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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 41,495 Results. Searched 196,437 documents.

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John A. Breyer

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...) Robinson (1980) C a r o l i n a piedmont and c o a s t a l p l a i n . Georgia. Glacial: 3. S l a t t and Eyles (1981) Alaska. B r i t i s h...


Bibliography of reports containing analyses of crude oils by the Bureau of Mines routine method.

O. C. Blade

Bureau of Mines

...Bibliography of reports containing analyses of crude oils by the Bureau of Mines routine method. O. C. Blade Bureau of Mines Information Circular...


Lithostratigraphy of the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Horton Group of the Moncton Subbasin, southern New Brunswick

D. C. Carter, R. K. Pickerill

Atlantic Geology

..., southern New Brunswick D.C, CanJbeji and R.K. Pj^ckejilAA, D&pajiJLmejit o/ §e.o£ogy, llrvivejLA-ity o/ New B/uiriAuxick, T/, N,B, £38 5A3...



Paul H. Moser, William A. Thomas

Alabama Geological Society

... - Achhimedes should be Archimedes J. S. Drahovzal should be J. A. Drahovzal Page 144 - Lyropora guincuncialis (Hall) should be Lyropora quincuncialis Hall...


A Preliminary Analysis of the Permian (Wolfcamp) Powwow Conglomerate of the Diablo Plateau, Trans-Pecos, Texas

David V. LeMone

West Texas Geological Society

... Rocks of the Trans-Pecos Region, West Texas Geol. Soc., p. 65–92. Bachman, G. O. and Hayes, P. T., 1958, Stratigraphy of Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower...


Late Quaternary Deposits Near Point Sal, South Central California: A Time Frame For Coastal-Dune Emplacement

Antony R. Orme

Special Publications of SEPM

... cliffs and valley bevel Fig 2 posed valley lette and 1950 Earlier Pleistocene 1982 gravels anticlinal late Hall structure Quaternary...


Devonian of Washington, Oregon and Western British Columbia

Wilbert R. Danner

CSPG Special Publications

... for them. In 1959 the writer found Devonian rocks overlying this basement with what he interprets to be a noncomformable contact on O’Neal Island...


The Jurassic (Bajocian) Rock Creek Member of West-Central Alberta

P. Putnam, S. Moore

CSPG Special Publications

... Petroleum Reservoirs, Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 31–56. Hall, R.H., 1984, Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Fernie Formation (Jurassic...


Undiscovered Exploration Leads in Shattered Gulf Coast Sediments

Allen Lowrie , F. Elizabeth Talbert , Ian Lerche , Richard L. Adams

GCAGS Transactions

...: Geophysical evidence, in: Natural gas hydrates: Properties, occurrences, and recovery, J. L. Cox, ed: Butterworths, Boston, p. 73-90. Emery, K. O., and E...


Wrench Fault Kinematics and Evolution with Seismic Low-Frequency Magnitude Approach: An Impact for Reservoir Connectivity in Production Field, West Natuna, Indonesia

Putri Riadini, Oki Rizaldi, Medianestrian

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... that associated to the India-Asia collision (Hall, 1996; Morley, 2002; Tjia, 2014). The basin opening during fault initiations developed a series...


Impact of interlayer slip on fracture prediction from geomechanical models of fault-related folds

Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris

AAPG Bulletin

... with offset and azimuth (AVOA) analysis to a 3D ocean bottom data set: Geophysics, v. 68, p. 11501160, doi:10.1190/1.1598107.Hall, S. A., J.-M. Kendall, and O...


Notas Sobre Recursos Minerales del Sahara Argelino. IN SPANISH. Notes About Mineral Resources In The Argelian Sahara.

Mexican Association Of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... busca de mÍTierales. P o r lo que respecta al conociinieiUo de los recursos minerales, pueden considerarse los siguientes períodos: a ) anterior a la...


Cuenca Llanos Orientales, Exploracion Petrolera en la Subcuenca Apiay … Ariari [PAPER IN SPANISH] Eastern Llanos Basin, Petroleum Exploration in the Subbasin Apiay - Ariari

Victor Eduardo Pérez H., Adolfo León Bolívar B.

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... in the Subbasin Apiay - Ariari Victor Eduardo Pérez H., Adolfo León Bolívar B. II SIMPOSIO BOLIVARIANO E X P LORACION P E T R O L E R A EN L A S CUENCAS S U...


The timing of peak high-grade metamorphism in central-eastern New England

J. Dykstra Eusden Jr., Barbara Barreiro

Atlantic Geology

... GEOLOGY 241 The timing of peak high-grade metamorphism in central-eastern New England J. Dykstra Eusden Jr.* and Barbara Barreiro Department o f Earth...


Depositional Environments and Cycles in the Jurassic Fernie Formation, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains

N. J. Stronach

CSPG Special Publications

.... Sublittoral sheet sandstones. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 43, p. 736-747. Hall, R. L. and Stronach, N. J. 1981. First record of Late Bajocian...


Influence of deep Louann structure on the evolution of the northern Gulf of Mexico

Michael R. Hudec, Martin P. A. Jackson, Frank J. Peel

AAPG Bulletin

..., p. 129136.Callot, J. P., S. Jahani, and J. Letouzey, 2007, The role of preexisting diapirs in fold and thrust belt development, in O. Lacombe, F...


Concretion Formation In Volcaniclastic Host Rocks: Evaluating the Role of Organics, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry On Early Diagenesis

S. L. Potter-McIntyre, M. A. Chan, B. J. McPherson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... University Press, 245 p. Birkeland, P.W., 1984, Soils and Geomorphology: New York, Oxford University Press, 372 p. Bjorkum, P.A., and Walderhaug, O...


Gas Storage Capacity of Iljik and Hasandong Shales in Gyongsang Basin, South Korea

Seungmo Kang, Young Jae Shinn, I. Yucel, Akkutlu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and their method to see if they can be applicable to shales. From analyzing some correlations (e.g., Hall, 1953; Van der Knapp, 1959) it is found that pore...


Santa Monica and Santa Ana Mountains--Relation to Oligocene Santa Barbara Basin

John N. Truex

AAPG Bulletin

... regions, in J. N. Truex, ed., A tour of the oil fields of the Whittier fault zone, Los Angeles basin, California: AAPG Pacific Sec., p. 13-22. Hall...


Multidisciplinary thermal maturity studies using vitrinite reflectance and fluid inclusion microthermometry: A new calibration of old techniques

Rick C. Tobin, Brenda L. Claxton

AAPG Bulletin

... reflectance geothermometer—comment: Geology, v. 19, p. 1241–1242. Bodnar, R. J., P. R. Binns, and D. L. Hall, 1989, Synthetic fluid inclusions; VI...


Metodos Geoquimicos Aplicados a la Busqueda de Yacimientos Petroliferos (IN SPANISH), Geochemical Methods Applied to The Oil Deposits Search

Rafael Molina Berbeyer

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... la b ú s q u e d a d e de c a d a u n o Se de inicia año, hasta de los un Para bosquejo V. A. más productos oxidados finalizar...


Actualidades Geologicas y Geofisicas, I.. IN SPANISH. Geological and Geophysical News I.

Manuel Maldonado Koerdell

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

..., / * M A N U E L MALDONADO-KOERDELL * * 1) E L PROYECTO " M O H O L E " . H a terminado la primera etapa del p r o g r a m a de perforación de la...


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