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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 47,703 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Integrated Geological, Engineering, and Petrophysical Analysis of Bypassed, Incompletely Drained, and Untapped Thin-Bed Gas Reservoirs, North McFaddin Field, Texas

Mark J. Burn , Mark A. Sippel , Jose M. Vidal , James R. Ballard , Raymond A. Levey

GCAGS Transactions

...Integrated Geological, Engineering, and Petrophysical Analysis of Bypassed, Incompletely Drained, and Untapped Thin-Bed Gas Reservoirs, North...


Karst Recognition & Reservoir Impact, Yadana Field, Offshore Myanmar

Philippe Lapointe, John Hurst, Art Saller, U. Kyaw Nyein, U Myint Oo, U Thet Tun

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... with drilling mud. Thin section analysis confirms multiple stages of karstic dissolution and infilling. The stable carbon and oxygen composition of most...


A new depositional model for the classical turbidite locality at San Clemente State Beach, California

Hilario Camacho, Cathy J. Busby, Ben Kneller

AAPG Bulletin

.... Several samples were collected from this part of the section for micropaleontological analysis, but all were barren. The fine-grained deposits...


Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Del Rio–Buda Section on the Drowned, Outer Comanche Platform in South Texas and Implications for Reservoir Development and Exploration

Robert. G. Loucks, Ahmed Alnahwi, Priyanka Periwal

GCAGS Transactions

... [2904.4 m]). (B) Del Rio calcisphere-rich chalky marl containing planktic foraminifers, ostracods, and a saccocomid fragment (thin section; 9523 ft...


Heterogeneity of the transgressive systems tract of the Eagle Ford Formation, Val Verde County, Texas

Victoria Chevrot and Raphaël Gottardi

AAPG Bulletin

... of this study yield an integrated reservoir analysis through the combination of (1) lithologic outcrop analysis, (2) thin-section petrography, (3) Rock-Eval...


Quantification of Bioturbation in Hemipelagic Sediments Via Thin-Section Image Analysis: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS

Pierre Francus

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Quantification of Bioturbation in Hemipelagic Sediments Via Thin-Section Image Analysis: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS Pierre Francus 2001 501 507 Vol. 71...


Field Summary: South Springdale Field

William A. Newton

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...; and carbonates are generally absent, except for occasional thin streaks in the upper sand bench. TYPICAL CORE ANALYSIS O F A PAY INTERVAL IN THIS FIELD: I...


Field Summary: McCallum Field (North & South)

Gordon Hurd

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Cretaceous series. The Dakota-Lakota section consists of about 130 feet of sandstone and interbedded green and gray shale. The sands are light gray...


ABSTRACT: The occurrence, distribution and influence of authigenic clays in reservoir rocks of Agbada Formation, Niger Delta

Olugbenga A. Ehinola, Olusola R.Yussuf

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...) and this was matched with lithologic description made from the cores and ditch cuttings. Mineralogical identification of clays was based on comparison of thin section...


Abstract: Lithostratigraphy and sedimentary petrography of early Cretaceous outlier basins, northern Nova Scotia

Thian Hundert, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper, Rudolph R. Stea

Atlantic Geology

... red and grey mudstones and grey sandstones and the thin basal Unit D, polymictic pebbly sandstone, are present only in borehole BB-02-2. Thin section...


Abstract: Experimental imaging of a vertical vein using controlled-source seismic interferometry

Kriselle Dias, Charles Hurich

Atlantic Geology

... of using vertical seismic profiles (VSP) in combination with seismic interferometry as a new method of imaging thin and nearly-vertical veins, and develops...


AAPG Studies in Geology No. 50, (Section Title: Reservoir Permeability, Modeling, and Simulation Studies) Chapter 14: Modeling Permeability Structure and Simulating Fluid Flow in a Reservoir Analog: Ferron Sandstone, Ivie Creek Area, East-Central Utah

Craig B. Forster, Stephen H. Snelgrove, and Joseph V. Koebbe

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG Studies in Geology No. 50, (Section Title: Reservoir Permeability, Modeling, and Simulation Studies) Chapter 14: Modeling Permeability Structure...


Environments and Diagenesis, Morrow Sandstones, Cimarron County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Raymond E. Kasino, David K. Davies

AAPG Bulletin

... with KCl flushes. Hydrofluoric acid should not be used unless the detailed sand composition has been determined by thin-section analysis. End...


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