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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,253 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Wastewater recycling and reuse trends in Pennsylvania shale gas wells

Katherine Schmid and David Yoxtheimer

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... the past few years. The development of various treatment technologies and brine-resistant frac mixtures has allowed companies to recycle this wastewater...



Barry L. Gouger

Wyoming Geological Association

... 7232-7277 open hole Treatment Natural Pressures 1980 psi TP (9/19/51) GENERAL FIELD DATA Regional Setting Southeastern Bighorn Basin Other...


Optimized Production in the Bakken Shale: South Antelope Case Study

David R. West, John D. Harkrider, Michael Barham, Monte R. Besler, Kenneth D. Mahrer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... completions followed conventional wisdom by targeting the Middle Bakken formation that lies between the Lodge Pole and the Three Forks formations. However...


Aerobic and Anaerobic Metal Attenuation Processes in a Constructed Wetland Treating Acid Mine Drainage

C. D. Barton, A. D. Karathanasis

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... Vol. 5 (1998) No. 2. The use of constructed wetlands for acid mine drainage amelioration has become a popular alternative to conventional treatment...


Tectonic joint size, abundance, and connectivity: Examples from Woodford Shale and Hunton Limestone

Sayantan Ghosh, Roger M. Slatt

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...). Historically, conventional production in this basin has taken place from several formations such as the Red Oak Sandstone, the Shapiro Sandstone...


Remote Monitoring of Stage Performance from Zonal Returns of Nanoparticle Tracers Integrated in Shaped Charges Liners to Surface with Flowback

Ting Roy, Kamel Ben Naceur, Casey Harrison, James Shelton, Aaron Hall, Holden Harrison, Ian Henkes, Kenny Jones, Otman Algadi, Hifzi Ardic, Christian Wilkinson, Indranil Roy

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... treatment-pressures, achieving higher flow across each perforation, uniformdrainage, and improved cluster-efficiency. Using this liner technology...


Integrated Geological and Engineering Evaluation of the Gobe Fields: Part II. Reservoir Simulation and Development Plan

S. A. Azizi-Yarand

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... indicated that horizontal wells with a length of at least 2300 feet would outperform conventional vertical w ells. Predicted oil recovery and production rates...


Application of Log-Derived Geochemical Properties to Estimate the Gas-Storage Capacity of the Upper Cretaceous Lewis Shale, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado

John H. Doloff, James R. Lancaster

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... recognized the possibility of using TOC values derived from analyses of conventional wireline logs to estimate the volumes of natural gas presently...


Mid Scale LNG Development for Monetizing Stranded Gas in Indonesia

Edi Hamdi, Fazilet Maskan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... be re-injected or exported, if applicable, as LPG products. 349 In order to support the gas processing units, utilities are needed which can include...


Microorganism Induced Weathering of Biotite and Hornblende Grains in Estuarine Sands

Larry Frankel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by chemical and biological treatment: Science, v. 155, p. 193-195. DUFF, R. B., D. M. WEBLEY, AND R. O. SCOTT, 1963, Solubilization of minerals and related...


Abstracts: Using Produced Oil Molecular Composition to Monitor In Situ Upgrading Operations in Oil Sands and Heavy Oil Reservoirs; #90173 (2015)

Norka Marcano, Haiping Huang, Barry Bennett, Thomas Oldenburg, and Steve Larter

Search and

... oils and oil sand bitumens generated almost entirely by the process of biodegradation of conventional oil over geological timescales (Roadifer, 1987...


Operating Experience to Extend Lifetime of Molecular Sieves at the Belanak Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel, South Natuna Sea, Indonesia

Widya Syamsul, Yasid Ghufroni, Deva Agustiawan, Ondo Fernando

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... processed in the Gas Processing Unit. The Gas Treatment system consists of the Acid Gas Treatment section, Mercury Guard Bed (MGB) section and a Dehydration...


Economic Spacing of Oil Wells

M. G. Cheney

AAPG Bulletin

.... Certain wells subjected to less interference than usual have yielded as much oil as might be expected from several wells with conventional spacing...


Organic Facies and Maturation of Sediments from Three Scotian Shelf Wells

P.K. Mukhopadhyay, J.A. Wade

CSPG Bulletin

... meres multiples dans le sous-bassin Sable. Les facies organiques refletent la presence de quatre lits de roche mere matures enclins a produire de...


Semiautomated Lateral Landing Advisor for On-Time Decisions Utilizing Digital Borehole Sonic Services and Next-Generation Cloud-Based Fracturing Design

Edgar Velez, Juan David Estrada, Adam Donald, Romain Prioul, Ting Lei, Erik Wielemaker, Violeta Lujan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... With this in mind, both RQ and CQ analysis must be performed in the shortest time possible. Sonic data processing and interpretation along with fully 3D...


Special Completion Practices

E.A. Polumbus & Associates Inc.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... treatment. The average treatment for each productive zone is approximately 30,000 gallons carrying agent and 30,000 pounds propping agent, using either...


Connecting the Dots: Microseismic-Derived Connectivity for Estimating Reservoir Volumes in Low-Permeability Reservoirs

Alexandre Hugot, Jean-Claude Dulac, Emmanuel Gringarten, Aymen Haouesse

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

....). The resulting network exhibits realistic shapes of growth patterns. New attributes such as sinuosity, branch index and distance to treatment...


Identification of Microseismic Attributes Through Spectral Analysis

Michael J. Nava, James W. Rector, Zhishuai Zhang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... consent of URTeC is prohibited. Summary The canonical monitoring geometry for hydraulic fracturing processes consists of a horizontal treatment well...


Bacteria in Hydraulic Fracturing: Impacts of Water Chemistry and Microbiology on Unconventional Operations and Rock Fluid Interactions

David G. Leach, Mark Hefta, Wei Wei

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... populations as produced fluids traveled from wellheads to processing facilities. Produced water recycling treatment significantly reduced key bacteria...


Case Study: Using an Acoustically Derived Surface Metric to Approximate Fluid Distribution Uniformity During Stimulation

Craig Cipolla, Michael McKimmy, John Lassek, Kinleigh Fatheree, Saeed Aghdam, Josh Kroschel, Muhammad Mujtaba Khan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Introduction Since the establishment of hydraulic fracturing, considerable effort has been dedicated to optimizing perforation and treatment designs (Cramer et...


Rare Earths in Phosphorites—Geochemistry and Potential Recovery

Z. S. Altschuler, Sol Berman, Frank Cuttitta

Utah Geological Association

... processing: Internat. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, 2d, Geneva, Proc., v. 3, p. 378–382. Kholodov, V. N., 1963, On rare and radioactive elements...


Optimizing Completion Designs for the East Texas Haynesville Utilizing Production Flow Allocations From Lower-Cost Fiber Optic Sensing DAS/DTS Systems

M. Weber, D. Weatherly, V. Mahue, R. A. Hull, K. Trujillo, R. Bohn, E. Jimenez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... rigorous engineering is required to continue to optimize well treatment designs. Some of the most recent changes over the last few years have come...


Polymer and Polymer-Gel Water Shutoff Treatments, What It takes To Be Successful and Illustrative Field Application - Workshop Summary

Bob Sydansk, Randy Seright


... apply a polymer-gel WSO treatment, the underlying problem must be correctly identified (or deduced) and be amenable to polymer-gel WSO treatments...


Fracture Stimulation of the Eagle Sandstone on the Cedar Creek Anticline

Trent Green, Monte Besler, Dennis Zander

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... hydraulic fracture treatment. In 1996, WBI implemented a five well pilot program with the objective to investigate the cost, execution, and benefits...


Quantitative Estimations of Clay Minerals by Diffraction Methods

W. D. Johns, R. E. Grim, W. F. Bradley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to about 17 A following treatment with ethylene glycol, a 14 A nonexpanding mineral designated as chlorite, and a 10 A nonexpanding mineral designated...


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