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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 952 Results. Searched 196,218 documents.

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Small-scale petroliferous basins in China: Characteristics and hydrocarbon occurrence

Chi-yang Liu, Lei Huang, Hong-ge Zhao, Jian-qiang Wang, Long Zhang, Yu Deng, Jun-feng Zhao, Dong-dong Zhang, and Chang-yu Fan

AAPG Bulletin

... have revealed the existence of asthenospheric upwelling characterized by blank reflection and low velocity. A deep seismic reflection profile...


Seismic Reflection Structure of Intracratonic Palmyride Fold-Thrust Belt and Surrounding Arabian Platform, Syria (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... from central Syria provide a detailed view of the subsurface structure (10-15 km depth) of the relatively little-studied intracratonic Palmyride fold...


Characteristics and origin of oil and gas in the Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Insights from oil-source correlation and source rock effects

Gang Gao, Jianyu Zhao, Shangru Yang, Wenzhe Gang, Yuexia Dong, and Zhongxin Zhao

AAPG Bulletin

... al., 2008). Issues such as depth distribution, origin and spatial distribution of the different oil and gas families, distribution of source rock...


Seismic Stratigraphy and Geologic History of Middle Cretaceous Through Cenozoic Rocks, Southern Straits of Florida

Walter M. Denny, III , James A. Austin, Jr. , Richard T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

... Current becomes areally constricted through the Straits of Florida, current extends to more than 800-m water depth, and velocity increases northward...


Gravity-Driven Structures and Rift Basin Evolution: Rio Muni Basin, Offshore Equatorial West Africa

Jonathan P. Turner

AAPG Bulletin

... seismic thickness of 3000 m/s two-way traveltime (TWT) and an average velocity of 1850 m/s) and displays a grossly onlapping relation to the drift...


Integrated 3-D Geological Modeling of the C1 Sands Reservoir, Maui Field, Offshore New Zealand

Ian D. Bryant , Carl W. Greenstreet , Walter R. Voggenreiter

AAPG Bulletin

...), a narrow, linear feature visible on a flattened seiscrop 20 ms two-way traveltime below the top of the C1 Sands event (Figure 14a) is taken to indicate...


The Sunrise-Troubadour Gas-Condensate Fields, Timor Sea, Australasia

R. J. Seggie, R. B. Ainsworth, D. A. Johnson, J. P. M. Koninx, N. Marshall, A. Murray, S. E. Phillips, B. Spaargaren, P. M. Stephenson

AAPG Special Volumes

... is the smaller feature to the south. Note the large boundary fault toward the northwest.Figure 4. Dip-oriented two-way traveltime seismic line T97-3777.There...


Morphology, Internal Structure, Seismic Stratigraphy, and Sedimentation of Indus Fan

V. Kolla , F. Coumes

AAPG Bulletin

... to 350 km off Bombay, farther south. The shelf break occurs at an average depth of about 100 m along the Pakistan-India margin. The most pronounced...


The evolution of the early Paleozoic carbonate platform in the Central uplift, Tarim Basin, northwestern China, and hydrocarbon accumulation

Huabiao Qiu, Wei Lin, Shang Deng, Huixi Lin, Zhongpei Zhang, Zicheng Cao, Cheng Huang, and Jun Han

AAPG Bulletin

... due to the sedimentary phase change. AC = acoustic curve; Gr. = group; TC1 = Tacan1; TWT = two-way traveltime. The Mesozoic sequence (sequence 5...


Multiphase activation of the boundary fault system of the eastern Dampier subbasin, Northwest Shelf of Australia

Hongdan Deng, Ken McClay, and Awad Bilal

AAPG Bulletin

... module of Landmark Solutions software. The seismic data sets were converted from time to depth by using the regional velocity model of Deng (unpublished...


Controls on synrift turbidite deposition on the hanging wall of the South Viking Graben, North Sea rift system, offshore Norway

Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Eirik Larsen, Sigmund Hanslien, Anne-Elise Tjemsland

AAPG Bulletin

... (northwest-southeast) and crossline (northeast-southwest) spacing of 12.5 m (41 ft). The seismic data have a vertical (depth) axis measured in milliseconds...


Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the United States Chukchi Shelf North of Point Hope

Artur Grantz, Steven D. May

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... to depth can be made by referring to the graph in Figure 4, which represents the average regional velocity structure of the Chukchi Shelf and the North...


The Evolution of the South China Sea Basin in the MesozoicCenozoic and Its Significance for Oil and Gas Exploration: A Review and Overview

Fengli Yang, Dengliang Gao, Zhuan Sun, Zuyi Zhou, Zhe Wu, Qianyu Li

AAPG Special Volumes

... from Chen and Wen, 2010). TWT = two-way traveltime. 50 km (31 mi).Figure 6. Seismic section L2 across the Baiyun subbasin in the northern margin (see...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 11: Structural Trap and Fault-seal Analysis, Offshore Myanmar: A Case Study

Davies, R. K., L. An, D. A. Medwedeff, D. Yarwood

AAPG Special Volumes

... by the fault. The horizon cutoff data can be expressed in depth units or two-way seismic traveltime. In this analysis, we imported the interpreted...


Impact of deltaic clinothems on reservoir performance: Dynamic studies of reservoir analogs from the Ferron Sandstone Member and Panther Tongue, Utah

Havard D. Enge, John A. Howell

AAPG Bulletin

.... Because the Z values derived from the virtual outcrop are heights above sea level and the modeling software typically uses depth below surface...


South Casper Creek Field: A Study in Reservoir Heterogeneity

Scott L. Montgomery

AAPG Bulletin

... was discovered in the Tensleep Sandstone in 1922, at approximately 2500 ft (758 m) depth. Gross pay was 430 ft (130 m) of highly viscous (13.7° API) oil...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Composition of Late Quaternary Shelf-Margin Deltas, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Robert A. Morton , John R. Suter

AAPG Bulletin

... and were used to establish the general stratigraphic framework. Two-way traveltime was converted to depth using an acoustical velocity of 1675 m...


Reservoir Description: A Synergistic Approach to More Accurate Determination of Oil and Gas Reserves

D G Bowen, T Kennaird, J Hill, E J Frost

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... ~========~' ~iiii:======1 F.' PAD 4B PAD 3 N o Reflectance Traveltime 5 ON E S W NN E S W N...


Exploration benchmarking to establish the potential of two hydrocarbon plays in the Pelotas and Punta del Este Basins, offshore Uruguay

David A. Pollitt and Shaoqing Sun

AAPG Bulletin

... Basins (modified after Soto et al., 2011), the study area, and the line of sections for Figures 2 and 3. Depth map (inset, lower left) depicting top...


Depositional Setting and Oil Sands Reservoir Characterization of Giant Longitudinal Sandbars at Ells River: Marginal Marine Facies of the McMurray Formation, Northern Alberta Basin, Canada

Paul L. Broughton

AAPG Special Volumes

... at depth may have extended as far west as the Ells River area, but this is uncertain. It is possible, if not probable, that the narrow and linear...


The Sureste Super Basin of southern Mexico

Mark V. Shann, Karina Vazquez-Reyes, Hussein M. Ali, and Andrew D. Horbury

AAPG Bulletin

... lines are water depth contours and red dashed lines represent the outlines of salt withdrawal basins, with their names as indicated below. GOM &equals...


Gravity-flow deposits caused by different initiation processes in a deep-lake system

Tian Yang, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Jingchun Tian, Zavala Carlos, and Yanzhong Wang

AAPG Bulletin

... debris flow and turbidity current, supercritical flow, hyperpycnal flow, and the formation mechanisms of gravity-flow channels should extend our in-depth...


Potential for CO2 sequestration in saline formations in the western offshore Netherlands: A preliminary study—Expanding carbon capture and storage beyond depleted fields

Alexandra Siebels, André Bults, Michael Nolten, Jon Wierenga, Harry Doust, and John Verbeek

AAPG Bulletin

... inversion folding. Several scenarios suggest large pore volume space to be available in the subsurface below a depth of 800 m. We envisage that CO2...


Modeling of petroleum generation in the Vietnamese part of the Malay Basin using measured kinetics

Henrik I. Petersen, Anders Mathiesen, Michael B. W. Fyhn, Nguyen T. Dau, Jorgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Lars H. Nielsen, Hans P. Nytoft

AAPG Bulletin

... depth conversion, stacking velocity data were used in the 2-D model.Figure 5. Modeled seismic lines. (A) Line vf92-271. (B) Line vf90-13. (C) Line...


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