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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 47,643 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: Increased Organic Content in the Presence of Floccules: A Case Study of the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Canon City Basin, South-Central Colorado; #90301 (2017)

Kira Timm, Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Search and

... of sediment gravity flow deposits in the lowest facies of the Sharon Springs. When examined in petrographic thin-section, opaque spheroids represent...


Abstract: Condensed Section Intervals within the Cycle II (Early Miocene) of the D35 Field, Balingian Province, Offshore Sarawak: Occurrence and Significance (Poster 7)

Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, David Martyn Ince, Kerrie L. Bann

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., Canada. A marine condensed section is a thin stratigraphic interval characterized by very slow depositional rates (<1-10 mm/yr). The interval often...




Montana Geological Society

... of Northern Montana is applicable to Saskatchewan. However, the unconformities in the section are generally more pronounced in Saskatchewan...


Large Thin Slicing: A New Method for the Study of Fabrics in Lithified Sediments

Michael Garton, Duncan McIlroy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...–115. Francus, P., 2001, Quantification of bioturbation in hemipelagic sediments via thin-section image analysis: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v...


Spectral Decomposition: Extending the Limits of Seismic Resolution for Reservoir Delineation

Sunu H. Praptono, Bambang Murti, Dylan Mair

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to identify thin beds through analysis of the frequency spectrum in a short window around the time of the bed. Figure 1 demonstrates a thin bed affect...


A Study of Porosity and Grain Relationships in Experimental Sands

A. Gaither

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Survey 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 2, pp. 208-218. KRUMBEIN, W. C. (1935) Thin section mechanical analysis of indurated sediments: Jour. Geology, vol. 43, pp...


Petrography, Diagenesis, and Facies Controls on Porosity in Shannon Sandstone, Hartzog Draw Field, Wyoming

Vishnu Ranganathan , Robert S. Tye

AAPG Bulletin

...%) and to the higher precision between measurements of core porosity versus thin-section porosity. Fig. 14. Porosity (%) from core analysis of facies...


Abstract: Facies, Depositional Environments, Chemostratigraphy, and Reservoir Quality of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin, Northeastern Pennsylvania

Lucy T. Ko

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and depositional models based on outcrops, wireline logs, and subsurface cores. A detailed sedimentological analysis was performed on one complete section...


Variance in reservoir quality due to diagenesis: A study from tidal deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Azirahtul Atifah Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... achieved by a combination of traditional, macroscopic field sedimentology and microscopic thin-section study, along with grain size analysis...


Reservoir Characterization for the Application of ASP Flood Technology in the Bridgeport Sandstone in Lawrence Field, Illinois; #20111 (2011)

Nathan D. Webb, Vineeth Madhavan, John P. Grube, Curt S. Blakley, Beverly Seyler, and Philip Johanek

Search and

... and thin-section analysis has shown that the identified clay-mineral suite in reservoir intervals should be considered because they are primarily...


An Environmental Interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous Shannon Sandstone Heldt Draw Field, Wyoming

M. J. Todd Davis

Wyoming Geological Association

... mudstones with thin silty sandstone lenses (Photo A). The Davis Oil Heldt Draw #10 unit (SW SE section 36, T46N-R77W, Johnston County) was also cored from...


The American Upper Ordovician Standard. XI. Multivariate Classification of Typical Cincinnatian Calcarenites

Robert H. Osborne

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... assurance that the four classes were discernable at the thin section scale, but it was still necessary to test this assumption. A generalized analysis...


Sparse Layer Inversion for Prestack Seismic Reservoir Characterization

Raisya Noor Pertiwi, Muhammad Alwi, Herlan Setiadi, Khairul Ummah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... resolved in the section (Figure 1a and Figure 1b). However, the thin layer interpretation is visually more favorable in poststack seismic interpretation...


Drilled Sidewall Cores Aid in Interpretation of the Tertiary Wasatch Formation, Natural Buttes Field, Utah

Michael E. Shade, Diana K.T. Hansen

Utah Geological Association

... diffraction, thin-section petrography, scanning electron microscopy and mercury injection greatly facilitated analysis of this variable and complex...


Carbonate Reservoirs of the Bashkiro-Vizean of the Perm Kama Region

I. A. Bykova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... i Geofizika, no. 9, p. 35–38, 1978) Four members are recognized in the section of the pay zone of the Yarino-Kamennolozh field. See Fig. 1. Their make...


AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 7: Characterizing Thinly Bedded Reservoirs with Core Data

Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... in characterizing thin-bedded reservoirs. Cores and the analysis of core samples serve many objectives in the description and modeling of a hydrocarbon...


Petrography and Petrology of the Wilds Sand, Wildsville Field, Concordia Parish, Louisiana

Maureen K. Corcoran , Danny W. Harrelson , Gary W. Hennington

GCAGS Transactions

... in Intervals I, II, and III to approximately the levels observed in thin section. End_Page 130------------------------ Figure 5. Core analysis...


Detailed Lithofacies and Architectural Facies Analyses on Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Clastic Shoreline Depositional Environment of the Cibulakan Formation in Cipamingkis River, Jonggol, Bogor, West Java

Eric Edwin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... surface. After that, thin sections were made from these samples and then stained with blue dye and/or alizarin red. Petrographic analysis from...


Programmable Pocket Calculator as an Inexpensive Point Count System: METHOD PAPER

Charles L. Vavra

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... calculators may be used as an inexpensive counting and data reduction system for petrographic modal analysis. They reduce data reduction time...


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