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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 18,092 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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A Comprehensive Workflow for Propagation Simulation and Structural Characterisation of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures in Naturally Fractured Unconventional Oil Reservoirs

Long Ren, Shiyuan Zhan, Desheng Zhou, Yuliang Su, Wendong Wang, Mingqiang Chen, Cheng Jing, Jian Sun, Kang Tang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... constants (for pseudo-3D models, α=1 and β=2.3), dij is the distance between the centers of elements i and j; and are the elastic coefficients...


Chronologic modeling of faulted and fractured reservoirs using geomechanically based restoration: Technique and industry applications

Laurent Maerten, Frantz Maerten

AAPG Bulletin

... Montpellier, France, 252 p.Bourne, S. J., and E. J. M. Willemse, 2001, Elastic stress control on the pattern of tensile fracturing around a small fault...


Contributions of Compaction and Aquathermal Pressuring to Geopressure and the Influence of Environmental Conditions (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... detrital sediment bed, an environment considered favorable for aquathermal pressuring to influence overpressuring. BASIC HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATION...


Lomnitz Law Versus Elasticoviscous Controversy

Paul S. Wesson

AAPG Special Volumes

... among these problems are the effects of latent heats, differing elastic constants and activation energies of the two phases, and the tendency...


Abstract: An Integration of Geophysical and Geotechnical Methods in the Assessment of Slope Stability at Kamsis G, UKM

Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Abd. Rahim Samsuddin, Abd. Ghani Rafek, Umar Hamzah, Megat Iskandar Megat Ismail, Mohd. Zamzuri Zain

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... that there is no water recorded during the day without rainfall. Laboratory test that includes basic sieve analysis and Atterberg limits has classified the fill...


Settling Velocity and Grain Shape of Maërl Biogenic Gravel

Siddhi Joshi, Garret P. Duffy, Colin Brown

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in Mulchrone et al. (2013). The image was pre-processed using basic image-processing filters (contrast enhancement, edge detection) and subsequently...


Permeability, Porosity, and Shear-wave Anisotropy From Scaling of Open Fracture Populations

Randall Marrett

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...; Snow, 1969). Open fracture length may be related to the velocity anisotropy of elastic shear-waves propagating vertically through fractured rock...


Lithology and Fluid Seismic Determination for the Acae Area, Puerto Colon Oil Field, Colombia

F. H. Gómez, J. P. Castagna

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...) using a mathematical interpolation scheme not implemented as a black box. The elastic parameters Poisson and Vp/Vs ratio are identified as important...


Rock classification in the Eagle Ford Formation through integration of petrophysical, geological, geochemical, and geomechanical characterization

Shahin Amin, Matthew Wehner, Zoya Heidari and Michael M. Tice

AAPG Bulletin

... concentrations of minerals, porosity, and fluid saturation. Effective elastic properties such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio as well as minimum...


Permian-Triassic Radiometric Time Scale

Philip O. Banks

CSPG Special Publications

... for the Phanerozoic time-scale: Eclogae geol. Helv., v. 63, p. 1-7. Afanass’yev, G. D., Bagdasaryan, G. P., Garris, M. A., and Khramrabayev, I. Kh., 1965, Basic data...


Rock Physics and Depositional Trends; #41316 (2014)

Marco Perez, David Close, and Greg Purdue

Search and

... as they pertain to seismic elastic parameters. In addition, rock physics models have been presented that relate sedimentology and rock fabric to changes...


Well-Log Conditioning and Rock Physics Modeling: A First Step in Seismic Reservoir Characterization

Mayesta O. Gunarto, Bambang Irawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., the conditioned has demonstrated some significant improvements: it is more consistent with surrounding wells; it is consistent with both basic physical principles...


Numerical Evaluation of Bulk Geomechanical Properties of Fractured Coal with Changing Net Effective Stress Conditions

Travis R. Mitchell, Ruizhi Zhong, Ray Johnson Jr., Christopher R. Leonardi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Kachanov, M. 1992. Effective elastic properties of cracked solids: critical review of some basic concepts. Applied Mechanics Reviews 45(8):304–335. Kerimov...


Integrated Multidisciplinary Reservoir Characterization of the Three Forks Formation in the Williston Basin, Divide County, North Dakota

Shane M. Mogensen, Samuel D. Fluckiger, Riley Brinkerhoff, Inna Tsybulkina, Vasudev Bansal, Francisco Brito, Cesar Marin, Santi Randazzo, Michael Hoffman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... occurrence within each log facies Log facies were upscaled to eight seismic facies based on their discretization in elastic spaces. Elastic and geomechanical...


Case History Study of Seismic-Driven 3-D MEM Calibrated with 1-D MEMs and Petrophysics in Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Vivek Swami, Julio Tavares, Vishnu Pandey, Tatyana Nekrasova, Dan Cook, Jose Moncayo, David Yale

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... wells within the Arkoma Basin of Oklahoma. The well information utilized in this study included basic wireline logs and core analysis, including XRD...


An Analysis of the Observed Time Discrepancies Between Continuous and Conventional Well Velocity Surveys

P. E. F. Gretener

CSPG Bulletin

... Constants of Rocks with Frequency," Mimeographed circular of the E.A.E.G. Cholet, J., and Richard, H., 1954, "A Test on Elastic Anisotropy Measurements...


The Chemistry of Dolomite Formanon I: The Stability of Dolomite

Alden B. Carpenter

Special Publications of SEPM

... in dilute solutions at less than 1000 C appears to be too slow to offer any hope of obtaining equilibrium constants for ordered stoichiometric dolomite...


The Three Elements of Structural Geology Part 5, #41849 (2016).

Terry Engelder,

Search and

... Stress Trajectories in an Elastic Earth 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 Natural Hydraulic Fracturing Hydrocarbon Fluid Migration Characteristics of a Single Joint...


The Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico: Flexural Modeling and Evidence for Lithospheric Heterogeneity Across the Marathon Foreland

Kenn-Ming Yang, Steven L. Dorobek

Special Publications of SEPM

... were Results from flexural then used to calculate static profiles of the deflected lithosphere using flexural models for elastic lithosphere...


Uses and Abuses of the Brittleness Index With Application to Hydraulic Stimulation

Jorg V. Herwanger, Scott D. Mildren

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the BI of rocks either by their elastic properties, by their mineralogical composition or by their strength characteristics, are all equivalent...


Subsidence and Thermal History of Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: Implications for Petroleum Exploration

Shimon Feinstein

AAPG Bulletin

... subsidence for the formation of the basin and indicate the significance of this concept for petroleum exploration. Two mechanisms--initial elastic...


Origin of Fracture Porosity--Example from Altamont Field, Utah

Wayne Narr , John B. Currie

AAPG Bulletin

... the basic assumption of elastic ty. We believe, however, that the model is useful in ascertaining which physical effects and which geologic processes can...


Ordovician Geochronology

Reuben J. Ross Jr. , Charles W. Naeser , Richard S. Lambert

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 181-183. Pankhurst, R. J., 1970, The geochronology of the basic igneous complexes: Scottish Jour. Geology, v. 6, p. 83-107. Pankhurst, R. J., 1974...



James Wallace, Dowell Division of Dow Chemical, U.S.A., Tulsa, OklahomaJerry Hinkel, Dowell Division of Dow Chemical, U.S.A., Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

... fracturing. The Clinton Sandstone of Ohio is used as a case study. ELASTIC CONSTANTS The material with which...


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