacific Regional Exploration in an Uncertain Oil Price Market

Peter D. Gaffney

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... ABSTRACTS G A F F N E Y , P E T E R D . , Gaffney, Cline & Associates, A l t o n , E n g l a n d , United K i n g d o m Asia-Pacific Regional Exploration...


ABSTRACT: The Use of Dyes as an Aid to Coal Petrography

Jeffrey C. Quick, William A. Kneller

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... A., Department of Geology, W i 1 l i a m A., o f Geology, J e f f r e y C. University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, T61edo, Ohio, 43606 U n i v...


The Deep-Sea Record: Major Steps in Cenozoic Ocean Evolution

W. H. Berger, Edith Vincent, H. R. Thierstein

Special Publications of SEPM

... DOUGLAS SAVIN 1975l Planktonic foraminifera Benthic foraminifera SHACKLETON 4 KENNETT 1975l Planktonic foraminifera f 5 o 20 40 FIG I...


Measured Sections

David M. Advocate, Martin H. Link, Herman B. Schymiczek, John G. Yaldezian, Randy T. Metz, Elizabeth A. Johnson, Craig K. Ogawa

Pacific Section SEPM

... Company P . O . B o x 5237 Bakersfield, CA 93388 INTRODUCTION Lower Member The purpose of this paper is to describe the Upper Cretaceous Chatsworth...


ABSTRACT: Vitrinite Reflectance Values Derived from Staplin's (1969) Visual Kerogen Standards

Karl W. Schwab

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... Copyright © 1985 The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) VITRINITE REnECTANCE VALUES DERIVED F O STAPLIN'S RM (1969) VISUAL KEROGEN STANDARDS K...


Acadian transpression and the exhumation of the sillimanite-bearing Passagassawakeag terrane along the Liberty-Orrington Fault, coastal Maine

Heather Short

Atlantic Geology

... Short 27 A t l a n t ic Ge o l o g y Acadian transpression and the exhumation of the sillimanitebearing Passagassawakeag terrane along the Liberty...


Morphological variability of Ciconia boyciana (Aves: Ciconiidae) tracks in homogeneous sediment

Ikuko Tanaka


... to be distinguished from Published Online: April 2021 Copyright Ó 2021, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 0883-1351/21/036-141 142 PA L A I O...


Lower Cretaceous of Wyoming and the Southern Rockies

Robert G. Young

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... complex strat1graphic sequence s 1n the Rocky Mountam reg1on. They cons1st of many dlfferent conslst different lithologic f o r m e d i n v a r l o u...


Petrofacies and Provenance of the Puente Formation (Middle to Upper Miocene), Los Angeles Basin, Southern California: Implications for Rapid Uplift and Accumulation Rates

Salvatore Critelli , Peter E. Rumelhart , Raymond V. Ingersoll

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, p. 207-241. DECELLES, P.G., 1988, Lithologic provenance modeling applied to the Late Cretaceous synorogenic Echo...


Recommendations for the Proper Handling of Cores and Sedimentological Analysis of Core Sequences

Charles T. Siemers, Roderick W. Tillman

Special Publications of SEPM

... deposition of the unit. 38 A sedimentation unit might o 1---1171-1 Q) C N z (1) *- > _C) 11) " 4-1 (13 a) c 4-1 (13 0)4-J 4O o *a) c (13...


Wave Processes and Geologic Responses on the Floor of the Yellow Sea

James S. Booth, William J. Winters

Special Publications of SEPM

... consolidate under the weight of the existing overburden due to excess pore pressure from WA VE EFFECTS FLOOR OF YELLOW SEA O 125 o 0 KC KC...


Denticles on Chain Silicate Grain Surfaces and Their Utility as Indicators of Weathering Conditions on Earth and Mars

Michael A. Velbel, Anna I. Losiak

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... meteorite: Meteoritics, v. 26, p. 135–143. Hall, R.D., and Horn, L.L., 1993, Rates of hornblende etching in soils in glacial deposits of the northern...


Ordovician Chazy Group in Southern Quebec

H. J. Hofmann

AAPG Bulletin

... by Okulitch and was considered to belong entirely to the Black River Group (Okulitch, 1934, 1936; Clark, 1952). The presence of Rostricellula plena? (Hall...


The Relationship of Lithology and Tectonics to Fracturing in the Monterey Formation, Point Arguello Field, Offshore California

By R. K. Sadler

Special Publications of SEPM

..., respectively; Texaco is the operator on platform Harvest located on lease block P-0315. 20 Miles o - 30 Km Santa Marla OFFSHORE SANTA MARIA BASIN SANTA...


Tectonics of the Palau-Halmahera-Waigeo Triangle

J. Milsom, L. Parson, D. Masson, G. Nichols, N. Sikumbang, B. Dwiyanto

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... and Lee, 1984). The spreading axis is still identifiable and now trends T e c t o n i c s o f the P a l a u - H a l m a h e r a - W a i g e o...


Memorial: William Henry Twenhofel (1875-1957)

Robert R. Shrock

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: William Henry Twenhofel (1875-1957) Robert R. Shrock WILLIAM HENRY TWENHOFEL (1875-1937) William H e n r y T w e n h o f e l , longtime...


Memorial: Harry Hackett Nowlan (1888-1958)

Wesley G. Gish

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... Association of Petroleum Geologists Being b o r n in t h e W e s t , it was n a t u r a l t h a t H a r r y should select mining engineering as his...


Modelamiento y Análisis Estructural del Anticlinal de Zipaquirá y su Aplicación a la Interpretación a Zonas de Piedemonte [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Modeling and Analysis of Zipaquirá Anticline and its Application to the Interpretation of Piedmont Are

A. J. Lozano, W. J. Castro, R. Linares

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... Terciaria, como las Formaciones Une, Guadalupe, y Cacho o sus unidades litoestratigráficas correlacionables. Así mismo se encuentran lutitas ricas en materia...


Estudio Geomecánico y Acústico para Estabilidad de Pozos en las Lutitas de la Formación Pagüey, Cuenca Barinas-Apure, Venezuela Suroccidental. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geomechanics and Acoustic Study for the Stability of the Lutitas Wells in the Formation of P

N. Moreno, G. Jaimes

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

.... Quiroz, O. Zorrilla y Ender Perdomo. Se determinó el peso total de la roca en porcentaje (%), clasificando los componentes principales: cuarzo...


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