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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 47,643 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Opinion of Structural Mechanics of Central Basin Platform Area, West Texas

John W. Harrington

AAPG Bulletin

.... ANALYSIS OF THIN SKIN OROGENY (FIRST TYPE OF MOVEMENT) This is the disturbance of the relatively thin sheet of sediments above the basement...


A Note on Thin Section Mechanical Analysis: NOTES

Sudhir Basumallick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...A Note on Thin Section Mechanical Analysis: NOTES Sudhir Basumallick 1964 Vol. 34 No. 1. (March), FOLK, R. L., AND WARD, W. C., Brazos River bar...


K-Feldspar Cement in the Jacobsville Sandstone

Duncan F. Sibley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... idiomorphic potash feldspars in open cavities "not continuous with any detrital grain visible in thin section" (Gilbert, 1949, p. 4). Woodard (1972) claims...


Abstract: Detailed stratigraphy and porosity development in the Swan Hills Formation, west central Alberta, Canada

R. Troy McLaughlin

Atlantic Geology

... in a light brown silty matrix and was probably deposited in a reef environment. Porosity was studied through thin section and computer image analysis...


Abstract: Petrology and Petrophysics of Middle Devonian/Middle Silurian Potential CO2 Sequestration Reservoirs in the Central Appalachian Basin

Christopher D. Laughrey, Jaime Kostelnik, Kristin M. Carter, and John A. Harper

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... siliceous. Thin section analysis reveals that chert and quartz replace planar dolomite. Petrography and log analysis indicate moldic, vuggy...


Abstract: Petroleum Potential of the Codell Sandstone, Northern Denver Basin; #90301 (2017)

Steve Crouch

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... lithofacies. Thin section analysis, SEM imaging, and regional mapping show that the Codell Sandstone did not travel great distances during deposition from...


Abstract: Lateral and Vertical Facies Distribution and Associated Reservoir Properties in Glacial Depositional System, Tools for Better Reservoir Characterization; #91204 (2023)

Ibrahim Al-Qarni, Mohammed Masrahy, Osman Abdullatif

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... from different intervals. Samples were analyzed 1) under the microscope in thin section (including 300 point-count modal analysis), 2) by Environmental...


Study of Upscaling Permeability from Thin Sections Using 3D Pore Space Image and Pore Network Modeling (Geology Poster 24)

Luluan A. Lubis, Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... images to predict permeability at pore-scale. A digital volume required for this numerical simulation is obtained from thin section images. From...


Abstract: Investigating the Correlation between Reservoir Electro-Facies and Distinct Geomechanical Units, Iranian Carbonate Gas Reservoir; #90255 (2017)

Behzad Mehrgini, Hossein Memarian, Hassan Eshragi

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... between Schmidt hammer readings and defined electro-facies were assessed to obtain the proper number of GMUs. Based on the extensive thin section...


Examination of the Queenston Delta in Central New York for Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage; #40451 (2009)

Kathryn Tamulonis and Teresa Jordan

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.... Though neutron logs suggest porosity may increase with depth in the Oswego Formation, thin section and sonic log data imply instead that the high neutron...


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