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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,658 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Offshore Niger Delta Pleistocene/Holocene Leveed-Channel Fans -Models for Offshore Reservoirs; #90007 (2002)

Robert M. Mitchum, Grant D. Wach

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... margin is cut by canyons and gullies which are lowstand sediment paths to the basin. Upper slope areas, underlain by diapir and inner toe thrust structural...


ABSTRACT: Worldwide Examples of Low Resistivity Pay; #90007 (2002)

Robert M. Sneider

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... with very saline water. LRLC depositional systems include: deepwater fans, with levee-channel complexes; delta front and toe deposits; shingle...


ABSTRACT: Compressional Salt Tectonics in Nature and Experiments; #90007 (2002)

Jean-Pierre Brun, Xavier Fort

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... possibly explain some of the seismic reflectors observed in massive salt areas at the toe of the compressional domain...


ABSTRACT: Lower Tertiary Deepwater Channel Systems In Offshore Douala Basin, Cameroon; #90007 (2002)

Xijin Liu, Ritchie Wayland

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... fills within the channel belt. Updip pinchout of the sandstone is expected to occur in the vicinity of the paleo toe-of-slope. The sandy fill...


ABSTRACT: Expression of the Atlas Inversion Tectonics in Deep-water Offshore Morocco: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration; #90007 (2002)

Gabor C. Tari, Paul R. Ashton, Jim S. Molnar, Philip Thompson

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... interesting interference patterns, locally enhancing the toe-thrust anticlines. The inverted structures represent a previously unknown play type...


ABSTRACT: COMPRESSIONAL SALT TECTONICS IN NATURE AND EXPERIMENTS Folding and thrusting above thick salt in Angola; #90011 (2002)

Jean-Pierre BRUN, Xavier FORT

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... of the Angolan margin. Reflections observed in apparently massive salt areas, at the toe of the compressional domain, are tentatively interpreted...


ABSTRACT: COMPRESSIONAL SALT TECTONICS IN NATURE AND EXPERIMENTS Folding and thrusting above thick salt in Angola; #90011 (2002)

Jean-Pierre BRUN, Xavier FORT

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... of the Angolan margin. Reflections observed in apparently massive salt areas, at the toe of the compressional domain, are tentatively interpreted...


ABSTRACT: Kinematic Evolution of Detachment Folds, Offshore Brunei, Indonesia; #90013 (2003)

Eric A. Erslev, Peter H. Hennings

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... integrity in thrust belt structures within continental toe-of-slope settings. A 10,000 km2 3-D seismic survey of the continental slope off Brunei...


ABSTRACT: Heavy Oil Resources of Utah: An Emerging Opportunity?; #90013 (2003)

Steven Schamel, John Baza

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..., such as SAGD, VAPEXk and toe-to-heel air injection. Also improvements in handling and refining heavy oils are expanding their marketability. The time...


ABSTRACT: 3-D Modeling of Deepwater Carbonate Outcrops Using Laser Technology (Lidar); #90013 (2003)

Charles Kerans, Jerome Bellian, Ted Playton

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... arrangement of distal toe-of-slope slump complexes and channelized and unconfined debris flows composes the nonreservoir. Slumps and debris flows are mud...


ABSTRACT: Influence of Paleogradients on Deepwater Reservoir Architecture: Miocene and Pliocene of the Veracruz Basin, Southeastern Mexico; #90013 (2003)

David Jennette, Javier Meneses-Rocha

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... and sinuous deepwater channels that reside at the toe of the constructional clinoforms. Smaller and thinner fans sit basinward of these channels. The two...


ABSTRACT: New Insights on the Black Sea Basin Tectonic Evolution Contribute to the Exploration Strategy; #90017 (2003)

Alexander A. Kitchka

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... and toe. Water depths in Black Sea (max 2200 m) are no longer a technical problem (but still economical one) in view of encouraging achievements gained...


ABSTRACT: An Integrated Quantitative Basin Analysis Approach applied to deep offshore Campos basin, Brazil; #90017 (2003)

Frederic Brigaud, Francis Lucazeau, Jean-Loup Montenat, Réjanne Baranger

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... challenging environment. The exploration well drilled in the block BC2, at the toe of the shelf, some 150 km away from closest well tie, did confirm...


ABSTRACT: Aspects of Petroleum Prospectivity of Tertiary Indus Delta: Pakistan's Untapped Exploration Frontier; #90017 (2003)

Abdul Waheed

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... seal. Traps include growth fault rollovers and diapirs in delta top/slope and imbricate fold/thrust structures at delta toe. Recent exploration has led...


ABSTRACT: Offshore Lamu Basin, Kenya: Deepwater Fold Belt; #90061 (2006)

Jonathan J. Hull

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... fold belt with a thick Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary section. Large, structural closures related to compressional toe-thrusts are identified over...


ABSTRACT: Sedimentology of Wonosari Carbonates Southern Yogyakarta: Outcrop Study and Petroleum Implications; #90061 (2006)

Eka Saputra Sunjaya, Aldy Amir, Drianto Sudarmawan, and Awang H. Satyana

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... with packstones and rudstones, and (4) toe to slope with planktonic packstones and wackestones. A variety of diagenetic processes were observed...


Abstract: The Mississippian Floyd Shale in the Black Warrior Foreland Basin, Alabama and Mississippi

Carrie A. Kidd and William A. Thomas

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... includes a southwest-sloping carbonate ramp, which is distinctly cyclic. The toe of the ramp passes into black shale, which represents a condensed...


Abstract: Allochthonous Salt Tectonics in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia: Testing Models of the Subsurface With Exposed Analogs

Mark G. Rowan, Thomas E. Hearon IV, P. Tyler Hannah, Timothy F. Lawton, and Katherine A. Giles

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... the “gumbo” represents slumps derived from the scarp at the toe of the advancing sheet; and (4) the drape-fold model, in which strata are rotated...


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